Mystery Science Theater En Masse
Two Riffers, Episode 1: Bloody Moon (Part Eight)
Warning: You have reached Part Eight of this riffing, which contains a sex scene.
22. bulletproof heart
Sonia: Manic?
Manic: Yeah?
Sonia: Why are we still here?
Manic: Because Sonic and Amy chained us to the couch?
Sonia: *stares at her leg shackles* Apparently, yes.
Hey peopelz. i got hepl frum mah freidnz for this. Thx victoria!
Manic: *sings* I get by with a little help from my friends...
Sonia: *sighs*
"Emile..." i whispered.
Yet again i lost a lover.
Manic: *sputters* That--
Sonia: Actually, that is technically correct when you think about
Manic: Oh. Right.
I thought this would last fore ever but Axl took the love from me.
Manic: Yeah. Sure.
Me and Jasper and Edwaerd carryed theblood ridden corpse that use to be Emile. We went out side of the library and it was raining. Did I mention i was crying bloody rainbow tears?
Sonia: Did I mention that I hate you?
Manic: "Hate" is quite a strong word, sis.
Sonia: I know... that's why I'm using it! And besides, you actually said
that you hated her, too.
Manic: When?
Sonia: Part Three, little brother.
Manic: *looks at Part Three* Oh. Damn.
We lifted Emiles body up in the air while we were all crying, only i was crying bloody rainbow tears.
Sonia and Manic: *annoyed* Nobody cares about your stupid tears!
Emile dissapered into the thin air and rain and faded into nothing because he was from Halo.
Manic: Dude, why can't they just resurrect him? He came from a video
game, after all.
Sonia: That's logic, Manic. Stop using your brain.
I know he will have a honered sparten funeral back in his own world. I stopped crying.
"Lenobia. Emile maybe gone but we know we can avenge him." Jasper said.
Sonia: Blah, blah, blah, murder, blah, blah, blah...
"yeah. we know axl is going to Forks, becasue thats where the luner eclipse will arrive in 2 weeks" Edward said
Manic: So... Axl James somehow found his way into this slop,
Sonia: *scoffs* He has more brain cells than that.
"Edward, how did you know that?" I question curiously
Manic: He has a bajillion degrees. I think he knows a few things.
Sonia: No, he has a bajillion diplomas. He knows nothing.
"Whil Axel was in a nother dimension with you, I read his mind so know I know his plan" Edward repilyed.
Manic: What the hell kind of dumbass plot device is this?
Sonia: Congratulations, Manic; you've just answered your own question.
"Why on the lubner eclipse and in Forks?"" I asked
Sonia: Because... plot device, that's why! Who gives a damn?!
Edward crossed his arms and sat on a nearby bench "Because thats where all the remaining werwolffs are and on the luner eclipse, they will be weekend."
Sonia: They're going to be a weekend? I didn't know it was possible to turn into Saturday and/or Sunday.
"but I dont kno what will happen to you since your a werwolff vampire mix."
Manic: She's going to be the most awesome person ever because she's special.
"So without any wherewolffs, notihng will stop him from gathering evil vampires and taking over the wurld." Jasper sad.
Manic: Unless you count Mary Sue here.
This was bad.
Sonia and Manic: No, it wasn't.
I shoke with fear but Emile was all I could thing about. I thought about jacob to.
Manic: Why can't we just resurrect his butt and pubes and call it a day?
Did I mention that I started crying pools of bloody tears?.
Sonia: Did I mention that you should shut the hell up?
Manic: *laughs, calms down* But... wait, they aren't those stupid rainbow
Sonia: Maybe she lost the ability to blind the masses... which would be
very nice, actually.
Edward and Jasoer began to comfort me by giving a group huge.
Manic: Which is totally emo.
"This means war!"
Sonia: So I'm watching a Daffy Duck cartoon now, is that correct?
I said loudly but
since I hade the strongest vampire powers of the group,
Sonia: Which is normal for a Mary Sue of the highest caliber...
i teleported everyone to Forks with confidence.
Manic: And stupidity.
We were going to bring Nightmare Axel Darks plan down by force. We had 2 weeks to gather a powerful platoon of some of the best good vampires and werewolffs around...and i knew just where to look...
Manic: Up your butt?
Sonia: Manic!
I knew woh I was know...
Manic: The next Kim Kardashian!
