Mystery Science Theater En Masse

Special Episode 6: Outcast Saga Lost in Sailor Moon World (Part Nine)


Warning: This part contains mentions of rape which the riffers will call the Stuthor out on, because once again, he's a dimwit who actually believes that women can't rape men.


Kyo K.: Welcome back, Pineapple. Did you enjoy missing the worst chapter of this piece of garbage?
Manic: I did... until my siblings found me, told me, and then tried to strangle me. Amy had to pry us apart.
Axl: Considering what happened... yeah, they had to strangle someone.
Sonia: Well, I still want to strangle the Stuthor for writing it, but you had to do for now.
Manic: *sarcastically* Gee, thanks, sis.
Axl: Well, we all want to strangle the Stuthor.
Kyo L.: Tch. I'll do that and burn his damn computer.

"Text" Talked or thought sentences.

(Text) Talked sentences in a foreign language as English when everyone else speaks Japanese.

;Text; Title of the scene song.

:Text: Translations of a sentence in a language that isn't English, and small observations during the story:

Chapter eight: Chaos death

Benimaru: *flatly* Joy. Edgy name.

Tokyo February thirteenth 2005

One hour had passed since the battle in Hotaru's school has ended, all the senshis are still waiting in front of the emergency room. Ami runs out of the room with her surgery clothes stained with blood and with a pair of gloves soaked with blood. "Four units of O negative!" Aki shouted to Ami.

Axl: What the hell? Are you in surgery or running a butcher shop?
Rory: Maybe it's the latter.
Kyo K.: If it is the latter, then good.

"Flat line!" Yaten shouted in horror, while the senshis peek inside the room. "Charge in three hundred!" Aki shout back. "I will get the adrenalin." The doors close in the second that Yaten hits Benji with the paddles and shocks him. "No response!" Yaten said. "Again!" Aki replied filling a syringe.

Miyu: *heavily sighs* He's not going to die!
Benimaru: *while browsing the news on his tablet* Well, if that's the case, let me know when we'll finally get somewhere.
Rory: Hey, I just realized something... um, isn't the Stu supposed to be immunne from attacks and everything?
Miyu: Time attacks, not physical attacks, Rory.
Rory: Oh.

Hotaru covers her ears sobbing and crying. Michiru tries her best to comfort her daughter even thought she is feeling as despaired as Hotaru is, Michiru prays for his recovery not only because their friendship and her occasional escapades with the sleeping Benji, but for the sake of Hotaru she wouldn't stand his death.

Kyo L.: I would stand his death. I'll even throw a damn party! I'll even put up a banner that says "That stupid fucker's finally dead!"
Miyu: Wait, wait... "occasional escapades with the sleeping Benji"? So she raped him more than once in his sleep?!
Kyo K.: Just when I thought that this fic couldn't be any more disgusting, it continues to prove me wrong!
Manic: *stunned* Uh... guys, I left something at the place where I was before. So if you'll excuse me... *tries to get up*
Sonia, Axl, Rory: *pins Manic down*
Sonia: You got away for one chapter. You are not leaving us to suffer through another chapter of this diarrhea that thinks that it is a story.

Ami runs back to the room carrying four blood bags, inside the room Aki is removing a large amount of muscle from Benji's side.

Miyu: That's... not how muscle works. That's not how anything works.

"God…" Haruka gasped seeing the operation; it wasn't anything that she had ever seen before.

Benimaru: We've seen it multiple times. It's called cable television. Next.


Rory: The heck? What's that?
Miyu: A scene break, silly.
Rory: It took the Stuthor this long to put 'em in?
Miyu: Yes.

Over four hours later Aki and Ami leaves the room, both mother and daughter are with their clothes dirty with blood and looking very tired. "He will make it?" Hotaru asks the question on everyone's minds. "If he survives the night it is possible." Aki answered in a tired voice. "Yaten is trying to heal the most critical wounds now; I will arrange things in the ICU so we can move him there and leave him in observation."

Manic: So, uh... can we just ignore this part?
Rory: *as he's playing Uno with Axl* We're already ignoring it.
Axl: Yep. *places a Reverse card on the pile*
Rory: Aw, man!
Axl: Not done yet. *places a Skip card on the pile*
Rory: Oh, come on, Ax!

"Why we can't just heal him now?" Serena asks in a naïve but worried tone.

Miyu: And now we're back to calling her Serena. Hello, she has her Silver Crystal!
Kyo K.: And am I sensing even more Usagi bashing there, Stuthor? *sarcastically* Your talent knows no bounds! *normal voice* In case you didn't realize, I was being sarcastic, and you actually suck.

"Because it would kill him." Ami answered sensing that her mother would answer in a much harsher way.

Kyo L.: So... what's the problem with that? Get him offed so I can throw my party!

"We had to remove a great portion of tissue from Benji, he was very lucky that his left lung wasn't hit by the flames, we even had to remove some of his ribs because they were beginning to rot. We aren't near finishing the treatment, we have to replace the bone tissue that we removed, make sure that all the poison is gone, prevent infections and if everything moves well then we start to heal him."

Benimaru: *bored* Oh, look. Gory details. And he's not dead how? Of course, it's because it's a Stu fic.

"You are very selfish." Aki said to the senshis.

Rory: Uh-oh! Mouthpiece alert!

"He doesn't have your ability of resurrect when dying, that body is his only body all the damage on it is felt and will haunt him forever. I won't allow any of you trying to take him to fight until I say that he is fit to fight and thanks to the loss of his left eye I won't give him permission to fight."

Kyo K.: I'm going to say this in the nicest way possible. *clears his throat* What crawled up your ass and died?
Manic: I'm going to have to say the Stuthor's brainwashing penis.
Sonia: *angry* Oh, go fuck yourself, Pod Doctor. They can't even fight in this rotten fanfic, especially since they're always being punted to the side by that sorry excuse for a man, and they're the ones who are selfish?! Even when they're clearly trying to help him?! And they can't even do that?! You know what, I've had it up to here with this biased piece of trash that thinks that it's a story.
Axl: *sighs* Also, he's a walking hypocrite. He bashes the magic that's in the series, but he can run around with his so-called magic. Now you see why we want to strangle you, Stuthor. Especially when you write garbage lines like that. Especially garbage lines that constantly contradict each other.
Rory: Yep. *throws a Draw Four card at Axl*
Axl: Hey!
Miyu: Honestly... this Stuthor really did forget about Sailor Moon's ability to resurrect things and people. He's not a fan. He should never consider himself to be one. Ever. And I don't care if that makes me a "whiny purist" in his limited mindset. I'm going to continue to call him out until we are finished with this dreck.

