Mystery Science Theater En Masse

Two Riffers, Episode 1: Bloody Moon (Part Nine)


Warning: You have reached Part Nine of this riffing, which contains a small sex scene.


25. my understanding's

Manic: I'm not understanding that apostrophe there.

*sigh/...* i dont know wat 2 do aymore.

Sonia: You can stop writing.
Manic: *elbows Sonia*
Sonia: What?

i dont want help or aything... so stop asking pls!

Manic: We weren't gonna ask in the first place.

i just want this shit ovr w/.

Sonia: *lifts up a shackled arm* So do we.

dont be mean aymore. beauase ive had enough, ive had my story plannd out 4 evr and wantd 2 post it all. but now i just dont fell leik it. if your going to say your only giving "constructive critisism", fuk u. i hav no intentian of improvng i jus wana finish mah story!

Manic: This must've been Stephenie Meyer's reaction to that "Midnight Sun" leak.
Sonia: Nope; it's more like E.L. James's reaction to anyone who criticizes her fanfiction and tells her that Christian the Bedbug is an abusive twit who throws constant temper tantrums.

but u misanthropez wont leav me ALONE!

Manic: Dude, we don't hate humans. We just hate your writing.
Sonia: Besides, Kyo LeMaire's the misanthrope.

stop trolling me!

Sonia and Manic: *stifling laughter*
Manic: Sis, she called us trolls.
Sonia and Manic: *laugh out loud*

anyway, sorry 4 the small rant.

Sonia: "Small"?
Manic: "Rant"?

heres what im hopping your heer 4... mah new chaptar.

Manic: *begins looking for something to pick the locks with*
Sonia: *reaches for her keyboard necklace, frowns when she realizes that it's not on her* Damn you, Amy!

we got back from the concort. by simbas car... it was the last day 2 hang out

Manic: How the heck did you manage to title drop the previous chapter name?

i waz a littel drunk so i went on the counch in the 3mo house. simba sat next 2 me. and he gave me a littel shoke to kept me awake.

Sonia: Well, that shake must've rattled her three brain cells.

"lenobia, tht waz fun. " he said. since he waz an werelion, i gave him a tiny bellie rub on his welly nice abs.

Manic: Okay, how long before there's another bad sex scene, huh?

i was alittel disapointd b/c i missed outb on the bear pong at the afterparty w/Dahvie Vanity. but lucretia said it waz a bad idea b/c i was already drunk nd didt want 2 get drunk again in the same night.

Sonia: Well, another moron avoids alcohol poisoning.
Manic: The kids are our future!
Sonia: What future?

"same." i replied drunkly. "o shit. we hav skcool 2morrow."

Sonia: Wait, when did she care about school?
Manic: I dunno.

even and lulu (thts wat we call lucretia) sat on the counch w/ us. lulu waz in evens lap. they started snogging.

Manic: Normally, I'd be a bit uncomfortable, but that'd make me a hypocrite, considering all of the other nonsense that Lobotomy did in the other chapters.

Donnie "dud, fuck sckool. remember? nightmare axel darks after u."

"hes such an misanthrope. " simba said with his smarts. i should mention simbas smart but he dropped out of highskcool b/c it was 2 easy.

Sonia: Ooh, he used a word that you probably pulled out of the dictionary at random and used in your author's notes incorrectly! *sarcastically* What intelligence!
Manic: Thay iz smrt, Sona. Thay iz.
Sonia: Manic, you need to stop drinking the stuff that's under the kitchen sink.

"dont worry... while we were at the concert... i phoned my family of werelions and there ok w/ helping us w/ are cause." simba said. "also, naruto and his friedns should be hear in the morning. "

"thts..." i said. but be4 i could finish... i passed out! all isaw was black for a littlebit.p

Sonia: Did somebody strike her head with a bat or something?
Manic: *tosses a metal bat aside* Nope.

"wtf. " said A voice. Edward walked into the room. "who r u? whys my kind lenobia knovcked out. who r u? are u agentsv from axel dark? why ru in my house? i should mention tht im a master black belt in ninjutsu." he said.

Manic: Oh, great. Now she's typing this while wasted!
Sonia: No, I'm pretty sure that she's talking to us from the great beyond or something.

"dud, Edward u want 2 relax?. " Donnie said all chilled like. remember me? were firends.

