Index C

c$OMP ATOMIC directive (TU*X), [+]
c$OMP BARRIER directive (TU*X), [+]
c$OMP CRITICAL directive (TU*X), [+]
c$OMP DO directive (TU*X), [+]
c$OMP FLUSH directive (TU*X), [+]
c$OMP MASTER directive (TU*X), [+]
c$OMP ORDERED directive (TU*X), [+]
c$OMP PARALLEL directive (TU*X), [+]
c$OMP PARALLEL DO directive (TU*X), [+]
c$OMP PARALLEL SECTIONS directive (TU*X), [+]
c$OMP SECTIONS directive (TU*X), [+]
c$OMP SINGLE directive (TU*X), [+]
c$OMP THREADPRIVATE directive (TU*X), [+]
c$PAR BARRIER directive (TU*X), [+]
c$PAR CHUNK directive (TU*X), [+]
c$PAR COPYIN directive (TU*X), [+]
c$PAR CRITICAL SECTION directive (TU*X), [+]
c$PAR INSTANCE directive (TU*X), [+]
c$PAR MP_SCHEDTYPE directive (TU*X), [+]
c$PAR PARALLEL directive (TU*X), [+]
c$PAR PARALLEL DO directive (TU*X), [+]
c$PAR PARALLEL SECTIONS directive (TU*X), [+]
c$PAR PDO directive (TU*X), [+]
c$PAR PDONE directive (TU*X), [+]
c$PAR PSECTIONS directive (TU*X), [+]
c$PAR SINGLE PROCESS directive (TU*X), [+]
c$PAR TASKCOMMON directive (TU*X), [+]
CABS function,  [+]
CALL statement,  [+]

  See also your user manual or programmer's guide
  examples of, [+]
Carriage control
  characters, [+]
  editing, [+]
  in INQUIRE statements
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
  in OPEN statements
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
CASE constructs,  [+]
  flow of control in, [+]
CASE DEFAULT statement,  [+]
Case index,  [+]
  determining a match, [+]
Case sensitivity,  [+]

  See also your user manual or programmer's guide
Case values
  range of, [+]
C character
  as comment line indicator, [+]
CCOS function,  [+]
CDABS function,  [+]
CDCOS function,  [+]
cDEC$ ALIAS directive,  [+]
cDEC$ ATTRIBUTES directive,  [+]
  ADDRESS64 keyword (VMS, WNT), [+]
  ALIAS keyword, [+]
  ARRAY_VISUALIZER keyword (WNT, W9*), [+]
  C keyword, [+]
  DEFAULT keyword, [+]
  DESCRIPTOR keyword (VMS), [+]
  DESCRIPTOR32 keyword (VMS), [+]
  DESCRIPTOR64 keyword (VMS), [+]
  DLLEXPORT keyword (WNT, W9*), [+]
  DLLIMPORT keyword (WNT, W9*), [+]
  EXTERN keyword, [+]
  NO_ARG_CHECK keyword, [+]
  REFERENCE keyword, [+]
  REFERENCE32 keyword (VMS), [+]
  REFERENCE64 keyword (VMS), [+]
  STDCALL keyword, [+]
  VALUE keyword, [+]
  VARYING keyword, [+]
cDEC$ DECLARE directive,  [+]
cDEC$ DEFINE directive,  [+]
cDEC$ ELSE directive,  [+]
cDEC$ ELSEIF directive,  [+]
cDEC$ ENDIF directive,  [+]
cDEC$ FREEFORM directive,  [+]
cDEC$ IDENT directive,  [+]
cDEC$ IF DEFINED directive,  [+]
cDEC$ IF directive,  [+]
cDEC$ INTEGER directive,  [+]
cDEC$ IVDEP directive,  [+]
cDEC$ MESSAGE directive,  [+]
cDEC$ NODECLARE directive,  [+]
cDEC$ NOFREEFORM directive,  [+]
cDEC$ NOSTRICT directive,  [+]
cDEC$ OBJCOMMENT directive,  [+]
cDEC$ OPTIONS directive,  [+]
cDEC$ PACK directive,  [+]
cDEC$ PSECT directive,  [+]
cDEC$ REAL directive,  [+]
cDEC$ STRICT directive,  [+]
cDEC$ SUBTITLE directive,  [+]
cDEC$ TITLE directive,  [+]
cDEC$ UNDEFINE directive,  [+]
cDEC$ UNROLL directive,  [+]
CDEXP function,  [+]
CDLOG function,  [+]
CDSIN function,  [+]
CDSQRT function,  [+]
CEILING function,  [+], [+]
CEXP function,  [+]