Everyone stays in silence ashamed of the elder woman's truthful words.

Kyo K., Benimaru: *coughbullshitcough*
Manic: If that's the truth, then I'm Stephen King.
Rory: Hey, I liked "Carrie", Mr. King! I gave a copy of that book to Cassy as a birthday gift!
Sonia: *snickers*

"I am only allowing you heal him because it is the only way to avoid his body to weaken with a long recovery." Aki continued in a serious tone. "Yaten will attempt to regenerate the lost tissue and hopefully Benji might live a normal life after this incident. Kaosu died and that is final."

Kyo L.: *pulls out his cell phone, begins dialing*
Kyo K.: What the heck are you doing now, Fox Clone?
Kyo L.: Just a second, Kyo. *on his phone* Yeah, hello, Jess? I think the Stu's alter ego died in that shitty fic. Also, can you get a bunch of cups and a big ass banner? I think I'm about to throw a party... what do you mean I have to confirm that piece of shit ninja's death?! Doctor Douchecanoe flat out said that the tapeworm's other self died!
Benimaru: Well, she is correct about that, Kyo. I mean, the Stu himself needs to die. And he's cheated death multiple times, and you already know that. Plus, he is a Gary Stu, so who knows what he'll pull out of thin air?
Kyo L.: Aww, man! Fine, fine, I'll confirm that pond scum's death and I'll call you back. Yeah, later, Jess. *hangs up* Damn it.

With those words Aki walks away to another area of the clinic. "Ami what happened?" Makoto asks in a serious tone. "That isn't like your mother." Ami nods agreeing.

Manic: Well, of course! He brainwashed her, too!

"I am not sure Makoto." She replied in a tired tone. "I think that she got attached to Benji and don't want to see him hurt. I hate to say this but she is right, Kaosu died today. Even if Benji recover all the tissue that he lost I am not sure that we can give back his lost sight."

Miyu: Don't jump for joy yet, Kyo. I mean, the Stuthor could turn him into a terrible Kenshi clone. *stares at the screen* Yes, I can also make video game references, Stuthor. Surprising, isn't it?

Hotaru takes a deep breath as if making an important decision. "Take my left eye." She said in a serious tone "WHAT?!" is the unanimous cry of the senshis. "I said take my left eye." Hotaru repeated herself. "I have reborn once and I can do it again, so take anything that he might need from me and then let me die, in a short time I will reborn in a new body"

Sonia: Oh, god, he's possessed them to the point that they're even offering their body parts to him.
Rory: Is this... is this a cult?
Manic: *laughs*
Axl: Yes it is, Rory.

"We aren't going to harvest you for parts!" Haruka exclaimed. "She is right! We won't let you do that." Michiru backed up Haruka. "I do it." "No you won't!" Haruka said to her lover. "The last thing that we need is give him the eye of a psychic."

Manic: Yeah, do you want this idiot to be an even bigger God Mode Stu than he already is?
Miyu: Uh... Hotaru's not a psychic. Rei's the psychic. It's also said that Michiru might have some psychic abilities, too. Even more proof that you don't know what fandom you're writing for, Stuthor.
Kyo K.: Yeah, but we clearly know who he's writing for. You know, I think he just saw this series one day, didn't pay any attention to it except for the Senshi who he wanted to bonk, and wrote a bunch of fanfics about wanting to bonk them or just flat out bonking them. I mean, I know that a whole bunch of people do that, but this is the worst example that I've ever seen.

"Listen you are all rushing things." Ami said to her fellow senshis. "If comes to that we can try the official ways, we don't need any of us dying even if we can reborn. I know that everything was too traumatic and we are all tired,

Benimaru: ...which is how we feel with this traumatic fic that's tiring us.

so let's go back to our houses and we think in what to do when we have to." The others nod in silence and leave the clinic; just Ami, Yaten and Aki remain there for the night.

Kyo L.: Wait, they're going to think? The Stuthor already lobotomized them long ago, so what the hell's left for them to think about?
Sonia: They can try to use what little brain power that they have left to try to leave this crappy fic.
Kyo L.: If only that would freakin' happen.


A warm "Welcome back to the world of the livings" are the first words that Benji hears when he wakes. After his eye gets adjusted to the light he recognizes Aki Mizuno on his bedside. "Thanks." Benji said in a hoarse voice. "How long I was out?" Aki looks on her watch before answering. "Just few hours." She answered with a wry smile.

Miyu: Of course he isn't dead.
Rory: You know... Alfred Hitchcock was given the nickname of "The Master of Suspense". What's the Stuthor's nickname?
Axl: Master of Fecal Matter.
Kyo K.: *snickers* Dang it, Spikes.

"Okay…" Benji said taking a deep breath. "Now the truth." Aki chuckles with her inability to tell a good lie, something that her daughter seems to not have inherited.

Manic: I thought that Ami could never lie, either. Eh, we'll waive this as a little wording error.

"Three days, seven hours and forty two minutes." She answered in a serious tone. "You don't get that injured and walk out just with a band-aid. Anyway what is the last thing that you remember?"

Sonia: *as Aki* Aside from being a sexist nitwit?

"Sin telling that if I survived we would meet to fight again." Benji answered. "What happened to me after that?"

Kyo L.: Unfortunately, you didn't die!

"You were brought here and we treated you." Aki replied. "As you can tell we couldn't restore your left eye." Benji nods confirming, he let's out a tired sigh. "That will makes things harder to me." He commented bitterly.

Benimaru: *as he's checking his messages* Well, my sympathy levels are still low. Everyone else?
Manic: Whatever.
Kyo K.: Meh.
Sonia: *scoffs* He can just go eat a billion nails.
Axl: Wait, I'm supposed to feel sorry for him now? Yeah, okay.
Rory: *shrugs*
Miyu: *quietly cleans her glasses*
Kyo L.: *grumbles* Man, fuck that fuckin' fucker.
Benimaru: I think that sums up our feelings about you, Stu.

"You won't fight anymore because I won't allow it." Aki said seriously. "I won't deny the advantage and aid that you gave to the senshis

Kyo K.: She said "advantage and aid that he gave to the Senshi", but she really meant "ability to turn the Senshi into fawning cheerleaders who did absolutely nothing while he did all the work".

but like this you won't be able to fight." "I have to help them." Benji said looking at the doctor. "It is part of an agreement and because I want to. They are friends I don't want to see them dead or worse."