"srry. but ive had so much shit 2 deal w/ lately. Ballas being a bitch again and shes stalking me asking me 2 f**k her. " Edward sad.

"gross." every1 said.

Sonia and Manic: *stare at the screen*
Manic: That is what they call gross in this fic? Then they're gonna hate it when I tell them that I eat with utensils!
Sonia: And there's the hipocrisy. The Sue can have as many partners as she wants, but when another female wants sex, she's "silly" or "gross" or a "slut".
Amy: *as she's passing by* Double standards ahoy, Madame Sue!

"ayway, we shouldnt wait to defend against axel 2morrow. as soon as simbas family gets hear and as soon as naruto and his frends get hear, we dont waste aytime. " lulu said.

Manic: But aren't they wasting time by sitting there and getting drunk off of their asses?
Sonia: Yes, but don't tell them. They're planning.

"why not? we dont know when or where axel and his forces r going 2 strike." Edward said

"I do." lulu said "im a fortune teller and can see the future.

Sonia: *heavily rolls her eyes*

in the future i saw axel attacking the 3mo house at noon. ythe battle goes on until night... when the moon rises... and after that... i cant see aything." lulu said.

Manic: Does it end with everyone getting sucked into a black hole?
Sonia: Hope so.

"good... lenobia and simba miost lielkly kick axels ass by then" Edward sadi.

Sonia: Why doesn't anybody think about their possible doom?
Manic: Because they're awesome.

james carlos and logan walked into the dieing room, which is the room every1 was in.

Sonia: *sarcastically* No, I was sure that they'd be on the planet Mercury.

" i made a promise 2 protect lenobia" said james. james left.

Manic: And Loopadin needs to make a promise to protect her--
Sonia: No, Manic... although that is pretty much true.

carlos gave lenobia (shes still knocked out btws) a small kiss on the foarehead as a act of friendship.

logan promised emmet that he would survive the battle and when he did, he'll marry emmet

Sonia: Wait, where's Rosalie?
Manic: She probably ran off with Bella and Edward's hellspawn kid.

(in this reality... gay marriage is allowec everywhere. NO HATE 4 LBgT PLS!).

Sonia: If I'm going to hate anything... it's the writing in this thing.
Manic: Are you sure that it's written in the English language, sis?

Edward looked every1 w/ approval and left 2 go 2 bed in his room upstairs. he tucked himself in easyly.

Manic: *bursts out laughing*
Sonia: Manic, no! Stop thinking that!

he started 2 cry about the fact that he feels that he doesn't deserve lenobia...

Manic: Hell, nobody deserves her. Who the hell would wanna be laced with STDs?
Sonia: *throws a couch pillow at Manic*

after an hour or so... Edward couldn't get ay sleep.

Sonia: What?! He doesn't need to sleep! What is this madness?!

then his door opened... lenobia stepped into his room. she climed into bed w/ him. Edward, still criing tears,

Manic: ...after he cried hot sauce...

brought lenobia closer 2 him. lenobia said "lets make 2nite last 4ever... im afraid of losing u."

Sonia: Oh, Hell's bells. You aren't going to die! Stop trying to convince me otherwise!

Edward rooled over and was on top of lenobia.

Manic: Okay, what point of view are we in? First? Third?
Sonia: I don't know, because I stopped caring.

I felt his erected d*** in my ******.

Manic: *confused*
Sonia: I don't know why that's censored. I just don't know.

i knew tht i wasn't goig 2 retun from this battel...

Sonia and Manic: Good.

i ve never felt the way i fell about Edward... ever.

Sonia: *reads from Part One* If you really knew me, then you'd know that I am in love with Edward Cullen (though he doesn't know it even though I've known him forever). *stares at the screen* You sure like to contradict yourself, dont you?

ive had some relatinoships but Edwards the one. "i love u" iwhipered 2 him.

Manic: That ain't love, man. Quit saying that.

elsewhere/... in Nightmare axel darks Forks hideout.

"aha lenobias asleeped agin! u should take over her body and kill every1 in the room" vilolet said while looking at nightmare axel darks vampire crystel ball.

Manic: Dude, that... that is actually logical.

"no u misanthropy.