  See also Lowercase letters

  See also Uppercase letters
     passed length of, [+]
     in relational expressions, [+]
  function returning, [+]
  function returning length of, [+]
  function returning position of, [+], [+], [+]
  operations, [+]
  printable, [+]
     making equivalent, [+]
  in type declaration statements, [+], [+]
Character arguments
  assumed length, [+]
Character assignment statements,  [+]
  examples of, [+]
Character constants,  [+]

  See also your user manual or programmer's guide
  as arguments, [+]
  as edit descriptors, [+]
  assigned with DATA statements, [+]
  C strings in, [+]
  default, [+]
  delimiters in, [+]
  examples of, [+]
  length of, [+]
  uppercase and lowercase letters in, [+]
Character count
  editing, [+]
  specifier, [+]
Character data type,  [+]
CHARACTER data type
  definition of, [+]
  storage requirements, [+]
Character editing,  [+]
Character expressions,  [+]
  as format specifications, [+]
  function returning length of, [+]
  operator in, [+]
Character functions
  categories of, [+]
  definition of conversion, [+]
  definition of string-handling, [+]
Character operands
  comparing, [+]
Character-oriented I/O,  [+]
Character set
  ASCII, [+]
  DEC Multinational (VMS, U*X), [+]
  extensions to Fortran 90, [+]
  Fortran 90, [+]
CHARACTER statement,  [+]
Character storage unit,  [+]
Character string edit descriptors,  [+] to [+]
Character strings
  as edit descriptors, [+], [+]
  function adjusting to left, [+]
  function adjusting to right, [+]
  function to check for all characters in, [+]
  function to concatenate copies of, [+]
  function to scan for characters in, [+]
  function to trim blanks from, [+]
  of different lengths, [+]
  without delimiters, [+], [+]
Character substrings,  [+]
  effect of assigning values to, [+]
  examples of, [+]
  positions within parent string, [+]
Character type declaration statements,  [+]
  automatic objects in, [+]
Character type functions,  [+]
Character values
  transferring, [+]
CHAR function,  [+], [+]
  OPTIONS option, [+]
  directive (TU*X), [+]
  keyword for PDO directive (TU*X), [+]
Chunksize (TU*X), [+]
  defaults for, [+]
Circular shift
  function performing, [+]
  of arrays
     function performing, [+]
C keyword
  for ATTRIBUTES directive, [+]
CLOG function,  [+]
CLOSE statements
  defaults for
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
  on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
  on VMS, [+]
CMPLX function,  [+], [+]
Colon character (:)
  as edit descriptor, [+]
  in array specification, [+], [+], [+], [+]
Colon editing,  [+]
Column positions
  in fixed source form, [+]
  for fields in fixed source form, [+]
  position of comment indicator, [+]
  position of debugging indicator, [+]
Combining arrays,  [+]
Comma character (,)
  as a field separator, [+]
Comment indicators,  [+]
  in fixed and tab source form, [+]
  in free source form, [+]
Comments,  [+]
  allowable characters in, [+]
  in continued statements, [+]
  in namelist input, [+]
Common block association,  [+]
Common blocks,  [+]
  agreement of data types in, [+]
  arrays in, [+]
  blank, [+]
  data types of variables in, [+]
  effect of including in SAVE statement, [+]
  effect of sharing names in, [+]
  EQUIVALENCE interaction in, [+]
  establishing and initializing values in, [+]
  example of, [+]
  extending, [+]
  initialized size in DATA, [+]
  modifying alignment of data in, [+]
  modifying characteristics of, [+]
  named, [+], [+], [+]
  pointers in, [+]
  variables in, [+], [+]
  volatile, [+]
COMMON statement,  [+]
  example of, [+]
  interaction with EQUIVALENCE, [+]
  using record structure names in, [+]
  using to define storage areas, [+]
COM object routines (WNT, W9*),  [+]
Compaq Fortran parallel directives (TU*X), [+] to [+]
  BARRIER directive, [+]
  CHUNK directive, [+]
  COPYIN directive, [+]
  CRITICAL SECTION directive, [+]
  INSTANCE directive, [+]
  MP_SCHEDTYPE directive, [+]
  PARALLEL directive, [+]
  PARALLEL DO directive, [+]
  PARALLEL SECTIONS directive, [+]
  PDO directive, [+]
  PDONE directive, [+]
  PSECTIONS directive, [+]
  SINGLE PROCESS directive, [+]
  TASKCOMMON directive, [+]
Comparison character functions,  [+]