Axl: Lie of the century!
Miyu: Your supposed humility is not going to fly with us, Stu. You say that you are friends with them, but you've actually acted like a giant jerk to or blatantly ignored just about everyone who wasn't named Hotaru or Michiru. *sternly* Do not try to play us like we're a bunch of fools.

"Same goes for them, but like this you can't fight properly." Aki said moving closer and adjusting his blanket. "I don't know what kind of agreement you have made but you did everything to fulfill it. It is over now, rest because you earned it, you paid very high for it. You saved my daughter and her friends not to mention uncountable people; it is time for you to rest now."

Rory: *sighs as he mops a wank puddle* So... "Macho Stu and the Cheerleaders" is going to be canned, right?
Manic: I hope so.

Benji stays in silence unable to say anything because the worry on her eyes and voice. "You were healed but you are far from being healthy,

Sonia: Oh, do not let me begin on how he's not healthy.

rest so you can recover." Aki said in a gentle tone. "I will make sure that you will recover as much as it is possible."

Kyo L: Can they recover his brain cells?
Kyo K.: He never had any to begin with.
Benimaru: Oh, that much is obvious.


After one week Aki allowed Benji to leave the clinic, while content with the release Benji is surprised that the doctor dragged him to her condo.

Miyu: Um... Ami and her mother live in an apartment. There's another error.

It seems that Aki had enforced her not allowing Benji to fight position by telling to Michiru pack two weeks worth of clothes for Benji and taking to the clinic.

Kyo L.: So does that mean that the Senshi can finally fight without that Macho Stu screwing everything up with his dick?
Sonia: If that's the case, it's going to happen offscreen. You know that we can't have the camera away from the Stu for more than five minutes.

Benji couldn't say that he was happy with the decision, he had gotten used to live with the outer senshis, but he were unable to go against Aki's argument that while she released him from the clinic for lack excuses to him stay there and not raise suspicions he was still in observation because of the poison.

Benimaru: Then why is he out of the hospital if he's still poisoned?! And why is the poison still circulating in his bloodstream?! He should be dead!
Axl: Man, Pod Doctor's a garbage doctor.
Rory: Did she get her medical degree from Microsoft Word?
Manic: *laughs* Microsoft Word?!
Rory: Yeah, she must've used that ClipArt.
Manic: Oh, Rory. You're great, man.

Aki have given to Benji a rather spacious empty suite and Benji decided to take a good shower after two weeks of sponge baths.

Manic: He probably thought those sponge baths were like the ones in those porno films.
Miyu: Complete with that 70s music?
Manic: Heh, probably!

Looking himself in the mirror Benji stays in a somber silence seeing the very dark patches of skin where the poisoned flames sliced his flesh, he runs his fingers on the large amount of scar tissue on his chest and feels the roughness of the skin there and sighs. He turns away from the mirror and walks to the shower.

Kyo K.: Sympathy points?
Everyone else: In the negatives!
Kyo K.: Yep.

In the living room of the house the senshis are trying to accept the new changes on the group and for the first time Aki is present in the meeting to illustrated rather detailed why Benji couldn't fight anymore, the most sensitive senshis as Minako, Hotaru and Serena feel sick with the descriptions from Aki about how the loss of fifty percent of his sight could lead to Benji's death.

Kyo L.: He might die?! *claps excitedly* Yes! Yes, please kick the bucket! Oh, please, please, please die!
Rory: Yeah... if that's a reaction to a character who might die... you're doing it all wrong.
Miyu: *sighs* He's not going to die. Come on, we already know that the rules are going to bend for him so that he won't die. Stephenie Meyer did it with her self-insert, so Benji Himura is going to do it with his self-insert.
Benimaru: And the poison's still coursing through his body. Stuthor loves himself a lot.
Kyo K.: That's funny coming from you, Beni.


Half a week passed since Benji moved to the Mizuno house, Benji noticed with some bitterness that Ami wasn't around often and he knew that Aki wasn't either,

Axl: ...because one's a doctor, and the other's a Senshi, you selfish prick! They're not on call to wipe your ass 24/7!

however the doctor is staying with him most of the time. He is unsure if it is for the observation that she said that he was under or she was just content in having company.

Kyo K.: It's the latter, you sponge brain. Weren't we told that Dr. Mizuno loved this idiot more than she loved her own daughter?
Miyu: *sighs* Yes, Mr. Kusanagi.

Aki is fixing the lunch while Benji is working on the light routine of exercises that a friend of Aki told him to do to recover from the surgery. Benji sighs tired seeing how hard it is for him to do certain moments and how much strength he had lost. With lots of trouble Benji finishes the last sequence and puts the weight down in a rack.

Benimaru: Wait, wait, wait, we're trying to go down the realism path again? Um, that doesn't really work when you had infinite adrenaline in the previous chapters. Also... magical girl series. Edgy injuries weren't really a thing there. Also... poison.

"Damn it is too hard to do this." He muttered rubbing his left side where the large mass of scar is located;

Sonia: Once again, work is hard when it comes to this Stu.
Manic: I don't get it. He always complains when he has to do something. What gives?
Sonia: Nothing's falling into his lap, so he needs to start whining.

he grabs a towel over his chair and moves to the kitchen. "How it was?" Aki asked hearing Benji walking in.

Rory: Also, what it do?

"Hard." Benji answered opening the refrigerator and taking a bottle of sport drink from it.

Axl: That's what she said.
Manic: *plays a rimshot*
Axl: Hurr-durr.
Manic: *snickers*

"It is not getting easier at all. Those weights weight only four kilos and I am suffering to work with them."

Kyo L.: Well, we suffered a lot in having to deal with you, so enjoy our pain.
Miyu: *turns to the audience* In case you couldn't or don't feel like converting, that's almost nine pounds.
Benimaru: Also... poison. Exercising? Blood circulation? Poison?

"Considering that you lost around ten kilos of muscle tissue and bone it is only natural." Aki said turning to him.

Miyu: He lost twenty-two pounds of muscle tissue and bone?! How in the blasted hill of dung is he not dead?! And how in the world is he lifting those weights?!
Rory: That Microsoft Word diploma's doing its thing!

"Yaten couldn't heal everything; you have to understand that some of it won't return. You have to work slowly to strengthen what you have and prevent weakening the remaining muscles."