Sonia: You keep using that word! Stop using that word!

im trying 2 make her my queen not tht. i dont care about her frends. he sadi. "

Sonia: So do what she just suggested and leave the Sue alive! Duh!

the room was old and dark with spider webs and such. he had not use thes hideout in a looooong time.

Sonia and Manic: *wearing dunce caps* No, really?!

in the center of the room was axel on a dark purple carpet sitting crosse legged while observing his crystal ball. "after so long, my plan shall bear fruit" he said evily.

Manic: Whoa, man. I don't know what kind of fruit you have, but I don't wanna try it.

violet asked him "why r u so obsessed w/ this 1 girl?

Sonia: Because she's a stupid Mary Sue. Do I need to repeat myself?

axel looked at her funny. he smirked. "its not the girl, its ultimate power". "i need her 2 get what i want".

Manic: So she is the ultimate power... right?

"and what would that be?" violet assed?

Sonia: Well, they all talk out of their asses.

"thts not reall know. " he replyed.

Manic: I'd like to hear that response in English, please.

"I HAVE AN RIGHT 2!" she sreamed "u treat me liek sh*t! and never twell me aything aymore.!" "ive known u longer than ay1 why do u insite tht i stay in the backround?"

Sonia: Because you're acting like a "My Super Sweet 16" reject, you demented dolt.

"beacause thts not what im using u 4." he said coldly. "now go, leav me. your lucky im not taking ur fangs 4 this. "

Sonia: When did they have removable teeth?
Manic: *removes his teeth* You were saying?
Sonia: *screams*
Manic: *smiles* Calm down, sis; they're fake.
Sonia: *irritated* You... jackass.
Manic: Yeah, I love you too.

violet, frustrated and anfgry, left her masters side and left the small room 2 go 2 her room.

Manic: Which was in another room. And that was in another room.

k, dats da chaptah... I rlly rlly rlly hop u like it... plz leki it...

Sonia: *with a stern face* I don't like it. And stop begging me to like it.
Manic: *tries to pick his locks with a bobby pin, fails* Damn it! Stupid thing broke!
Sonia: *sees a 26th chapter being loaded on the screen, sighs* Well, we're doomed.
Manic: We've been doomed, sis.


26. trouble finds us


Sonia and Manic: *cries*
Manic: Stop tormenting us!

dis chafter will begin te final battel of teh bloody moon. I swaer it will get good just read peeps.

Sonia: And stop lying to us!

piece & 3 - Sarah

Sonia: Guess there's three pieces to find, right?
Manic: Sis, the Triforce doesn't wanna be involved here.

also I luv u steven, thx 2 u mah cute little asain.

Manic: *sarcastically* Nope, that didn't sound awkward at all.

i woke up 2 teh sound of edward snoring liek a qtepi.

Sonia: A what?
Manic: Cutie pie.
Sonia: Oh. Jesus, the writing is so awful here.
Manic: Maybe someone kept whacking the author with a two by four as the chapters went by.

naroto sai kaakshi and itachi were props teh 3mo (cullen) home. i was jus sew said tht ive ben eggnoring how edward felled about me, it made me not wnt 2 b w/ him.

Sonia: Uh... is the author drunk?
Manic: Yes.

i mean afterall, i wnt jackob back but do i luv edward? i dont know.

Sonia: Of course you don't know! Look at all of those chapters that we had to suffer through!

sometimes im 2 deep 4 even me 2 understand.

Sonia: You have the depth of a mud puddle.

the point is... who am i fighting 4?

Manic: I don't know, Zero.
Sonia: Just like the Triforce, Zero doesn't want to be involved in this.

i got out off of teh bed that i slept in and wet downstares. downstares.

Sonia: I didn't know that the fic turned into a skipping record.

there was donnie, james, carlos, logen, emmet, jasper, naruto sai kakkashi-sensai itachi simba evan, lulu, and jim.

Manic: And Zoidberg.

"hey naruto" i said, with tiredness in my voice as i was wereing mah jammies "lenobia... were all here 4 u. your 2 special 4 any1 2 lose so were ready 2 die for u and help u so get dressed and well be out in 5" said simba. "thx... whats the plan?"

Manic: The plan is to fix my sister's brain. *taps Sonia on the forehead* Sis?
Sonia: My head hurts, Manic. The butt kissing of the Sue and the shorthand numbers made my head hurt.

