Mystery Science Theater En Masse

Crazy Train, Episode 5: How a Spark Becomes a Flame (Part Two)


One day after school, I was walking home when I heard a commotion in a nearby alley.

Axl: Ah, yes, the alley. It's where every "guy saves the damsel" event takes place.

I heard some familiar voices and decided to take a peek.

"Kusanagi, we told ya' we're gonna get back at you someday."

"Pfft, just like what happened the last time, I'd kick all your asses…(snaps fingers)…just like that."

It was Kyo, and it seemed this group has some beef with him.

Rory: Why not chicken?
Axl: *gives Rory a puzzled look, starts laughing* Are you serious, Rory?
Kyo: *facepalms* Damn it, Tech. That's not what that means.

"Oh no, this won't be like the last time. I've got ya' outnumbered this time…"

James: A bunch of guys versus one living firecracker. They're not gonna last long in battle, eh?
Kyo: *raises an eyebrow* Just a firecracker?

"And that's supposed to scare me, huh? Hah! You wish…"

"Enough, sic' him boys!!"

"Whoa, hey now. You guys couldn't possibly get any slower now, could you?"

Kyo was just toying with them…he's been evading every attack they make.

Mai: Sounds like we're reading "Ultimate" instead. He's just... dodging with ease.
Kyo: *chuckles* Oh, it was fun poking at Piko's nerves with that.

"Alright, enough horseplay. You want some?"

I couldn't believe it, Kyo easily took out those guys without any hassle.

"Heh, are you burning?"

Rory: No, and even if I was burning, what then?
James: Well, you get your arse off of the couch and jump into some water, you dunce.

(From behind holding a lead pipe)) "Now you're gonna get it, Kusanagi!"

I couldn't just stand by and watch, so…

"KYO!! Lookout!!"

"Huh? What?" (evades) "The hell? No fair…"

Axl: Hey, at least he isn't launching pillars of wind while he's sitting comfortably in the corner.
Kyo: *grimaces* Don't remind me, Spikes.

"Grrr…that bitch. If it wasn't for her…get her boys."


I tried to escape but unfortunately, one of the gangsters was able to get a hold of me and pointed a knife by my waist.

"This is the price you pay for interfering, you dirty little whore."

Mai: Coming from the guy that couldn't fight fairly and tried to whack Kyo with a lead pipe.
Rory: This is also coming from the squirrel who uses weapons in battle.
Mai: At least I show them in front and not from behind, Rory.
Axl: Hey, Rory, you have no room to talk. You can make weapons out of light.
Rory: Well, yeah, but... *stammers*
James: But nothing, let's just go on. This argument's getting us nowhere.
Kyo: *as he opens a can of soda* You're tellin' me.

"Let her go!! She's got nothing to do with this…"

"Hahaha, so, the heir of the Kusanagi doesn't want innocent people involved.

Axl: Which is why he's not headlining the main pages of

Tell you what, you simply play along and we'll leave her alone, how's that?"

"Damn it!"


"Now, Kusanagi. You take one more step, and I'll have to tear this little slut a new belly button."

"You bastards…"

James: *as Kyo* That's the wrong saying, you dumbass... it's supposed to be "tear her a new asshole".
Kyo: Are you frickin' serious right now, you blond bastard?
Mai, Axl, Rory: *tries not to laugh*

"So, what'll be then, Kusanagi?"

For my safety, Kyo gave in to their demands…he didn't fight back. It was horrible. They beat him senseless.

(Kyo falls to the ground)

"Aaahh…ahh…" (spits blood)

"Oh, how the mighty have fallen. Having fun yet, Kusanagi?"

Rory: I think we need to give them a real definition on what "fun" is, huh?

"Kyo! Fight back!"

It was too much for me to bear. Even though Kyo was already beaten up badly, they still won't stop.


"No! Stop it! Stop!"

"Aw, shut the hell up, whore! I've just had enough of you…"

He slapped me in the face and threw me against a wall.

"We're through here. Kusanagi got his just desserts."