Sonia: Oh, no. We don't need another one of those attention
grubbing parasites.
Manic: I guess that works, too.
3 days have past and we all had ideas on who to recruit. Me and Emmet both agrred that we'll need James Carlos and Logan of big time rush to help us.
Manic: My sister and I heavily disagreed.
They were all vampires know, so they had true potential to help us out.
Sonia: And that is why we disagreed.
We havenot seen Nightmare Axel Dark since the day he took my preciuos Emile from me. Did you kno that Emile reminded me of Jacob?
Sonia and Manic: *annoyed* Did you know that you should stop saying that?!
James was in shock when he heard about Emile, he even offered to ask me out but I told him I was still deprezzed about Emille.
Manic: Yeah, right! You're probably gonna bonk him in the next chapter
or less!
Sonia: Now she's a pizza delivery service?
Manic: Eww, no. I need to enjoy my food and keep it down, sis.
We were all in the living room discussing wht we were going todo.
Manic: Each other.
Sonia: No!
We had a long why to go. We were all wearing our usualle 3mo outfits, most of my cloaths are handmade and not from Hot Topic becasue Hot topic is to mainstream as of right know.
Sonia: And then she bought a shirt from said store when nobody was looking.
"Is there anyone else you had in mind?" Carlos questioned.
Sonia: I guess logical choices like the Volturi are out.
"Weve only been vampires for a few weeks. do you really think we ll be the ones who will be able helping out the most? Plus Im not ready to die. I made a promise to Drakina." He said.
Manic: Wuss.
"What about your exboyfriend Sasuky?" James asked
"No fucking way man." I yelled rebeliously. "Hes done me enought harm."
Manic: Because how dare anyone wrong the Mary Sue!
Then suddenly the phone ringed. I picked the black phone and put it towards my ear. It was...
Sonia: ...a gunshot.
Sonia: Damn!
"Hey girlfriend (NOTE: we are not dating)
Manic: Double dur-hay, dipshit.
i heard what happend from James, my long time best friend." Naruot said from the phone.
Sonia: So... his best friend is someone from America... when he hasn't been in America before? Yes, that sounds logical.
"Im heading over to Forks by plane as we speak. Im also with Kakashi, Hinata, Sai, and Itachi" He said.
"When dou you guys get here?" I asked
Manic: *as Naruto* Quarter past never.
"we are on a round trip so it may take up to 2 days. We left japan about 15 minutes ago." Naruto said.
Sonia: Manic. Know what's scary about that?
Manic: What?
Sonia: Regarding the time... and barring the fact that they're on
planes... that's pretty much correct.
Manic: Wow.
I said goodbye and told Naruto to give my regards to Hinata and Sai, but not kakashi and Itachi. I remeber when I had sex with Kakaashi for the first time, it was better then anyother time, turns out he just used me for his own pleasure, not love.
Sonia and Manic: Oh, the hipocrisy.
I didnt like itachi becasue he caused so much pein (lol) to me and Sasukye
Sonia: I should slap you with a wet fish for that "joke".
because he drove sasukye to a pit of deprezztion and caused him to not care about anyone but himself.
Manic: *turns to the audience* If you just remembered this backstory in this fic, don't worry; we did, too.
Even though Itachi was a powerful vampire ninja, id rather die and join Jacob in the tragic afterlife than fight with Itachi.
Sonia: I would, too... so I don't have to read about this crap ever again, damn it!
I then went outside and told everyone i needed to be alone. It was beautifully tragically raining.
Manic: Uh... what?
It made me sad but comfotable.
Manic: What?!
Sonia: Don't ask, Manic. Just... don't.
I felt a sudden burst of motivation now. I rain through the rain 10x faster than Sonic the hedgehog
Sonic: *screams from upstairs* Oh, my god! Why would you--
*Suddenly, a loud thump is heard.*
Manic: *looks at Sonia* What the heck was that?
Sonia: *shrugs*
Amy: *from upstairs* He had to be sedated! Carry on!
Sonia: Oh. Okay, then...
to the lake where Jacob and me had sex for the first time.
Manic: Because nothing beats a great memory like getting the clap.
Sonia: You disgust me sometimes.
Manic: *grins* I know, it's great.
But when I got to the lake, all the motivation was turned into pure despair because...the lake was all dried up...just like my love.
