Index R

  function returning, [+]
  in integer model, [+]
  in real model, [+]
RADIX function,  [+], [+]
Random number
  functions returning, [+]
Random number generator
  functions, [+], [+]
  subroutine, [+]
Random numbers
  function returning next in sequence of, [+]
RANDOM_NUMBER subroutine,  [+], [+]

  See also RANDOM_SEED subroutine
RANDOM_SEED subroutine,  [+], [+]

  See also RANDOM_NUMBER subroutine
RANDU subroutine,  [+], [+]
RAN function,  [+], [+]
  for character length, [+]
  for H editing, [+]
  for intrinsic type constants

     See your user manual or programmer's guide
  for parameter in control edit descriptors, [+]
  for parameters in data edit descriptors, [+]
  for repeat specifications, [+]
  for scale factor, [+]
  of case values, [+], [+]
RANGE function,  [+], [+]
  definition of, [+]
  of data types, [+]
READONLY specifier
  in OPEN statements
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
READ specifier
  in INQUIRE statements
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
READ statements,  [+] to [+]
  compared to DECODE statement, [+]
  compared to FIND statement, [+]
  direct access, [+] to [+]
     formatted, [+], [+]
     forms of, [+]
     unformatted, [+], [+]
  indexed (VMS), [+] to [+]
     formatted, [+], [+]
     unformatted, [+], [+]
  internal, [+]
     form of, [+]
  list-directed, [+], [+]
  namelist, [+], [+]
  sequential, [+] to [+]
     formatted, [+], [+]
     forms of, [+]
     unformatted, [+], [+]
READ value
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
READWRITE specifier
  in INQUIRE statements
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]

  See also REAL

  See also Real constants
  data types, [+], [+]
  model for data, [+]
  data type, [+], [+]

     See also your user manual or programmer's guide
  in type declaration statements, [+], [+]
REAL(16) (VMS, U*X)
  constants, [+]
  storage requirements, [+]
  constants, [+], [+]
  storage requirements, [+]

  See also DOUBLE PRECISION constants
  constants, [+], [+]
  storage requirements, [+]
REAL*16 constants

  See REAL(16) (VMS, U*X)
REAL*4 constants

  See REAL(4)
REAL*8 constants

  See REAL(8)
Real constants,  [+] to [+]
  decimal point in, [+]
  default, [+]
  range for

     See Floating-point data types in your user manual or
       programmer's guide
  REAL(16) type (VMS, U*X), [+]
  REAL(4) type, [+]
  REAL(8) type, [+]
Real conversion
  function performing, [+]
Real data
  model set for, [+]
Real data types,  [+] to [+]
REAL directive,  [+]
Real DO control
  alternative for, [+]
Real editing (F,E,EN,ES,D,G),  [+] to [+]
  D, [+]
  E, [+]
  EN, [+]
  ES, [+]
  F, [+]
  G, [+]
  scale factor in, [+]

REAL function,  [+], [+]
Real model,  [+]
  function returning exponent part in, [+]
  function returning fractional part in, [+]
  function returning largest number in, [+]
  function returning number closest to unity in, [+]
  function returning smallest number in, [+]
Real numbers

  See also REAL

  See also Real constants
  function returning absolute spacing of, [+]
  function returning ceiling of, [+]
  function returning class of IEEE, [+]
  function returning difference between, [+]
  function returning floor of, [+]
  function returning fractional part for model of, [+]
  function returning scale of model for, [+]
  function to determine nearest whole number, [+]
  function to truncate, [+]
Real-time clock
  subroutine returning data from, [+]
  subroutine returning data on, [+]
Real type
  converting to higher precision, [+]
  function converting to double precision, [+]
  function converting to quad precision, [+], [+]
  function converting to single precision, [+]
Real values
  transferring, [+], [+] to [+]
  function returning, [+]
RECL specifier
  default record lengths for
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
  in INQUIRE statements
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
  in OPEN statements
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
  maximum record lengths for
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
Record access mode