James: To take a page from the Rory book... they left out the cake and ice cream.
Rory: Do I really sound like that?
James: I swear, you really need to hear yourself talk sometimes.

"What do we do from here?"

"We can always celebrate…" (looks at Yuki) "…by feasting upon this little whore."

Mai: And now they sound like cannibals instead of potential rapists. Still disgusting no matter how you look at it.
Axl: I think I read that hentai before. Didn't like it.


"Come here, little girl…we don't bite."

Axl: You forgot to add "today".


"Stay…the hell…away from her…"

I couldn't believe it. Kyo was already beaten up badly, yet, he's still able to stand on his own two feet.

Kyo: Yeah, training a heck of a lot will do that to you.
Mai: trained? You put effort into your training?
Kyo: It's a very long story, Gloomy.
Rory: I thought you hated effort...
Kyo: Hey, being a prodigy allows you to cheat a bit.
James: *rolls his eyes*

"I thought you already took good care him?"

"We thought so too…"

"Well now, you're a glutton for punishment, aren't you?"

James: Well, considering the hundreds of fanfics that drove him through the ringer, he might as well be.

"Don't you dare…lay a finger on her!"

"And exactly what are you going to do about it, huh?"

Rory: Oh, nothing. He's just gonna do a little thing called "lighting your asses up".

All of a sudden, Kyo's body began to glow; he was shining brightly like the sun.

Mai: Well, to be fair, they did beat him to the point where he was able to charge at least two stocks of his super meter.
Axl: *laughs*

"W-what's goin' on?"

"Hey, to hell with this! Finish him off!!!"

"Die punk!!"


And to my surprise, Kyo's hands begin to produce fire.


"Huh? What the f…?"


In a flash, Kyo waved his arms with a blast of fire and blew his enemies away.

Rory: *gets some sticks and marshmallows* Wait, wait, wait! We need to add to our tiny picnic here!
Kyo: *as he's picking out a sandwich from a basket on the table* Yeah, don't forget the chocolate bars and graham crackers, Tech. And by the way, who made these sandwiches?
Rory: Amy did.
Kyo: Huh. Pretty good.

(Kyo breathing heavily)

"Get…away…from her!!"

"H-hey, now man. Just…just t-take it easy."

James: All fun and games until karma catches up to you, yeah?


"I'm outta' here!!!"

"Oh no you don't!!" (Grabs by the shirt and looks straight into the eye) "Asabi no wari da!!!"

Mai: Sounds like someone's going to have to fork over some Burn Heal, because I'm not going to give that guy any of my Full Restores or Rawst Berries.

Kyo body began to glow some more. He was in an uncontrollable rage. He landed blows here and there without any ounce of hesitation or mercy.

"Kyo!! Stop it!! That's enough!!"

And it was only then that Kyo stopped from his rage. It was odd; it's as if he wasn't in control of himself. Like, he was a totally different person for a moment.

Axl: You mean that Kusanagi didn't possess him like a marionette?
Kyo: Not this time, Spikes.

(Kyo approaches Yuki)

(soft tone) "Hey, you alright?"

"A little shook up, but otherwise fine…" (tries to stand up) "…aaahh!!"

"What's wrong?"

"I can't stand up. I think I twisted my ankle back there…"

James: Normally, I'd roll my eyes at that, but considering what just happened back there, I'm not gonna say anything.

"C'mon, I'll carry you back to school. I'll…you…"

I passed out later on, so I didn't know where Kyo took me. But, one thing I can say, by the time I opened my eyes, the first person I saw was him.

"How're ya' doing?"

"I'm feeling a little better, I guess. Where are we?"

"Back in the school. We're in the school infirmary. Don't worry about your ankle; it's been taken care of."

Kyo: Holy crap, another fanfic finally takes an injured person to a medical spot!

"You brought me here?"

"Yeah, I did."

"Thank you. But, what about you? You were beaten up pretty badly back there…"

"Me? Don't sweat it. I had worse times back when I was a kid."