Sonia and Manic: What love?! There was no love!
I was all alone until...
Manic: Someone stabbed her in her empty head. Fic's over!
Sonia: If only that was possible.
Edward was a few steps away from me...naked.
Manic: Ugh, no, man!
Sonia: I want some acid for my eyes now.
His adorable abs were ripping through the wind and his dingalong was flapping in the wind.
Manic: *vomits in a bag*
Sonia: Well, that's a whole new meaning to the term "windsock"...
Manic: *vomits louder*
Sonia: That's pretty much ironic in the "grossing out" department now.
His tattos of my name went along with his hot bod perfectly.
Sonia: Because nothing's more perfect than the sight of vanity and narcissism.
His black flowing hair with a recently added red streak flowwed in the wind to. His dingalong was erect.
Sonia: I thought that erect members couldn't flap around like that.
Manic: Shut up! I want to purge that crap from my mind, man!
"I've been waiting for you." He said.
Manic: *as Geese Howard* I've been waiting for you!
Sonia: No. Just... no!
"How did you know i would be here?" I asked
Manic: Because you do it in two or three places.
"i know you to well." He said. "No more words...just you and me..."
Manic: *as Edward* And that pervert with the video camera.
I laid down and let Edward climb on top of me.
Sonia: What is this, "Gulliver's Travels"? She cannot be that big!
I hope u enjoyd da chaftha.
Sonia and Manic: We didn't.
i hope u guyz leav me worthwihle rewviews.
Sonia and Manic: No.
BTW da next chaftha wil hav SEX!
Sonia: And next chapter, I'm going to spoon my eyes out.
Manic: Aiming for the vein, sis?
Sonia: Why not?
23. deadly planz
Manic: So this is what they call sex?
Sonia: Oh, shut up.
sorry 4 teh deley. i ddint fell liek writtig 4 awhile becuase SOME people wont leav me alon.
Sonia and Manic: It wasn't us.
4 teh last tiem... sotp leaving bad revieows!
Sonia and Manic: No.
Sonia: Well, I can understand flames, but constructive criticism's a
different story.
im suprized tht u bad reviowers dont hav teh ballz to leav a review on ur own u douchebagz use guest reviaws! Fuck off!
Manic: Protip: Disable the anon reviews.
Sonia: Don't give the troll any more ammunition, Manic.
Edwerd was on top off me. he was bangin bakc an forth an forth unto my naked hot bod/.
Manic: Sis, get me another barf bag.
Sonia: *hands one to Manic* This is the last one.
Manic: Well, I'll just get a vase or something after that.
Sonia: No, you won't. You are not throwing up in any of my vases.
his man part felt good in my bod.
Sonia: It's called... a penis. Why can't Suethors just say that?
i was grasping his back so hard while he waz onto top of me. we rolled over, i was now on top. i grunted sexily and pulled and pushed myself unto him,
Sonia: Uh... grunting isn't that sexy.
Manic: That's only if you can do it right. And she ain't doing
it right.
Edwerd said "oh my godah tht fells so good Lenobia. I love u.". he brushed hiz hand on my hair. i toke off my top and bra. i made him push hiz fac in my boobs. i felt a little werid doing it, but i knew thts wat edwerd wanted.
Sonia: I nearly passed out. It was a terrible feeling.
did you know tht this waz the place wear i had sex w/ jacub 4 the 1st time?
Manic: *shouts angry gibberish, chokes Lenobia*
Sonia: Manic... I will sedate you if you don't calm down.
Manic: *calms down, returns to his seat* Okay. Sorry.
i got off edwerd, who was not done yte.
Manic: I was. Can I get off the failure train?
i used 1 of my chians and told him 2 choke me w/ it. ever since Axel choked me w/ a chain, i discovered tht now i had a fetish.
Sonia: *screams, rips her hair out*
Manic: *hands Sonia a wig* Whoa... here.
Sonia: *puts the wig on* Thanks. Now... why the hell would you
like what your rapist did to you?!
Manic: I'm correcting myself now; it's even worse than that special that
we did.
Sonia: Yes, it is. Anyway, I would understand if the Sue had some psychological issues after she was raped... but this is telling me that
she enjoyed it. And now I'm getting physically ill.
he made me suck him while choking me. the taste plesired me.
Sonia: *mutters* I hope he strangles her to death.
the smeel of teh forest quickly turned 2 teh smeel of sex. i could hear teh bushes rustling.