Axl: Uh... what about reconstructive surgery?
Kyo K.: Are you thinking over there, Spikes? You stop that right now!

"I know that, but it is hard to exercise for hours everyday and not see any improvements." Benji commented opening the bottle.

Benimaru: You've been exercising for a week and a half. What, did you expect some instant regeneration... never mind, forget that I even asked that question.

"I am seeing improvement." Aki said pointing at his hands. "Three days ago you needed me to open a bottle like that. You couldn't get enough strength in your left hand to hold the bottle or the cap. You are improving a little everyday."

Sonia: Ironically, if this happened from the beginning, we wouldn't hate him as much as we do now. I'm not talking about his injuries. I'm saying that it would've been a lot better if he got his weapons and learned how to defend the world as an ally to the Senshi instead of being this idiotic Macho Stu who shuns them all to the side.
Kyo L.: Are you actually... making up decent ideas, Sonia? Go to your room!
Sonia: *chuckles*

Benji smiles at the older woman and take a drink for the bottle; she was right maybe if he continued he would recover most of his lost strength, reflexes and movements.

Rory: Of course. Like we needed the Macho Stu to leave the action scene.
Miyu: You know, we could be looking at something much more exciting... like watching the Senshi go back to defending the world...
Axl: Nope! We have to focus on the slow recovery of this black hole. Because the fic's all about him.

"What you are cooking?" Benji asked changing the subject. Aki chuckled at his question. "SO now that you cheered you want to change the subject, well I can agree with that." She teased him. "I am making steak with onions, salad and white rice. You need minerals and vitamins; you are healing and need to increase your intake of nutrients. It is your doctor's orders."

Manic: Can I really trust you, Doctor Giggles? I mean, Doctor Nick Riviera's starting to sound like a better choice for a doctor right now.

"Hai, hai." Benji replied finishing the drink. "I will clean up now, I am sweaty." Aki nods and sees him leaving; she missed taking care of someone. After Ami began study long hours Aki found herself staying longer and longer working as her daughter studied more and more, she didn't found many reasons to stay indoors longer than sleeping, bathing and getting dressed. With the passing years even those times were discarded and often Aki slept, showered and changed clothes in her clinic.

Kyo K.: *annoyed* Glad to see that this fic didn't stop kissing the Stu's ass.
Rory: So, uh... did this fic basically say that the good doctor... should stop everything and stay in the kitchen to take care of a man with a mommy complex?
Sonia: Oh, my... Rory, you may be right. You really get sharp when a fic's bad, huh?
Rory: It's even scaring me.

Just during the last half of the Galaxia crisis she learned about Ami being a senshi, Aki did noticed bruises, cuts and other small wounds on her daughter occasionally, Ami told that was from small accidents in the PE classes and Aki believed, why she wouldn't believe on her daughter.

Miyu: Uh... the worst thing that happened to her was having her Star Seed snatched out of her head, and that didn't cause cuts or bruises. Once again, the Stuthor doesn't know what he's writing for.

After two years and the sudden increase of the days were Ami returned hurt Aki began suspecting that something was wrong,

Benimaru: this fic existing, for one.

for one month Aki followed Ami when she was nearly giving up and ruling the incident as an isolated event and a more troublesome PE class she saw a youma attacking and her daughter changing; it horrified her beyond words to discover that when confronted Ami calmly explained everything.

Miyu: Well, the Senshi usually transformed in front of certain other people when they had no choice, so that makes sense.

Aki wanted to be insane or believe that it was just a nightmare, Ami distanced herself even more after the discovery, and Aki buried herself in her work trying to forget everything.

Miyu: Okay, now that doesn't make sense. It wouldn't traumatize them.
Rory: Man, for every right thing that this Stuthor does, he wrecks it with a million more things that are wrong.

It took months and nearly losing Ami to Aki accept what her daughter was and understand that she couldn't do anything else that providing a specialized medical care for the sailor senshis.

Aki wanted to deny that she is glad that isn't Ami the one suffering what Benji is suffering, but she also feels guilty about Benji's condition; she felt that if she stopped him from fighting he wouldn't be so badly broken.

Axl: *as the Stu* But I must fight.
Sonia: *as Aki* But I love you!
Kyo K.: *confused* What the heck are you two doing?
Axl: Mocking this, as usual. Seriously, this is turning into a soap opera! The lovelorn woman is trying to stop her warrior lover from getting hurt!
Kyo L.: And there goes my diabeetus.
Miyu: Also, Stuthor? You may want to use another word besides "broken" to describe how injured he is. It just sounds wrong.

Aki met Benji many more times after his first visit and began to think of him as her own child since when they met they often pretended to be mother and son,

Manic: ...that's a fetish, right?
Benimaru: I... don't know. I've already questioned it once, I don't want to do it again.

it eased the suffering of both Aki's for not being there for Ami and Benji's for not being even close of his family and not having ways to talk with them.

Kyo L.: Didn't we talk about this two chapters ago?!
Axl: Stupid fic's on an endless loop now!

She bonded with the outcast and began to see him as Ami's brother often asking him to look over Ami. What she thinks that is part of the reason of his current condition. Aki wanted to take care of Benji seeking redemption for her self-thought sins, existent or not.

Manic: *in a church choir uniform* Yes, only you can absolve yourself of your sins when you join the Church of Benji!
Kyo K.: Alright, then let's set up the grape Flavor Aid.
Sonia: Rory was definitely right; this is a cult.


Few more days pass rather quietly,

Miyu: ...and because they weren't focused on him, we had to skip them.

worried about Benji Michiru and Hotaru visit the Brazilian. Not finding a reason to forbid the visit Aki allows the duo to enter; Aki won't say anything about the senshis still being Benji's friends as long they don't ask him to fight again,

Kyo L.: Look here, Dr. Assbucket! They couldn't fight because he was taking up all the space while he was here! Now get your head out of the Stuthor's ass and get your brains back into your empty head!
Benimaru: I really can't believe that this fic is actually painting the Senshi as the bad guys. This is ridiculous. Especially since this is coming from the doctor who left the poison in his bloodstream!

Aki even took from Benji his changing watch to prevent him from doing behind her back.

Manic: Nah, let him do that. That way if he dies, Kyo can have his little party.
Sonia: *as she summons her keyboard* Then do I get to play some party music? *plays "Amazing Grace", sings* Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound... that you are finally dead!
Kyo K.: *cringes* Well, that got dark real quickly.