"axel iz going 2 fighte us". kakashi said, who hmi and naroto were all told about the story.

Manic: Duh. We knew that crap already.

"yeah lol I know. but how" I said in a frendly manner. I made my piece with kakashi btw tbh. I read his mind and saw guilt in his mind by reading it. I saw the guilt.

Sonia: *lightly hits the record player* Skipped again.

"well it turns out hes attacking us ass we speck" samba said who then transformed into a werre wolf. "im going now tho. my familty needs meee. "

Sonia: So... he turned into a dance, then into a werewolf, then he fell down a cliff.
Manic: Sounds about right. Fic stopped making sense a long time ago.

samba ran off then I put on my make up and home made cloaths on in a short whil.

Manic: Holy crap, there's no long description! I must take the author's temperature!

I was goin 2 be leeding this battel as a pure shining light of baeuty

Sonia: Oh, shut up.

so I put on make up quicky carefuly.

Manic: Just smash it all over your face. It'll save a lot of time.

every1 admird how baeutyfill I locked

Sonia: *shoots the screen*
Manic: *stammers* Great, now we have to listen to the audio again!

so every1 was reedy 2 fitght. every1 ran into battel

Manic: ...and then they all got slaughtered. The End.

Edward turned out 2 be awake t7e hole tiem. he was behind meh.

Sonia: Damn it, author! Stop drinking so much!

"babbe yhis will be dangourous. why don't we run away?". I was shoocked.

Sonia: I wasn't. Running away is the only thing that the Cullens are good at.

Edwards love for me was so strong he offferd to betrey his on family and frends for meee? I coundlnt believ it. how can some1 love me when im so perfect?

Sonia: *twitches an eyebrow*
Manic: Oh, boy.

perfection is a disease and I hate always being the centre of attention so its super frustratin.

Sonia: *screams in rage, rips her chains off, attacks the already destroyed screen*
Manic: *shoots a tranquilizer dart at Sonia*
Sonia: *flinches slightly, removes the dart from her neck, speaks grimly* You need stronger material, Manic.
Manic: *unfazed* Yeah, I know that now. Come sit down; we have stale popcorn.

I moved my lips slowly..., "Edward, u shown me tht u love me too much...

Manic: *coughliecough*

remeber I want jacup. thts why ur comforting me? r u jelous of jacup right now?"

Sonia: *rolls her eyes* Yes, he's jealous of the brown person.
Manic: *stares at Sonia*
Sonia: What? That's the message of Meyer's crappy books; brown people suck.

"yah babe. I cold never get along w/ him but I tryed to luv u more then he would. looks like it didn't work... " Edward said depressionly.

Manic: Obviously. First love always wins; yet another message from those "books".

SUDDENLY, edawrds mood quicky turnd from sad 2 angry. as teh wall of teh 3m0 house EXPLODEDE.

Sonia: *sighs* Finally.

Edward and me were pushed into the wall. in came evil vampers surroundin Axel as a shied. 1 of these vampeirs around axel was violet.

Manic: *feigns surprise* What a plot twist!

"violet u bitch! I yelled."

"..." she didnt say anythin

Sonia and Manic: Duh!

and I couldnt read her mind and see anytnhig. it was as if axels presence stopped my powers.

Sonia: Good.

how could they get hear so fast? what happened 2 teh my frends? oh shit. I swaer if axel even touchd my bffs I ll kill him.

Manic: Never mind that he killed someone else in the past. All about the now!

axel stood there chuclkeing. he sent hiz vampiers at me. edawrd immediately got up and push all of them allway. "I wont let u huty lenobia." he said.

Sonia: Manic?
Manic: Yep?
Sonia: I don't know if I'm hallucinating from your dart... or if I have brain damage.
Manic: The latter.
Sonia: Manic!
Manic: What? You asked!

suddenly violet came up frum behind and bit him and then there was GORE!

Manic: The hell is this?
Sonia: A "fight scene", Manic. We've encountered plenty of those before, remember?
Manic: Nope... because I wanted to forget what little of them we had.

edawrd screame like but it was saddening 2 see him hurt.

Sonia: No, it wasn't.

I stepped in and punched that violet bitch in teh face.