  See your user manual or programmer's guide
Record I/O

  See your user manual or programmer's guide
Record number
  identifying for data transfer, [+]
Record-oriented I/O,  [+]
  default length for OPEN(RECL)
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
  default types upon file connection
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
  definition of, [+]
  deleting from relative files
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
  detecting deleted
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]

     See External records
  freeing locked (UNLOCK)
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
  kinds of, [+]
  maximum length for OPEN(RECL)
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
RECORDSIZE specifier
  See also RECL specifier
  in OPEN statements
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
Record specifier,  [+]
  alternate form of, [+]
RECORD statement,  [+]
Record structures,  [+]
  declarations in, [+] to [+]
  examples of, [+]
  modifying alignment of fields in, [+]
  passing as arguments, [+]
  qualifying variable names in, [+]
  references to fields in, [+]
  rules in using scalar field reference, [+]
  statements that can use names of, [+]
  type declarations for, [+]
  typing of field names in, [+]
  using %FILL in, [+]
Record type

  See your user manual or programmer's guide
RECORDTYPE specifier
  defaults for
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
  in INQUIRE statements
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
  in OPEN statements
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
REC specifier,  [+]
Recursion,  [+], [+]

  See also your user manual or programmer's guide
  in functions, [+]
  in subroutines, [+]
  with automatic variables, [+]
  in FUNCTION statements, [+]
  in OPTIONS statements, [+]
  in subprograms, [+]
  in subroutine statements, [+]

REDUCTION clause (TU*X), [+]
  for DO directive, [+]
  for PARALLEL directive, [+]
  for PDO directive, [+]
  for SECTIONS directive, [+]
  for ATTRIBUTES directive, [+]
REFERENCE32 keyword
  for ATTRIBUTES directive, [+]
REFERENCE64 keyword
  for ATTRIBUTES directive, [+]

  See also Function references

  See also Subroutine references
  module, [+]
  to elemental intrinsic procedures, [+]
  to generic intrinsic procedures, [+]
  to generic procedures, [+]
  to non-Fortran procedures, [+]
%REF function,  [+]

  See also your user manual or programmer's guide
Relational expressions,  [+]
  precedence of operators in, [+]
Relational operators,  [+]
  avoiding use as field names, [+]
Relative files

  See also your user manual or programmer's guide
  associating with logical unit numbers, [+]
  defining size and structure of, [+]
  deleting records from
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
  detecting deleted records in
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
Relative spacing
  function returning reciprocal of, [+]
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
  function returning, [+]
Repeated execution

  See Loops
REPEAT function,  [+], [+]
Repeat specification
  for data edit descriptors, [+], [+], [+]
  for groups of descriptors, [+]
  for slash edit descriptor, [+], [+]
  for string edit descriptors, [+]
  in DATA statements, [+]
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
Replicated arrays
  function creating, [+]
RESHAPE function,  [+], [+], [+]
Resolving references
  generic, [+]
  nonestablished, [+]
  specific, [+]
Restricted expressions

  See also Specification expressions
  definition of, [+]
RESULT keyword
  in ENTRY statements, [+], [+]
  in FUNCTION statements, [+], [+]
Result variables
  in ENTRY statements, [+]
  in FUNCTION statements, [+], [+]
     value of, [+]
  requiring explicit interface, [+]
RETURN statement,  [+]
  effect in subprograms, [+]
  retention of data after execution of, [+]
  format, [+]
REWIND statements
  on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
  on VMS, [+]
REWIND value
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
REWRITE statements,  [+]
  current record in, [+]
RRSPACING function,  [+], [+]
RSHIFT function,  [+]
Run-time formats,  [+]
Run-time routines
  General (U*X),  [+]
  HPF (TU*X),  [+]
  Parallel (U*X),  [+]
  WNT, W9*,  [+]
  See also your user manual

RUNTIME schedule type (TU*X), [+], [+]

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