Aki and Hotaru move to the kitchen to fetch more tea and snacks. Benji and Michiru remain on the living room. "You don't have to wear those shades around us." Michiru commented in a gentle tone, Benji is wearing a pair of black sunglasses that cover his eyes preventing people of seeing his missing eye.

Rory: I think we're missing a cane and one of those metal cups.
Axl: I'm starting to wonder if we're this close to hitting asshole territory...
Kyo L.: We jumped over that cliff a long time ago, Ax. Come on, we all know that Rory's not mocking the physically disabled.
Axl: *scratches his head* Well, yeah, it's just that every time I read something here, it's like the Stuthor's trying to tug at our heartstrings.
Benimaru: It's not that possible to tug at hearts that have turned into stone.

"I prefer this way." Benji replied in a light tone. "It is to prevent me from seeing it."

Kyo K.: Uh... don't you mean that it's to prevent everyone else from seeing that... like you said earlier?
Manic: Those demons must've bashed his brains out.
Kyo K.: He never had any brains, Pineapple.

Michiru looks at him and she can clearly see the scar on his face even partially hidden by the sunglasses. "Let's take some fresh air in the balcony." She said standing up and taking Benji's right hand, gently pulling him to the balcony. Benji doesn't resist and allow Michiru to guide him.

Miyu: And then Michiru pushed him over the balcony. The End.

Michiru leans against the rail of the balcony resting her arms on the rail, and looks at the city; Benji leans on the balcony besides Michiru but with his back turned to the city facing the living room.

"What you plan on doing?" Michiru asked glancing at Benji. "I won't try convincing you on giving up or fighting, whatever you decide I will support you. Even if you decide to return to your homeland."

Sonia: Yes, please return! The Senshi would be so much better off without you!

Benji stifles a bitter chuckle. "Returning home like this is impossible." Benji said in a blank tone. "I haven't really thought about anything or even planned anything. I am trying to recover as best as I can."

Manic: So where's the part where he goes into his room and blasts some Linkin Park?
Kyo L.: Not yet, Manic. And we all know the real reason why he won't return; he won't hog the spotlight at home.

"But isn't enough, isn't?" Michiru questioned now turning her head and looking at Benji's profile. Benji nods agreeing and moves his left hand a bit. "It hurts just moving, I barely can open a bottle cap, and I feel short of air easily." He said in a bitter tone. "I won't even start on how hurts to breath and on my left eye."

Benimaru: I can't even begin on how it hurts to read this, but that's just me.

Michiru knew that Benji got it hard, he couldn't just start over as they can; Michiru knew that if any of the senshis were on his place they would have killed themselves to reborn with a new body.

Miyu: And then they'd be out of this crummy story!

"I am sorry." Michiru said reaching to his left hand and holding it. "Because of us you are like this. Maybe we shouldn't have allowed you to fight this long; we got so used to your help and forgot that you aren't like us."

Sonia: *repeatedly slams her fists against her keyboard* No, no, no, no! Stop blaming yourselves for stuff that this crap writer did! The last chapter explicitly stated that you Senshi weren't able to do anything because you all happened to be women!
Rory: So now everything's a woman's fault, I guess. Even existing is their fault. Man, this fic confuses me.
Kyo K.: See what you did, Stuthor? You've gone and confused the ditz! Hope you're proud of yourself.

"You don't have to apologize." Benji said gently squeezing Michiru's hand. "It was my choice to aid you all;

Axl: *crosses out "aid", writes "overshadow" in its place* Fixed that for you.

I knew the risks when I accepted the offer from Setsuna." "Offer?" Michiru asked confused. "So that story of hers of you being an old friend was a lie after all? I thought that was odd, Setsuna doesn't have friends."

Miyu: Hey, did you forget Chibiusa?
Manic: The Stuthor sure did.

"That story might be a lie but my actions, feelings and words aren't." Benji said looking down. "The truth would be too hard to any of you accept, Setsuna is already used to truths like that so she can endure it. You girls would collapse because of it."

Kyo L.: Uh, this ain't "Gone With the Wind". They're not going to swoon, because they've dealt with much worse. And stop calling them "girls", you prick. They're grown women. Quit treating them like infants.
Kyo K.: He's calling them "girls", huh? That's pretty ironic coming from the guy with a mommy complex.

Michiru smiles lightly. "We aren't that frail." She said moving to face him.

Miyu: This fic would like to tell you otherwise.

"I am not that frail, you know me Benji; we shop together, you helped me in the house and we expended a lot time together; you know what I face in my daily life not counting being a senshi."

Benimaru: Yes, hear the trying tribulations of a stereotypical 1950s housewife who constantly rapes a Gary Stu in his sleep. *flatly* Joy.

"I know and that is why I don't want to burden you with a needless story about me." Benji replied with a smile.

Kyo K.: Heh... yeah, okay.
Yeah, bull and shit. This entire excuse for a story is centered around your dick. Don't even try to be humble now!

"Besides like this is even more needless I am not returning anymore." "You shouldn't give up." Michiru said to him. "If you give up you will never get any better."

Manic: No, but he needed this entire chapter to wangst.

"I am not giving up, I just decided that." Benji replied in a serious tone. "Even before this I was confused if I wanted to return or not; I have ties here that I don't want to sever."

Sonia: Like he, himself, and him.
Kyo L.: And his dick.
Rory: Sounds like family means jack squat to this guy. I thought he missed his family! What happened?
Sonia: This fic happened.

Michiru stays in silence unable to reply. Aki and Hotaru call from the kitchen and move back to the living room.

"You will fight again?" Michiru whispered before turning to the living room. "If you ever need me you just have to tell me that I will help." Benji whispered back. "If you feel the need I will fight even like this." Michiru weights the somber effects that calling him would create; she doesn't know if fighting would aid his recovery or just speed his downfall.

Rory: This is a Stu fic. It's probably going to benefit him.
Miyu: On the other hand... the Senshi have been demonized for letting him overshadow them. It could actually go either way.


Nearly two weeks pass peacefully making the senshis and the still recovering Benji worried, while forbidden to fight by Aki Benji still went to the meetings on Rei's house, Benji was an important advisor and strategist, also providing a different point of view on the events.

Miyu: Basically, he missed overshadowing them all.
Benimaru: So that poison's been in his system for about two months now. And he's not dead because...?
Miyu: Stuthor powers, Mr. Nikaido.
Benimaru: Figured.

Most of the meeting consisted of recalling previous incidents and trying to find anything that they might have overlooked before.