Manic: Well, I think we know what those bushes contain, huh?
Sonia: Cut it out, Manic.
i moved my head agaiansht his headt and we storted 2 mak out. he then began 2 plow me agin. he moved his hips faster than sonic teh hedgehog. which btw was really fast.
Sonic: *loudly mumbles from upstairs*
Manic: Wait, he can still hear that?
Sonia: He scares me sometimes, Manic.
we wear done.
Sonia and Manic: Thank god!
i was lying right next 2 edwerd. "edwerd... we just did it..." i said
"im sorry if i hurt u Lenobia" edwerd said. "i juwst wanted 2 do this my hole life'
Manic: You wanted to turn into Christian Grey?
Sonia: Manic... Edward is Christian Grey.
Manic: Really?
Sonia: *nods* Mm-hmm.
Manic: Wait, "Fifty Shades" is published fanfiction?
Sonia: *nods* Mm-hmm.
Manic: Oh, wow. That's stupid.
"no... i think i can say the same ting 4 me as well. ' i replied
"lets go home Lenobia'- Edwerd
Manic: Hey, when did this turn into a crappy script format?
Sonia: Probably for that line only.
the lake that waz dried up waz now full of life giving water... like my love.
Sonia: Oh, shut up. Shut the hell up, Mary Sue.
teh next day...
Manic: *as Lenobia* ...I contracted an STD.
Sonia: Manic!
we still needed more good vampierz 2 help us in ohur battel agianhst nightmare axel dark and the voltorie, so i got sum of my friendz from scholl 2 help.
Sonia: And it makes plenty of sense to waste a day, doesn't it?
in my stupid algebra class, there waz a nother 3mo kid there. he was. Adonis Væmp.
Manic: Wait, now we have the "æ" letter or symbol there? Yep, this fic was done badly on purpose.
he waz a vampier like me, but he didnt live w/ me and teh cullens.
Sonia and Manic: Duh...
he moved here last yaer.
Manic: You mean "last yær".
Sonia: *snickers*
He alwayies wore blak and had multi colered hair.
Manic: As all emo people do.
he was a natural bloned, which he hated, so he died hiz hair different colers.
Sonia: To what? The whole damn rainbow?
he culd play teh guiter and waz relly good at it.
Sonia: Just like the last five "winners" of "American Idol"!
sometimes hes a asshole, but thts ok because deep down inside, he cares abbut hiz friedns.
Manic: Oh, so now he's Oscar the Grouch?
Sonia: No, he's Kyo LeMaire.
i approched him after math class. he had on a BFMV shirt as always and waz carrying hiz guiter, wich he alwayz had by hiz sides.
Sonia: Oh, that's okay; we can fit a whole guitar in class every single day.
"sup lenobia". he seid aloofly.
"HeyDonni (everyone calls him Donni 4 short.). we need ur help." i said to him.
"wat kind of help? i dont wanna get busted 4 selling drugs 4 u agin." he saed coldly.
Manic: Oh, so he's an emo Paris Hilton!
"i told u i was srry." i sed
Manic: What are you, five?
Sonia: That's an insult to five year olds, Manic.
"oh yeah. i forgot' he sid back.
Sonia: *slaps Lenobia and Donni* Oops. I'm sorry.
"wat kind of help?"
Sonia: Does the help end with the Sue falling off of a cliff?
Manic: I hope so.
I told him teh hole story. he gave me a hug b/c now he knew wat i was going trew. he said he waz sorry 4 ignoring me these last few weeks.
Sonia: Yes, because everyone must bend over to you. Did I
mention that I hate you?
Manic: And we were just introduced to him. This fic... oh, never
mind; it never made any sense to begin with.
"of cousre i can help. he said.
" good boy" i seid comfortubly.
Sonia: *as Lenobia* Now sit. Stay. Good boy.
Manic: *as Donni, barks*
Donni smiled and made me pet hiz warm multicolered hair. He purred liek a cute kittie.
Manic: You just treated him like a dog. Why is he sounding like a
Sonia: Because... well, just because.
we left scholl after math class, wich waz teh laste hour and went 2 teh 3mo house (cullen house).
Sonia: We know what the stupid "3mo house" is. We are not stupid.
Manic: *wearing a dunce cap* I am.