  See also your user manual or programmer's guide
  features for language version, [+] to [+]
  summary of language, [+]
Compilation control statements,  [+] to [+]
Compiler directives

  See also General compiler directives

  See also HPF compiler directives (TU*X)
  See also Parallel compiler directives (TU*X)
  general, [+] to [+]
     syntax of, [+]
  HPF (TU*X), [+] to [+]
     syntax of, [+]
  parallel (TU*X), [+] to [+]
     syntax of, [+]
Compiler limits

  See Compiler in your user manual or programmer's guide
Compiler options

  See also Command line in your user manual or programmer's
  overriding with OPTIONS statements, [+]
  data type, [+]
  in type declaration statements, [+], [+]

  constants, [+]
  data type, [+]

     See also your user manual or programmer's guide
  storage requirements, [+]

  See also COMPLEX
  constants, [+]
  data type, [+]

     See also your user manual or programmer's guide
  storage requirements, [+]

  constants, [+]
  data type, [+]

     See also your user manual or programmer's guide
  storage requirements, [+]
COMPLEX*16 constants

  See COMPLEX(8)
COMPLEX*32 constants

  See COMPLEX(16) (VMS, U*X)
COMPLEX*8 constants

  See COMPLEX(4)
Complex constants,  [+] to [+]

  See also COMPLEX(4)

  See also COMPLEX(8)

  See also COMPLEX(16) (VMS, U*X)
  default, [+]
Complex data types,  [+] to [+]
Complex editing,  [+], [+]
Complex expressions
  using relational operators in, [+]
Complex numbers
  function determining imaginary part of, [+]
  function resulting in conjugate of, [+]
Complex operands
  comparing, [+]
Complex values
  transferring, [+], [+]
  arrays as derived-type, [+]
  derived-type, [+], [+]
     referencing, [+]
  of array structures, [+]
Component selector,  [+]
Computation functions
  definition of, [+]
Computed GO TO statement,  [+]
  alternative for, [+]
Concatenation of strings
  function performing, [+]
Concatenation operator (//)

  See also your user manual or programmer's guide
  order of precedence of, [+]
  using in expressions, [+]
  using in long character constants, [+]
Conditional compilation
  general directive creating symbol for, [+]
  general directive specifying, [+]
  specifying for OpenMP directives (TU*X), [+]
Conditional DO statement,  [+]
Conformable arrays,  [+]
CONJG function,  [+], [+]
  function calculating, [+]
  logical, [+]
Connecting files
  on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
  on VMS, [+]
Constant expressions,  [+]
  array, [+]

     See Binary constants

     See Character constants

     See Complex constants
  definition of, [+]

     See Hexadecimal constants

     See Hollerith constants

     See Integer constants
  literal, [+]