Mai, Axl, James, Rory: *looks at Kyo*
Kyo: *as he finishes his soda* I told you all... it's a long story.

"Umm…what time is it?"

"Quarter past six."

"It's night already?! I have to go home…" (tries to leave bed) "…ahh!"

"Whoa, easy there. The doc said you should rest for a little while. He said your ankle's bound to get better by tomorrow."

"So, should I spend the night here?"

"Nah, I'll take you home in a little while. So for the time being, if you ever need anything, just let me know, okay?"

Rory: *as Yuki* How about you pass one test within the next month?
Kyo: *throws his empty soda can at Rory's head*
Rory: Hey!

"Well…is it okay if I ask for a glass of water?"

"Heh, not a prob. Wait here…"

Am I dreaming or something? Is Kyo actually being nice to me?

Mai: Hell would actually freeze over if he ended up being nice to James within the next ten minutes.
Axl: That's probably the first time that Hitler will ever ask for a blanket since he landed down there in 1945, eh?
Mai: Will that be your first and last Hitler crack, Axl?
Axl: Depends on what I'll be riffing next, Mai.

"Here you go. Drink up."

"Thank you…"

Athena always told me that Kyo's an arrogant, self-centered jerk. But, judging from what's he's doing for me right now, she's wrong.

"So, your name's Yuki, right? Athena has told me a lot about you."

James: *as Kyo* She even told me about your various methods of slicing vegetables.

"Really? W-what, umm…what has she told you about me then?"

"If I recall, Athena told me you two met at summer camp, you taught her a thing or two in summer camp and you became friends…then somehow, she convinced you to enroll here…"


All: Uh-huh...

"…and then, she told me you were afraid of me."

All: Uh-huh!

"W-what do you mean?"

I couldn't believe we were having this kind of conversation. Talking about these matters with him was the last thing to ever cross my mind.

Rory: Yeah, trying to bring up the question of "Hey, why'd you lock me up there?" would be a teensy bit difficult after getting saved by scumbags, so...

"She told me that, ever since I left you up there on the roof, you developed a sense of fear against me. You were afraid that the next time we cross paths, I might do something worse."

Mai: Hey, he's lazy, not a serial killer. Don't worry, Yuki.
Kyo: *sarcastically* Oh, yeah, that's a reassuring statement, Gloomy. Thanks.

"I want to ask you. Why did you leave me up there in the first place?"

"I'll be honest. I don't know. Athena wanted me to show you around, and well…during that time, I felt rather uncomfortable about going near anybody."

"…I see."

"But believe me on one thing, I didn't know about the faulty lock. I didn't mean to lock you up there and I'm really sorry about it."

Kyo was asking for an apology?

Axl: Which will be one of the few times that he will ever do that.

But…from the way he explained things, I believe him. I think he's sincere with this.

James: You've reasoned well, young Yuki! You win... a new Kyo!
Axl, Rory: *imitates audience cheers*
Kyo: *gives Axl, James, and Rory a puzzled look* Are you serious right now?
Mai: *looks at Kyo* ...I do not know that squirrel, that man, or that hedgehog.
Kyo: Yeah... I see.

"And, judging from what Athena has told me, I found a hard time approaching you so that I can ask for an apology personally. So, since we're here, talking to one another, I was hoping you can forgive me for what I did back then."

"I'm not really the kind of person who would hold grudges, but…after what you did for me today, how could I not forgive you?"

I tried to stand up because it really was getting late. I still need to get home.

"Here, let me help you out."

"Thanks. Kyo, are you really gonna take me home?"

"Yeah, it's the least I can do…"

As we went to the parking lot, the way I see Kyo is suddenly changing. He's not the arrogant, self-centered individual everyone's been saying. From how I see him, he's really…fascinating.

Rory: And as we examine our new species, we can conclude that the "Kusanagi" is currently undergoing--
Kyo: Oh, cut it out!

"Yuki, is something on your mind?"

James: Yeah, her skull.