Kyo L.: *as the Stu* Hey, remember the time where I saved you girls from that tentacle monster? And remember the time where I--
Everyone else: *as the Senshi* Oh, would you shut up!

In the end as many of the previous meetings it was fruitless.

Sonia: Fruitless. That's also how we can describe this fic.

The senshis leave, Serena leaves with Mamoru;

Rory: And now he's Mamoru instead of Darien.
Axl: *sighs* Stupid consistency errors. I'm convinced that he doesn't like Usagi and Mamoru because he keeps switching their names like that.

Makoto, Ami and Minako leave together, Hotaru, Haruka and Setsuna move to Haruka's car while Michiru is talking to Benji.

Benimaru: *sighs* She's always talking to this nitwit.
Manic: She's probably trying to find a way to rape him in his sleep again.
Benimaru: *shudders*

The sailor stars and their queen leave to their house.

Miyu: She. Is. Princess. Kakyuu. Yes, I'm still calling you out, Stuthor.

"You are sure that you don't want a come with us?" Michiru asked to Benji. "I am." Benji replied in a gentle tone. "But thanks for the offer, I am not in the mood for going out and dining in a public place; I stand out too much lately."

Kyo K.: *with a megaphone* You're a Brazilian guy who is living in Japan! Of course you're going to stand out, you idiot!
Sonia: No, having giant muscles won't make him stand out. It's looking like he's been mauled by one of those wobbly giants from "Attack on Titan" that changes all of that. I question this person's lack of logic.

"We don't care, Hotaru really wants to expend sometime with you. It is the first time in one month that you actually leave the condo." Michiru said lightly pressing the issue, it wasn't only Hotaru that wanted his company, she also wanted it.

Rory: Why do I have this feeling that I'm going to puke?
Kyo L.: If you're gonna do that, aim for the Stuthor's head.

"I know, but Aki will skin me alive if I take too long, she is still not sure that you won't have me fighting so she doesn't want me out for long with you, she is seeing attacks that aren't happening." Benji replied in a tired voice. "I appreciate her worry but she is a little overprotective."

Miyu: *sarcastically* Or "crazy", because women are too emotional and have constant PMS, am I right? *weakly laughs, stops* Oh, I hate this fic.

"She is channeling what she can't do with Ami on you." Michiru commented. "I won't try convincing you tonight, but we will go out for a lunch soon you, me and Hotaru, we will have some fun and act as it was before the school."

Manic: Or just go without him, and then things would go back to normal... but I'm asking for too much.

Benji nods agreeing and walk Michiru to the car,

Axl: Like a gentleman.
Kyo L.: Yeah, now tell me a funny joke, Ax.

Benji sees the car moving away and smiles bitterly; actually Aki wasn't all the bad,

Kyo K.: Yeah, that's bullshit. She demonizes the Senshi for stuff that they've never done, and she's "not that bad". Yeah, okay.

she accepted that he could help the senshis with tactical advices and other things in the background,

Benimaru: stealing the spotlight.
Kyo K.: Says a lot coming from the guy who's trying to steal my spotlight!
Benimaru: Yes, but I'm a lot more charming than he is.
Kyo K.: I would normally snark on you, but you have a point.

but Benji needed a time alone to do few things that he need to do; his short range combating might be severely compromised but he has other ways to fight, Aki accepting or not.

Sonia: No. No! Do not tell me that he probably has some random psychic powers!
Miyu: Oh, my goodness, if I'm right, I'm going to be so angry.
Sonia: Miyu. *chuckles* You're a psychic.
Miyu: *pushes glasses up* Yes, but seeing the future isn't one of my abilities.


In the restaurant the outer senshis are having a calm dinner. "Setsuna how you met Benji and his family?" Michiru asked in a casual tone.

Axl: *sighs* Of course we couldn't have a moment without that black hole being mentioned.

"You never explained us." Hotaru nods agreeing she was curious even thought surprised with the question, Haruka stays in silence actually jealous of Michiru's interest on Benji.

Rory: Because Haruka's evil.
Kyo L.: I'm serious, I think that Haruka's actually our audience surrogate. She can't stand the bastard, and we agree with her.
Benimaru: And much like Haruka, we're "evil" for hating the Stu. Is this a sort of "take that" to his critics?
Sonia: Probably. The Stuthor doesn't know how to write a good story, but he sure knows when people don't like his nonsense.
Kyo L.: Ah, just like a true hack writer.

"When he first appeared to us." Setsuna replied. "But I know his family from way back." "I see." Michiru commented sipping her wine, she remains in silence Michiru doesn't know everything but talking with Benji after the school incident she learned that the story is a lie, unless Setsuna was still trying to keep up the façade that she had told to them in the first time; it was either that or Setsuna really believed in that lie.

Manic: This story's a lie.

Oddly enough Michiru was pending more that Setsuna believe in her own lie, which is very unusual. Hotaru notices Michiru's suspicions and wonder why she is like that. Michiru excuses herself to adjust her lipstick and moves to the restroom, Hotaru follows her since Setsuna and Haruka aren't going.

Axl: Yeah, thanks for the hand holding, Stephenie.

"Michiru-mama what is wrong?" Hotaru asked after entering on the restroom, Michiru is removing her lipstick with a tissue. "Something isn't right." Michiru answered looking at Hotaru's reflection on the mirror.

Miyu: *as Michiru* My head hurts. Did the Stuthor turn me into this... walking caricature who lusts over his self-insert?

"But that is what Setsuna-mama told us when Benji first arrived." Hotaru said knowing about which subject Michiru is talking about. "If that isn't the right story why Setsuna-mama told us that and why Benji lied to us?"

Kyo K.: Benji's always been a liar. That's not news.

"Protect us." Michiru replied turning to Hotaru. "I spoke with Benji few days ago, he didn't shared with me the entire truth but he shared some of it with me, the story that Setsuna told us and he backed up isn't true."

"But Benji helped us he can't be bad!" Hotaru quickly defended Benji.

Sonia: Oh, every time a mouthpiece defends that pond scum, a large piece of my brain dies.
Kyo L.: And there goes Sonia's frontal lobe.
Rory: *looks at Kyo L.*
Kyo L.: Yeah, I paid attention in school, too.

Michiru smiles at Hotaru. "You like him." She said in a gentle tone. "Don't you?" Hotaru blushed and squirm trying to look away while trying to say something to set Michiru off but all that she can say is mumble confused words and sentences.