     See Logical constants
  named, [+], [+]

  nondecimal numeric

     See Nondecimal numeric constants

     See Octal constants
  ranges for

     See your user manual or programmer's guide

     See Real constants
  array, [+]
  structure, [+]
  CASE, [+]
  DO, [+] to [+]
  FORALL, [+]
  IF, [+]
  named, [+]

     See Nested constructs
  WHERE, [+]
CONTAINS statement,  [+]
  in main programs, [+]
Continuation indicator,  [+]
  in fixed and tab source form, [+]
  in free source form, [+]
Continuation line
  in debugging statements, [+]
  number allowed, [+]
  restriction in included files, [+]
  statement label field of, [+]
CONTINUE statement,  [+], [+]
Control characters
  in printing, [+]
Control constructs
  blocks in, [+]
  named, [+]
     CASE, [+]
     DO, [+]
     IF, [+]
Control edit descriptors,  [+] to [+]
  for blanks, [+] to [+]
  forms for, [+]
  positional, [+] to [+]
  repeating, [+]
  sign, [+] to [+]
Control lists
  I/O, [+] to [+]

     See also I/O control list
Control-list specifiers
  defining variable for character count, [+]
  for advancing or nonadvancing I/O, [+]
  for transfer of control, [+]
  identifying the I/O status, [+]
  identifying the key field (VMS), [+]
  identifying the key-field index (VMS), [+]
  identifying the record number, [+]
  identifying the unit, [+]
  indicating the format, [+]
  indicating the namelist group, [+]
  keywords for, [+]
Control statements,  [+] to [+]
Control transfer
  statements allowing, [+] to [+]
  with arithmetic IF statement, [+]
  with branch statements, [+] to [+]
  with CALL statement, [+]
  with CASE construct, [+]
  with DO construct, [+]
  with DO WHILE statement, [+]
  with END statement, [+]
  with GO TO statement
     assigned, [+]
     computed, [+]
     unconditional, [+]
  with IF construct, [+]
  with logical IF statement, [+]
  with RETURN statement, [+]

  function performing logical, [+]
  function performing real, [+]
  function resulting in complex type, [+]
  function resulting in double complex type, [+]
  function resulting in double precision type, [+], [+], [+]
  function resulting in integer type, [+]
  function resulting in quad precision type, [+], [+]
  rules for numeric assignments, [+]
  to higher precision, [+]
  to nearest integer, [+], [+]
Conversion character functions,  [+]
Conversion of data
  rules for, [+]
  using FORMAT statements, [+] to [+]
  OPTIONS option, [+]
Converting unformatted numeric files

  See also your user manual or programmer's guide
  on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+], [+]
  on VMS, [+], [+]
CONVERT specifier
  in INQUIRE statements
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
  in OPEN statements

     See also your user manual or programmer's guide
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
  clause (TU*X), [+]
    for PARALLEL directive, [+]
  directive (TU*X), [+]
COS function,  [+], [+]
COSD function,  [+], [+]
COSH function,  [+], [+]
  function returning degrees, [+], [+]
  function returning hyperbolic, [+]
  intrinsic functions for, [+]
COTAN function,  [+], [+]
COTAND function,  [+], [+]
  function returning radians, [+]
  function returning degrees, [+]
COUNT function,  [+], [+]
CPU_TIME subroutine,  [+], [+]
CQABS function,  [+]
CQCOS function,  [+]
CQEXP function,  [+]
CQLOG function,  [+]
CQSIN function,  [+]
CQSQRT function, [+]

CRAY value
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
CRITICAL directive (TU*X), [+]
CRITICAL SECTION directive (TU*X), [+]
Critical sections of code,
  function to tune [+]
CSHIFT function,  [+], [+]
CSIN function,  [+]
CSQRT function,  [+]
C strings,  [+]
Current date
  subroutines returning, [+], [+]
Current record
  for REWRITE statements, [+]
  beginning new one in DO constructs, [+]
CYCLE statement,  [+], [+]
CYCLIC keyword
  for DISTRIBUTE directive (TU*X), [+]

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