"Me? Oh…umm" (blushes) "…Kyo, can I ask you something?"

"What is it then?"

"Back there, I saw you glow much like the sun. Then, fire completely covered your fists. I was wondering…"

"You're wondering 'how on earth did he do that', right?"

"Yeah, exactly. So, can you tell me how?"

Mai: Gasoline and a match. No, no, I'm kidding.

(starts his bike)

"Well, it's a long story…" (hands Yuki a helmet) "…you sure you want to hear it?"

Mai, Axl, James, Rory: *looks at Kyo*
Mai: ...can we hear it, too? Your training backstory, I mean.
Kyo: Fine, after we finish this part.

(Yuki puts helmet on)

"I'm positive…besides, my apartment is on the other side of town. We'll have that to talk about."

"Alright then, hop on and I'll tell you ALL about it…"

As we left school, he told me everything about him being able to wield flames. It seems that his family, or his ancestors rather, is one of the triumvirate of the "Sacred Treasures". Their job is to protect the world of the serpent demon known as the Orochi. I have heard this myth, but I never actually knew any of the three clans still exist.

But that's not really what my full interest was on.

Axl: Oh, you'll be knowing about that interest soon enough, Yuki.

I was more interested into knowing him. So far, he's told me that his forte in sports would be ice hockey; his favorite food is broiled fish and he's also into writing poetry.

James: Yes, but do his poems really suck?
Kyo: You shut up about that.

"Wow, there are a lot of things Athena never told me about you."

"Well, Athena and I may be childhood friends, but that doesn't mean we know each other inside out."

Rory: Not even through the skin and veins?
Axl: Not like that, Rory!

(Yuk places her head upon Kyo's shoulders)

(mellow voice) "I really want to get to know you better, Kyo."

(surprised) "H-huh? What makes you say that?"

"I don't know. I just find you interesting, that's all. You're not what people say you are."

"Well, hearing what other people say about me is the least of my worries."

Kyo: *as himself* Even the stupid Globe's got some sort of... "Death Watch" on me. I thought that was reserved for those people that were over 60!

It was late, but we managed to reach my home. Before he left, I wanted to ask a couple of things first.

"Kyo, before you go…can I ask you something?"


"Do you have any plans for tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow's a Saturday, why?"

"I…I'm…" (blushes) "…I was kinda' hoping that…"

Mai: Go on... you know you want to say it.

"Well? What is it?"

"I was hoping you & I could spend the day together. Get to know each to know each other a little better…"

Mai: *smirks* There you go.

"W-what? You actually want to spend a day with me?"

"Please, Kyo. It's the least I can do after saving me."

(smiles) "Oh, what the heck…sure."

(hugs Kyo) "Oh, thank you."

"Whoa, easy there. What time should I pick you up?"

"Is ten o'clock okay for you?

"Well, I'll try. I'm usually still asleep by that time."

James: Who can blame him? Skippin' school can take a lot outta you.
Kyo: Oh, bite me.
Whoa, what time does that guy get up on the weekends?
Kyo: Don't tell me that you don't sleep in, because I won't believe you.
Rory: Only when I'm sick... and on Sundays.
Mai: And holidays. I swear, I wonder if you sleep through Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Rory: Bake a ham. I never fall asleep if there's ham.

"Try to, okay? Please?"

"Okay sure…so, I'll pick you up here tomorrow then, huh?"

"Take care, Kyo."

"Yeah…you too."

After that, he left. I couldn't believe he would say 'yes' to going out with me tomorrow. And Kyo, if you can hear me now, I really look forward to our day together.

Rory: Hey, as long as the day doesn't have meteors that'll end the world, you'll be fine.
Heh. And here's a good spot to take another break now.
Hey, Kyo... y'know, I'm starting to wonder if that's how you two actually met.
Kyo: Maybe, maybe not.
Axl: You're not gonna spill the beans about that, are you?
Kyo: Don't feel like it. Now do you little chatterboxes want to hear the training backstory or not?
James: Yeah, yeah, go ahead with that.


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