Sonia: Uh, switch "violet" and "bitch" around. Unless you're implying that she was a purple colored bitch...?
Manic: Hey, that's a huge insult to Barney! He taught me how to use my imagination, man! You take that back!

I grabbed her by teh throat and threw her to axel. axel brushed her off like she was nothing 2 him. he stepped forward as I was staggering; edawrd, suffering.

Sonia: Yes, Edward was suffering. Are you trying to make me cheer louder?
Manic: And why is she staggering? She wasn't hurt or anything!

"lenobia... u kno what day it is?" Axel Dark said taking off his cloak all se x y like revealllign his abs an body hair.

Manic: "It's a good day to die," he said. He also had his stringy pubic hair sticking out of his pants.
Sonia: *vomits in a paper bag*

"tonite... will be teh bloody moon... and with it you'll finally be mine and well control teh vampeir and werewolf world. "

Manic: Might as well do it. She keeps saying that she's better than everyone, so...

"how what r u evan talking about" "u crazy" I said while helpin Edward up.

Manic: And our Sue's on meds.

he smirkced. "u see... what I want from teh moon is power. when its teh blood moon... all werewolfes will be powerless... but tht doesn't apply 2 werewolf/vampeir mixs. like u..."

Sonia: But that doesn't make any sense! She's part werewolf, so she'd still lose some power!
Manic: Nope. Mary Sues are immune to stuff like that, sis.

"but why ur already immortal!" I aske

Sonia: Because everyone wants to live forever! Everyone!

"well u see this immortalness is a curse. it may seem perfect to some but not for me... and with teh bloody moon, I can not only take vengeance on teh werrewolfs but also hav my loved one and finaly death. " he said

Manic: Wait. What?
Sonia: He wants to die in peace with his loved one.
Manic: Oh, well, that makes sense. No sarcasm here.

I realized... he was just like me... bing forced 2 live with an perfection which was really an imperfection...

Sonia: *punches Lenobia* Oh, shut the hell up. *mutters* Annoying Mary Sue attention whore.
Manic: *singing* It's all about me!

I said "..." to let him speek...

Sonia and Manic: *whacks their dunce caps off of their heads*

"how will I do this? u see this curse was put on me bi Jacob's family, who sealed me away for many many many many years... I was unable to live or to die but I eventually descovered tht many vampiers hated the werewolfs like I did... so one of this vampeirs named Pain decided 2 breek teh seal. all he had 2 do was 2 kill the youngest memeber in teh Black family. off all people it had 2 be Jacob. after he died... I was free!" he said

Sonia: Because that hack Meyer didn't crap on the Quileute legends enough.

"u basterd its ur fault Jacob is dead! "

Manic: Uh... if she meant that he killed Jake directly... then she's so wrong. *flips back to Part Four* Marcus mortally wounded him.
Sonia: Consistency's long gone, Manic.

I pur edawrd down gentily... he said "W-wait Leno-lenobia..." softly so sfot I could not heer him.

Sonia: *dumbfounded* You... just heard him, though. Oh, dear heavens. *rubs her forehead* I need a freaking drink. Or three.

I steeped forword bravely. "I still hav 1 moar question... why do u love me?"

Manic: Because you're a Sue. No other answer to that one, man.

"oh Lenobia... its not really love its more like obsession and adoartion.

Manic: That's still called "love", correct?
Sonia: Yes... if you're an insane Justin Bieber fangirl.

u see... ur actually teh reincarnation of my lover thousands of years ago! " I said wickedy.

Sonia: You mean that he said that.
Manic: Nope. All about the Sue, man.

I wanted 2 scream

Sonia: And?

2 be contined...

Sonia: What a stupid cliffhanger.
Manic: I know a better way to end this. Rocks fall, everyone dies. The End.
Sonia: Yeah, too bad that's not happening.
Manic: Hey, let me dream, sis!


27. the new hero


Sonia: No, it's "contined". At least get your typos straight.

knightmere wheel-and-axel dark scramed wickiedly.

Manic: *flatly* What.
Sonia: Okay, I really should stop taking this fic seriously.
Manic: Anyone could've told you that, sis.

"thats write, were mint 4 eacj other babey" he said to me in fr0nt of every1. knightman axel rose dark pulled out frum his long black flowing cap that was on his back, a ring with a bloody reed diamon in it.

