Index N

Named common blocks

  See also Common blocks
  agreement of data types in, [+]
  establishing and initializing values in, [+]
Named constants,  [+]
  definition of, [+]
Named control constructs,  [+]
  CASE, [+]
  DO, [+]
  IF, [+]
NAMED specifier
  in INQUIRE statements
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
Namelist external records
  alternative form for, [+]
Namelist formatting,  [+]
  for READ statements, [+]
  for WRITE statements, [+]
  input, [+]
  output, [+]
Namelist group,  [+]
  accessibility of, [+]
  example of, [+]
  prompting for information about, [+]
  variables in, [+], [+]
Namelist input
  comments in, [+]
Namelist specifier,  [+]
NAMELIST statement,  [+]
  example of, [+]
Namelist statements
  ACCEPT, [+]
  PRINT and TYPE, [+]
  READ, [+], [+]
  WRITE, [+], [+]
Names,  [+]

  See also your user manual or programmer's guide
  associating with constant value, [+]
  associating with group, [+]
  association of, [+]
  association of arguments, [+]
  association of use and host, [+]
  beginning with underscores, [+]
  constants with, [+]
  containing dollar sign, [+]
  examples of, [+]
  explicit typing of variable, [+]
  extension to characters in, [+]
  implicit typing of variable, [+]
  in PARAMETER statement, [+]
  length of, [+]
  of external and dummy procedures as actual arguments, [+] to
  of intrinsic procedures as actual arguments, [+]
  of procedures
     established as generic, [+]
     established as specific, [+]
     nonestablished, [+]
  overriding default data typing of, [+]
  rules for constants with, [+]
  scope of, [+]
  uniqueness within programs, [+]
  with global scope, [+]
  with local scope, [+]
  with statement scope, [+]
NAME specifier
  in INQUIRE statements
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
  in OPEN statements
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
  interaction with OPEN (FILE)
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
NaN values

  See also your user manual or programmer's guide
  function testing for, [+]
National Language Support routines

  See NLS routines (WNT, W9*)
NATIVE value
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]

  See Relational operators

  See also your user manual or programmer's guide
Nearest different number
  function returning, [+]
NEAREST function,  [+], [+]
Nearest integer
  function returning, [+]
  logical, [+]

  See Logical operators
Nested constructs
  DO, [+]
  IF, [+]
Nested DO construct
  control transfers in, [+]
Nested DO loops,  [+]
Nested format specifications,  [+]
Nested IF constructs,  [+]
Nested implied-do lists
  in I/O lists, [+]
Nesting of OpenMP Fortran parallel directives, [+]
NEW keyword
  for INDEPENDENT directive (TU*X), [+]
NEW value
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
NEXTREC specifier
  in INQUIRE statements
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
NINT function,  [+], [+]
NLS routines (WNT, W9*),  [+]
NML specifier,  [+]
NO_ARG_CHECK keyword
  for ATTRIBUTES directive, [+]
  OPTIONS option, [+]
NODECLARE directive,  [+]
  function returning available number of, [+]

  OPTIONS option, [+]
  OPTIONS option, [+]
NOFREEFORM directive,  [+]
  OPTIONS option, [+]
  OPTIONS option, [+]
NOLIST option (VMS)
  in INCLUDE statement, [+]
Nonadvancing I/O,  [+]

  See also your user manual or programmer's guide
Nonblock DO construct,  [+]
Nondecimal numeric constants,  [+]
  data type of, [+]
Nonelemental intrinsic procedures,  [+]
Nonexecutable statements,  [+]
Non-Fortran procedures
  argument list functions for, [+]
  in argument list
     defaults for, [+]
  references to, [+]

     See also your user manual or programmer's guide
  referencing with %DESCR function (VMS), [+]
  referencing with %LOC function, [+]
  referencing with %REF function, [+]
  referencing with %VAL function, [+]
Nonnative floating-point formats

  See also your user manual or programmer's guide
  on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+], [+]
  on VMS, [+], [+]
NOSEQUENCE directive (TU*X),  [+], [+]
  in OPEN statements, [+]
NOSTRICT directive,  [+]

  See Logical operators

  See also your user manual or programmer's guide
NOT function,  [+], [+], [+]
NOWAIT keyword (TU*X)
  for END DO directive, [+]
  for END PDO directive, [+]
  for END SECTIONS directive, [+]
  for END SINGLE directive, [+]
NULL function,  [+], [+]
NULLIFY statement,  [+]
NULL value
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
  for OPEN (BLANK)
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
Number of processes
  function returning, [+]
NUMBER specifier
  in INQUIRE statements
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS function,  [+], [+], [+]
  in character set, [+]
Numeric and logical type declaration statements,  [+]
Numeric assignment statements,  [+]
Numeric constants
  complex, [+]
  integer, [+]
  nondecimal, [+]
  real, [+]
Numeric editing
  general rules for, [+]
Numeric expressions,  [+] to [+]
  effects of parentheses within, [+]
  in relational expressions, [+]
  operator precedence in, [+]
  order of evaluation in, [+]
  rules for typing of, [+]
  using in FORMAT statements, [+]
Numeric functions
  categories of, [+]
  models defining, [+]
Numeric models
  integer, [+]
  querying parameters in, [+], [+], [+]
  real, [+]
Numeric nondecimal constants,  [+]
  data type of, [+]
Numeric operators
  in expressions, [+] to
Numeric storage unit,  [+]
Numeric values
  size limits for A editing, [+]
NWORKERS function,  [+], [+]

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