Benimaru: Oh, please. She only likes him because the Stuthor likes her. He said that he liked her in the second chapter. That's also why he aged her up to eighteen!

"He is the first male that I can talk with out getting embarrassed or that doesn't treat me badly." Hotaru said clutching her skirt.

Kyo K., Benimaru: *facepalms, groans*
Rory: He's not like the other guys!
Manic: *as he mops up a wank puddle* So he's still Super Penis Man... without being Super Penis Man. What a paradox.
Miyu: Oh, and all of the fedora jokes have led up to this moment.

"In school they either doesn't care of make fun of me. They speak badly of me because you and Haruka-papa, they call me of so many things."

All: *confused* Wait, what?!
Axl: Oh, do not tell me that the Stuthor went down that path! Do not tell me!

Michiru gently hugs Hotaru, she can imagine the horrible things that she must hear from others, and Michiru receive that kind of treatment rather often. "I know that is hard, most people doesn't understand our feelings or are just too filled with prejudice and hate." Michiru said in a comforting tone. "There are people that accept us with out prejudice; they are as many as the one that hate us."

Miyu: *angry* Oh, you have some nerve, Stuthor! You have the nerve to talk about homophobia when you caused Michiru to lust over your self-insert!
Kyo L.: Uh-oh. *immediately embraces Miyu*
Miyu: Kyo... I want this fic to burn.
Kyo L.: So do I, baby. So do I.
Rory: It gets worse. One person did bring this up with the Stuthor when it came to a different fic of his, and he said that he actually "had lesbian friends, and they still had sex with men".
Manic: *pinches the bridge of his nose* No words, man.
Axl: *as his left eye twitches* Well, I think I just lost a few brain cells there.
Sonia: *takes a deep breath* Do not explode, do not explode...
Benimaru: *stammers, facepalms, sighs* This moron...
Kyo K.: So that's why this dimwit doesn't know what that word meant. Wow. He really needs some writing lessons. And a dictionary. And a working brain.
Axl: And he also needs to lose the ego, because he ain't shit.

"I only find people that hate me." Hotaru whispered sadly. "I don't have friends in school, it is horrible to make group assignments, either no one wants me on the group or I am forced to work alone."

Sonia: So... we're going to keep a character problem from two arcs ago, eliminate every mention of Chibiusa, and put this idiotic Stu in her place. Way to ruin character development, Stuthor.

"I know how it is." Michiru whispered back. "It is painful."

Rory: Painful. Just like this fic!

"Benji is one of the few people that I know that doesn't care and treats me well." Hotaru said.

Kyo K.: Oh, he doesn't care, all right.

"He helped me so much." He is a welcomed reinforcement for us." Michiru commented.

Axl: Lie of the millennium!
Sonia: He's actually the worst original character that I've had the misfortune of coming across. Kathryn wasn't this bad, and she was a giant black hole her own self.
Kyo L.: So, uh, do you regret shooting her?
Sonia: Oh, no, she really had to die. It's just that she wasn't as bad as this waste of human flesh.

"I don't mean as helping me as a senshi." Hotaru replied. "He helped me in our normal lives, as a fighter I can't even count the times that he helped me. Now he is broken."

Manic: Um... once again, don't call him "broken". That's... no. I mean, we hate his guts, but... don't say stuff like that when it comes to injured people.
Miyu: Not to mention that they would never say things like this. Also, they would never give up because they lost an ally. They would keep fighting. But of course, this Stuthor would just make them roll over and pine for his self-insert.

"Benji isn't broken." Michiru said in a serious tone. "He will recover you will see it, he is much more resilient that we are."

Kyo K.: Because he's a man, you see!
Benimaru: Oh, sexism, we did not miss you.

"He lost an eye and many muscles, my healing magic is useless." Hotaru depressed stated.

Axl: This fic is useless.

"Medicine can't do anything either. It is a miracle that he is alive after everything."

Miyu: *icily* More like his Stuthor saved him. Of course bad writers can never kill off their mirror images.

"It isn't a miracle." Michiru said seriously.

Manic: Because miracles are girly things!
Miyu: Stuthor. It's fine if you don't believe in miracles, but they actually exist in that universe. So stop erasing everything.

"He is strong and didn't give up even wounded as he was, he saved us. Now he is trying hard to recover." Hotaru looks at Michiru. "You like him too don't you Michiru-mama?" she asked in a serious but worried tone. "That is why you are making those questions to Setsuna-mama and is saying those things about him."

Michiru sighs, Hotaru isn't fully wrong she does have feelings for him; she had sex with him many times and since the first she had feelings for him.

All: *facepalms* No!
Kyo L.: *gets up, angrily points at the screen* Stuthor, I'm going to light a fuck ton of dictionaries on fire and throw them all at your stupid ass! You better have some good dodging skills!
Rory: I know that this odd coming from me, but even I know that sex and rape are two different things, you dummy!
Sonia: This nitwit really does believe that women can't rape men. And he really believes that if a woman rapes a man, then it must be love. Oh, my goodness. I really... really want to slap the stupid out of him right now.

"I do like him." Michiru said in an honest tone.

Manic: You're not Honest Abe, Pod Michiru.

"What about Haruka-papa?" Hotaru asked confused and surprised with the admission.

Benimaru: And here comes the Haruka bashing. Brace yourselves.

"I am not sure of anything Hotaru, I am confused and torn." Michiru replied honestly. "I love Haruka, in our past lives we loved each other and I love her in this life too, but I am tired of her actions time after time she flirts with other women ignoring me,

Axl: ...says the pod person who kept lusting after the Stu, to the point where she raped him multiple times. Go fuck yourself with a cactus, hypocrite.

I have to be always available for her but when I want attention and she isn't in the mood for it she ignores me."

Kyo K.: Now you're just pulling stuff out of your ass. You two were always jumping on each other in the first couple of chapters of this dumb thing. We're not as dumb as you think we are.
Rory: Stuthor forgot what he wrote again, did he?
Kyo K.: He forgets everything that he writes!

Hotaru is surprised with those words, she did know that Haruka strayed often but never saw anything other than flirting.

Miyu: Now the Stuthor's just making excuses to turn a lesbian straight. Stuthor. Haruka never cheated on Michiru. The same applies to Michiru when regarding Haruka.
Manic: Are you kidding? Haruka's cheating is bad, but Michiru's cheating is okay?
Miyu: According to this biased Stuthor's terrible excuse for logic, yes.

"But why Benji?" Hotaru asked looking around to make sure that they are alone there.