Sonia: *tries to dechipher that line, blue screens*
Manic: *taps Sonia's forehead* Sonia? Well, she's down. *reboots Sonia*

"u re-meme-ber this baby",

Manic: You're not funny, author. Stop trying.

"i gav it 2 u teh night i killed u those years ago... it was so romantik."

Sonia: Is that something that Christian Grey will say in the future when he and Anastasia become zombies?
Manic: Yes.

"u where only scream 4 5 hours..." axelman said with bloody crazyness inside of his mind and eyes...!

Manic: I'd say that that line would do it, but... nah.
Sonia: And who the hell screams for four hours? What kind of vocal cords...
Manic: Since there's no comma or hyphen, I just smooshed the numbers together.
Sonia: Forty-five hours? No, Manic.

suddeny, i feeled something cum over me,

Manic: Eww!
Never say that again!

it waz a feel from me throat, i want'd 2 scraem hard. it was like twelve million souls where stuck inside of me want to cum out of my sexi bodyt.

Manic: Or that! Never say that again, either! I already have a hard enough time scrubbing scenes like that out of my head and eyeballs, for Christ's sake!

dont ask me why... but i walked'd forward 2 him... reaching my palm out and i woofed a litte. i should mention that i wolrfed

Sonia: Did she just bark?
Manic: *shrugs*



Sonia and Manic: *flatly* What.
Sonia: He wouldn't want to be in this fic even if he was paid to.
Manic: Sis, he wouldn't want to be anywhere. Have you seen that dude's face?

he flew frum outta nowear magnificuntly and spun round like sonic teh hedgehog on steroids

Sonic: *sputters and yells in frustration as he passes the living room*
I'm getting convinced that the author knows that we're riffing her work.
Manic: Yeah, because why else would she put in a Sonic reference... again?

and cutted nightman's arm of with his swords. he was a short cutie, 18 years old, ad dressd punk lik, he had a big hoodie on which covered his clearl blaq smexy asain heir.

Manic: *turns on a sign that says "Nobody Cares"*

"sup" he asked cooly "im levi, and im on a misson 2 save lenobia"

Sonia: Well, he's already out of character.
Manic: That ain't new, sis.

axel dude scramed agin for the seventh time in this chapter.

Sonia: I don't care to count. Author quit caring, and so did I.

accel's plans were ruineded. he was bout 2 escape , but ten levi stabped the man in teh chest area, which i think is in the torso region, i'm not sure, i have yet to pass my anatomy class, which i am getting an a in in case u didnt know. im an artist, better then most, which is y i kno thses things.

Sonia: *tugs at her hair in frustration, grumbles gibberish through clenched teeth*
Manic: Sis, don't stroke out on me now! You said that you wouldn't care anymore!

uguuuu~~~ said nighttime axel dirk. he was swallow'd buy an great blacq hole that only swallowd him. he was gone and that made his vamp friedns run stood up... cuz levi helpd him up.

"sup" he asked cool, only this time 2 edawrdy "im levi, and im on a misson 2 save lenobia"

Manic: No, it'd probably sound like this... *as Levi* Who are you idiots? You're giving me a headache just by looking at you.
Sonia: I also realized that he's a broken record. He just said that same line a moment ago.

"levi-heichou... arent u from Attack on Titan?"

"Yes."- Levi

i stummbel 2 teh grund, im on my knees know. i taught i could kill nightmaar aceel myself... but i know hes stil out tere. levi had me in his arms, his strong arms from his built bod.

Sonia: Did... she give Levi steroids when we weren't looking?
Manic: Yeah, that's probably why he's so out of character.

i feel sleep in his arms agin... maybe bcuz he was so hoat... omg

"lemonbia.. im here" he said as i falled alseep.

Manic: *with a tray of cheese* Can't get any better than that.

theres more twists...

Sonia: Uh-huh. Shut up.

is nightman ax gone?

Sonia and Manic: No.

... keep reading 2 find out!

Sonia and Manic: We don't want to.

sorry 4 a short 1 babes. aslo check out mah tumbla and dA... i NEED REBLOGS AND PAGEVIEWS WOW SUCH WANT.

Manic: Stop with the doge memes!
And the less people that know about this, the better.
Manic: Aren't we helping by riffing this...?
Sonia: *mutters* Oh, goddamn it.


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