Sonia: *smacks the dunce cap off of Manic's head* No, you're not.
I showed Donni hiz room. he set hiz guitar on hiz bed. "thx lenobia." he aid. "my old life waz boring anywahy." he said cooly.
Sonia: We don't need any of those stupid things that you logical people call "backstories".
i lef hiz room and went 2 edwrds room'
"Hey... i said,
"Hey... he sid.
Sonia: *as Lenobia* Let's do it again.
Manic: *as Edward* Okay.
Edwerd was sitting on his bed with hiz arms crossed. "take a sit over there" he said and he pointed 2 a chair.
Manic: Dude, no! That's why we have toilets!
Sonia: *shakes her head* Oh, Manic...
"wats up?" I said
"lenonbia", "I dont think this will werk out." Edwerd asid.
Sonia and Manic: No, really?
I looked shocked. "whys tht?" i asked.
Manic: *as Edward* Because you're easier to get into than a flimsy
Sonia: *smacks the back of Manic's head*
Manic: *flatly* Ow.
"becaause im affraid ill brake ur heart." he seid sady
Sonia: She doesn't have one. What are you so worried about?
."oh Edwerd... ur always tinking of your friends brfore urself". I seid sweetly.
Manic: *laughs loudly* Oh, god! You're so hilarious, man!
"No lenobia, u dont get it... im afraid..." he seid...
"of wat? ised
Sonia: He's afraid that he'll be stuck in this warped universe for eternity.
Edwerd put hiz hands on hiz face sadly. he waz sweeting alot.
Sonia: He doesn't have a pulse! How can he be sweating?
Manic: Maybe someone dumped a bucket of ice water on him.
Manic: She's right there, man. You don't need to make her dumb and deaf!
"Edwerd... i kno. Im afraid 2." I replyed "but u hav 2 be storng. i know ur storng bev=cuae u sacrifised so much 4 me."
Sonia and Manic: No, he didn't.
edwerd nodded and said he needed 2 be alon. so i left. I didnt kno wat 2 do... it seems i waz losing all my frends.
Sonia: You had friends?
Manic: Nah, she just had little voodoo dolls that she called "friends".
I have 2 do something...
Sonia: Like go away. That's something to consider.
to be countines...
Manic: What's a "countine"?
Sonia: It's something cow related, I guess.
Manic: Really?
Sonia: No. It's not even a word, Manic.
Manic: It will be next year.
Sonia: *sighs*
24. 1 last day to hang out
Manic: Please have them all die in the next chapter so this crap can end.
heyyy. happy late end of teh wolrd! how waz urs?
Sonia: We are still riffing this. *mutters* I am certainly not pleased here.
im done w/ all ttht stopid testin shit schol. espescially math and englis... i Hate those class's.
Manic: Yeah, I can see why she hates English so much. Look at this.
Sonia: *tries not to laugh* Manic!
hope ur winter brake will be jawsome (tht waz 2 my frends... not tha haterz) :D
Sonia: Look here, using a "z" at the end was in the 1990s.
Manic: Dude, the speech hasn't evolved. The plot hasn't evolved. Nobody's
brain cells have evolved, either. And now I really know who is writing this.
Sonia: Who?
Manic: Kim Kardashian.
Sonia: Your mind seems to be rather... endless, Manic.
i left teh cullen house w/ Donni (adonis) becasue we where going 2 teh mall 2 hang w/ frends.
Manic: Wait, there's a vampire who is trying to kill you all... and
your response is to go to the mall?
Sonia: Yes. And on that note... where is Darwin, anyway?
Manic: Still sleepin'.
Drakina piked us up and we headded knowing we where going 2 have a good tiem. we where jamming 2 botdfs song "hell on heels". i should metioan tht im going 2 a botd conceryt l8r 2day.
Sonia: And I should mention that I don't care about your stupid concert.
we got out of drakinas car and joyfully strolled 2 teh malls enterance.
Manic: She's emo, guys. Hope you all remembered that.
when we got enside... our frends where there 2 great us. there was Simba Lionhart (who waz an Werelion),
Sonia: *woodenly* Oh. I could never tell by the name that was given to the character in question.
Evan Darko (n werewolf), Lucretia Raine Shadow (vampier), and Violet von Sonaria (a vampier.)
Manic: Well, it looks like the name generator glitched again.