Axl: Because he's a dimension warping piece of crap and she couldn't resist him.

"We always got along well; he never tried to judge me or even tried anything on me." Michiru answered.

Sonia: Oh, we're judging him harshly.

"He helps me in the house and is much more considerate than Haruka,

Kyo L.: Oh, for the love of... *mops up another wank puddle*
Benimaru: *laughs* He's considerate? Is this Opposite Day?
Kyo L.: Yes, because considerate people break other people's hands after meeting them for five minutes because they "don't like them" and threaten to beat up women for stealing their kills! *speaks through clenched teeth* Pod Person. Stuthor. Go. Fuck. Yourselves.

I could list everything that but I don't want to, if I do I might say something that I don't want to and ruin the dinner. Benji is a good person and a very good friend."

All: Lie of all time!
Sonia: Do not give me that bullshit about that waste of carbon being "a good person". He's a sexist pig, and the narration proves it. Stop. Lying.

"You love him?" Hotaru asked looking at Michiru's eyes. "Honestly?" Michiru asked seeing the confirmation on Hotaru's eyes. "I don't really know, I might be infuriated at Haruka and infatuated at Benji.

Rory: And now I'm going to hurl all over the Stuthor's head.
Miyu: He really needs to stop writing. If he doesn't want to improve... he should just stop.
Axl: You realize that Michiru's been treating Haruka like crap for six months? All because she refused to sleep with her?
Sonia: Yeah, this Stuthor really does want to break them up.

I am not sure of my feelings, but I know that they are strong towards him, might be only infatuation and deep friendship that I am confusing with love.

Manic: Is it really infatuation if you're doing him in his sleep, you rapist?

I know that isn't the straight answer that you wanted to hear from me, but is the only one that I have."

Kyo K.: It's a stupid answer, actually.

Hotaru stays in silence for few moments. "I won't tell to anyone." Hotaru said. "But mama let's agree on this, if one of us gets Benji the other will accept the decision okay? If he stays with you I don't want to lose any of you."

Miyu: It took long enough, but there's finally some sort of love triangle in this terrible fic.
Axl: Despite the fact that one of them's already in a relationship!

"Okay. I promise you that." Michiru said gently kissing Hotaru's cheek. "If you get him I won't be jealous, but I want to know everything."

Kyo L.: You already know about that dickhead's dick, so what's left, huh?

Hotaru blushes madly at Michiru's words. "Mama!" Hotaru squealed ashamed. "It is the truth, and I know that you would want to know if were the other way around." Michiru said in a teasingly tone, she was feeling better and decided to leave the questions about Setsuna for later when she is alone. Michiru reapplies her lipstick and they leave the restroom.

Rory: I wish we could leave this fic.
Sonia: Well, if it's any consolation, we're almost done with this awful chapter.
Rory: I still want this fic to end.
Sonia: I know. There's only one chapter left after this.


In another part of the city Benji leaves a bar, Aki is waiting outside on her car. "Why you came here?" Aki asked after he entered in the car. "I didn't want to stay in the apartment alone or intruding on the dinner of the outers, I took a walk and stopped her for a drink." Benji answered in a casual tone.

Manic: Intruding is what he does best.

"Well since you aren't drunk or in trouble it is okay for you to have a drink or two." Aki commented driving away. "I think that it means that you are getting better since you aren't locking up in the apartment."

Benimaru: Um... uh... hey, Doctor Demented? If he's had all of that happen to him, wouldn't he be on painkillers or something?
Miyu: That's logic, Mr. Nikaido.
Benimaru: And the poison?
Miyu: You're implying that she's actually doing her job.
Benimaru: I give up.
Miyu: That's understandable, Mr. Nikaido.

"Before today you were the one telling me to stay indoors, it was rather troublesome to make you agree to let me jog in the mornings." Benji replied teasingly. "Because you are still recovering, the last thing that you need right now is to have an accident in a place where you won't get treatment or even worse caught something with your stressed immune system." Aki replied in a professional tone.

Kyo K.: Oh, look. She thinks she's a professional.
Axl: She really isn't Ami's mother. She must've locked up the real Dr. Mizuno in the broom closet with the real Senshi.

"Until few days ago you white blood cells count was low while your body was stressed healing the micro scars on you. Now isn't as dangerous for you, but I advise to take short walks and avoid places that could hold infections, illnesses and other harmful conditions. You need to be extra careful now."

Kyo L.: So you might as well be the next boy in a plastic bubble!

Benji nods absent minded, he heard that advice over and over again and know it by heart. While content with Aki's nearly maternal worry and affection it was suffocating him,

Miyu: Coming from the whiny one who wanted to be mothered.
Sonia: *as the Stu* Give me attention... but not too much, or I'll start whining! *normal voice* Honestly, is there anything that this moron won't whine about?
Axl: Nope.

even being hurt it was troublesome for him to listen to all those orders,

Kyo K.: *sarcastically* How dare a woman order you around, you big, strong man! *normal voice* Oh, shut up and take a number. The wangst department will deal with you eventually.

before his training and months aiding the senshis it would be rather easy to stay home and not worry about it.

Benimaru: Because he was used to everything falling into his lap like the lazy Stu he is.

He was friends of the senshis even Haruka and Seiya,

Rory: Yeah, and I'm Godzilla.
Axl: Hey, Godzilla? Can you step on this lying Stu before you leave?
Rory: Certainly!

Rei and him was more like bickering siblings, at least she is much cuter than his brother.

Kyo K.: I think I just threw up in my mouth.
Manic: Nothing says sibling love like tying women up! *mumbles* What a creep.
Axl: He said that he missed his family. Now he's saying that about Rei? Yeah, you can smell the escapism in this fic.

"I will be careful." Benji said to the older woman, he acquired something to aid him and the rest would arrive soon, even with out being able to change to Kaosu he would be able to give some support to the senshis and prevent innocents from getting hurt.

Sonia: Unfortunately, we innocent riffers were already hurt by this toxic waste.
Miyu: Kyo was never innocent to begin with.
Kyo L.: Hey!

End of the chapter eight:

Benimaru: *rubs his forehead* Finally. Just one chapter left.
Rory: I don't know if I can deal with what's left. And I don't want to torture Cassy with it.
Sonia: Rory, it's okay. You can do this.
Rory: You think so?
Sonia: *as she hugs Rory* We know so.
Rory: *as he's trying not to blush* Uh... thanks, Sonia.


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