Index O

OBJCOMMENT directive,  [+]

  See Data objects
Object file

  See Object module

  See also your user manual or programmer's guide
Object libraries
  searching for block data program units in, [+]
Object module
  identifying with compiler directives, [+]
Obsolescent features
  in Fortran 90, [+]
  in Fortran 95, [+]
Octal constants,  [+]
  alternative syntax for, [+]
  assigning with DATA statement, [+]
  data type assignments of, [+]
  examples of, [+]
Octal values
  transferring, [+]
O edit descriptor,  [+]
OLD value
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
ONLY keyword
  in USE statement, [+]
ONTO clause
  for DISTRIBUTE directive (TU*X), [+]
OPENED specifier
  in INQUIRE statements
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
OPEN statements
  on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+] to [+]
  on VMS, [+] to [+]

  See also your user manual or programmer's guide
  ACCESS specifier in
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
  ACTION specifier in
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
  BLANK specifier in
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
  BLOCKSIZE specifier in
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
  BUFFERCOUNT specifier in
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
  CARRIAGECONTROL specifier in
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
  CONVERT specifier in
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
  DEFAULTFILE specifier in
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
  defaults for specifiers
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
  DELIM specifier in
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
  DISPOSE specifier in
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
  EXTENDSIZE specifier in (VMS), [+]
  FILE specifier in
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+], [+]
     on VMS, [+], [+]
  FORM specifier in
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
  general description of
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
  IOFOCUS specifier in (WNT, W9*), [+]
  KEY specifier in (VMS), [+]
  MAXREC specifier in
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
  MODE specifier in
     on WNT, W9*, [+]
  NAME specifier in
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
  NOSPANBLOCKS specifier in (VMS), [+]
  ORGANIZATION specifier in
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
  PAD specifier in
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
  POSITION specifier in
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
  READONLY specifier in
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
  RECL specifier in
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
  RECORDSIZE specifier in
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
  RECORDTYPE specifier in
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
  SHARED specifier in
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
  SHARE specifier in
     on WNT, W9*, [+]
  STATUS specifier in
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
  TITLE specifier in (WNT, W9*), [+]
  TYPE specifier in
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
  USEROPEN specifier in
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]

OpenMP Fortran parallel directives (TU*X), [+] to [+]
  ATOMIC directive, [+]
  BARRIER directive, [+]
  CRITICAL directive, [+]
  DO directive, [+]
  FLUSH directive, [+]
  MASTER directive, [+]
  ORDERED directive, [+]
  PARALLEL directive, [+]
  PARALLEL DO directive, [+]
  PARALLEL SECTIONS directive, [+]
  SECTIONS directive, [+]
  SINGLE directive, [+]
  THREADPRIVATE directive, [+]

Operands,  [+]
  and binary operators, [+]
  and unary operators, [+]
  operating on pair of operands, [+]
  operating on single operand, [+]
  character, [+]
  complex, [+]
  conversion to higher precision, [+]
  defined, [+], [+]
     conventions for determining, [+]
  numeric, [+] to [+]
     conventions for determining, [+]
  relational, [+]
OPERATOR interface specifier
  for functions, [+], [+], [+]
Operators,  [+]
  character, [+]
  defined, [+]
     in initialization expressions, [+]
  extended intrinsic
     properties of, [+]
  logical, [+]
  numeric, [+]
  operating on pair of operands, [+]
  operating on single operand, [+]
  precedence in
     logical expressions, [+]
     numeric expressions, [+]
     relational expressions, [+]
  scope of, [+]

  See also your user manual or programmer's guide
  preventing with VOLATILE statement, [+]
Optional arguments,  [+]
  function returning presence of, [+]
OPTIONAL attribute and statement,  [+], [+]
  attributes compatible with, [+]
OPTIONS directive,  [+]
OPTIONS statements,  [+]
  position in program unit, [+]

  See Logical operators
Order of
  elements in an array, [+]
  statements, [+]
  subscript progression, [+]
OR function,  [+]
  clause (TU*X)
    for DO directive, [+]
    for PDO directive, [+]
  directive (TU*X), [+]
  in INQUIRE statements
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
  in OPEN statements
     on U*X, WNT, W9*, [+]
     on VMS, [+]
Output statements,  [+] to [+]
  PRINT and TYPE, [+]
  REWRITE, [+]
  WRITE, [+] to [+]

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