Sonia: The name generator is always glitched.
they where all sitting on teh benches adjacnt 2 teh enterance.
Simab waz very masculine. he had alot of hairs on hiz arms liek a lion. hes tan liek Jacob... and hiz hair was alot like dahvie vanitys.
Sonia: Who?
Manic: The... the dude from the band... Blood on the Dance Floor.
Sonia: Oh. Yeah, thanks.
it waz spikie and had multi colured parts in hiz hair. i tihk he is bi. and bi guys are ALWAYS cute and so waz he!.
Sonia: *facepalms* I hate fangirls...
his manlyness really showed n hiz scruffy 5 0 clokc shadow.
Manic: I didn't know that women liked that stuff.
ive nevr seen him w/out hiz unique green jakket tht had alot of buttens on it.
Manic: Which button symbolizes long descriptions?
Simba is alos bi... meaning he lieks girls and guy!
Sonia: Oh, wonderful! *speaks slowly* Did you know that I am a pink hedgehog? Did you also know that Manic is a green hedgehog? And we are living on this wonderful planet that is known as Earth!
Evan waz sitting right nxt 2 simba. Evan waz ubelievably buff.
Sonia: Every guy is buff in this stupid fic.
hiz abs always stood out from his plain white askin alexandar tshrt. he waz 1 of teh only guys i knew who wore make-up. i always saw him with shaded eye liner... kinda liek a racoon.
Manic: Is that supposed to symbolize the amount of sleep that he's
Sonia: Either that or he's trying to cosplay a Zigzagoon.
evan had long wavy blac hair tht went 2 hiz shoulderz. 2day, he waz weeering an black berat olny this 1 had buttens on it and steampunk googlels attached 2 it... he dresssed alot liek steampunk... except in his plain white tshrit.
Manic: Does everyone need to be in that Steampunk fad?
Sonia: *shifts her eyes, hides her Steampunk goggles* Well... uh... it
he waz also Jacobs half brother.
Sonia: The canon characters don't need relatives, thank you.
Lucretia waz sihting right nxt 2 Evan becusae they where dateing.
Manic: Maybe they'll drink some Imodium A-D together.
lucretia had multiple piercing on here mouth and eye borw. of coures, thy where all black.
Sonia and Manic: *flatly* Of course.
she had crimsen red died hair (she was a nartual blond... but blond's she changed her hair)
Sonia: *holds up a picture of Jessie and James* Because all people
with that hair color are dumb. Yeah, sure.
Manic: But... I thought that Jessie had brown hair.
Sonia: She dyed it to blonde. She still isn't dumb.
she wore bright lipstiek to go along w/ her sharp fangs. she 2 went 2 forks high liek me.
Manic: Because that's the only high school in this stupid fic.
Sonia: It's probably the only high school that they'll remember because
crazy Suethors can't do their own research.
she was mah senior bff when i waz freshie... i waz sad when she lefted..but now im glaad i get 2 se her agin! she always had teh googels tht Even gave her on teh 1st day dey met. since shes a vampier, her skin is vary pale.
Sonia: Manic?
Manic: Yep?
Sonia: Am I drunk?
Manic: *holds up a breathalyzer* Blow.
Sonia: *blows in it for a few seconds*
Manic: *looks at the breathalyzer* Let's see... nope. You're sober.
Sonia: Oh.
then there was Violet...
i dont know mucj abut her... all i know is tht she onlce lived in italy. her was hair teh colur violet.
Sonia: *rolls her eyes* How creative.
and she had had massiv eye liner. im exsited to see a new 3mo face aroud here.
Manic: *sputters* But we already saw a kajillion "emo" faces! One more isn't gonna make a difference here!
i hate lookin all teh same normal boring preepy faces every1 has here.
Sonia and Manic: Hypocrite.
"u called Lenobia?" Simba asked.
Sonia: Actually, the correct term is--
Manic: *elbows Sonia's arm*
Sonia: *rubs her arm* Manic!
Manic: Not my fault you decided to go below the belt again.
"i waana hang w/ u guys and talk about some stuff.: I answered. They didint seem 2 know about teh hole axel dark thing.
Sonia: *speaks slowly* It's probably because they weren't present in the previous chapters.
"yeah..."stuff"" Donnie said... "and its rather important". he said. I should metion tht he brought hiz guitatr alongl\ liek always.
Manic: *steals the guitar* Wonder how much I can make off of this...
donnie started 2 play hiz guitar casualy as we talked...
Sonia: ...and then he fell in the nearest fountain because he didn't watch where he was going.
"pleasure 2 meet u lenobia. i herd alot abut u." violet said
"likewise... r u from here?"
Sonia and Manic: *facepalms*
Sonia: You just said that she was from Italy, you stupid moron!
"im from italy." she said
"omg i was just there." i replied.
Manic: *flips the table, angrily points at the screen* Get out. Get out!
the formaliteis where out of teh way.
Sonia: What formalities?
Manic: What story?
"Lenobia... whos nightmare axel dark?" Lucretia asked...
"*Gasp* how do u kno about him?!" I questioned bastionly.
Sonia: Because you're an idiot. Also, she had convenient mind reading skills.
"silly girll... i read ur mind.." Lucretia said..
Sonia: See?
Manic: What mind? *sputters* I don't see... what mind?
"hows about filling us in?"
"waht teh hells going on?"" i heard Simba aske. "u guys must b fucking w/ me."
Manic: No, the Sue hasn't fucked you yet.
Sonia: Manic!
"unfortunatly no..." Drakian said.
i told dem everything... even about Emile... i cried a littl and dyed on teh inside a littl...
Sonia: I thought she loved Jacob. What happened to loving Jacob?
Manic: What love?
"oh.." im sorry 4 ur loss lenobia... im sure it must hav ben hard..." Simba said with man tearz in hiz eyes..
Manic: No, it wasn't. She made more rebounds than a basketball player on his or her best playing night.
"i shouldve been there 2 protect u Lenobia..." Evan said while comforting w/ lucretia...
Sonia: And everyone has to bend over for the Sue once again. Maybe I should borrow one of those weird marionettes from Emi.
"no 1 messes w/ mah lil sis!... not after waht they did 2 jacob..." now it looked leik Evan was teh one who needed comfort.
Manic: Comforting is emo, guys. Just letting you all know that.
"so will u gys help us out?" drakina said. "so far where outnumberd becuase Nightmare axel dark has most of the voltaire vampires on hiz side. but w/ ur help... we will have change!"
Sonia: Can you all change the horrid plot for me?
"count mi in." Simba and Evan and Lucrtia said.
I loked at violet...
"look lenobia, u can count me out. i bearly know u." she said.
Manic: Uh-oh! Someone doesn't want to worship the ground that the Sue walks on!
"sure whatever then. u dont hav 2, bitc." i reaplied sassily.
Sonia: That is not being sassy. That is being an ass.
Drakina took us all out into her car...and we drived
Sonia and Manic: Drove.
away 2 teh concert... except Viloet didnt go w/ us... she said she was wating 4 a frend. it was just her on teh bench now.
A man approched her and it was Nightmare Axel Dark!
Sonia: *flatly* The plot twist mildly surprises me.
Manic: Wait, if the Sue had the ability to read minds, why couldn't she
figure out that Violet was siding with the enemy?
Sonia: Because Sues are dumb at the worst times. Also... she said that
she's "too perfect" for it.
Manic: *facepalms*
Sonia: *pats Manic on the back* I know, Manic. I know.
"How did it go?" he said.
"it was an succes. i read her mind whiel she waz explaining. and she still doesnt know of our true planz" violet said.
Sonia: Because she's an idiot, that's why.
"excellent my dear..." he said. "and what about edward?"
"she still has mixed feelings about him." Violet said.
Manic: She has mixed feelings for every person that has a penis.
"good... we will keep him alive 4 now..." Axel said.
Sonia: No, no, no! What is it with villains who stall
when it comes to nuking someone?
Manic: He just wants to piss off the heroine.
Sonia: At what cost? It will just motivate her either way.
Manic: Oh. Oh, yeah.
Axel then shrouded himself in batz and dissapeered out of thin air... all was going according 2 plan... he laughed evilely.
Violent went hoome soon after with an devileish smirck all teh way threre.
Manic: Because they're evil! Just have to let you all know that.
thx 4 reading... hav a good hoildays and happy new year!1!. ily fans... but fuc u haters. :)
Manic: Dude... you don't have any fans.
Sonia: Haters, haters, haters... I still hate that "word". Expand your
pitifully tiny vocabulary, please.
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