Compaq Fortran
Release Notes for Compaq Tru64 UNIX Systems

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Chapter 3
Documentation, Corrections, and Other Fortran Documentation

The sections in this chapter:

The Compaq Fortran Web page provides a wealth of information about Compaq Fortran products, including patch kits:

3.1 Compaq Fortran Documentation Corrections

This section contains information that does not appear in the Compaq Fortran documentation. Included in each description is a notation of the first version to which it applies.

3.1.1 Compaq Fortran Installation Guide for Tru64 UNIX Systems

The following corrections apply to the installation guide, order number AA-PW82F-TE (December 1999 on the inside title page):

3.1.2 Compaq Fortran User Manual for Tru64 UNIX and Linux Alpha Systems

The following known correction applies to this user manual, order number AA-Q66TD-TE (December 1999 on the inside title page):

3.1.3 Compaq Fortran Language Reference Manual

There are no known corrections to the Compaq Fortran Language Reference Manual, order number AA-Q66SD-TK (September 1999 on the inside title page).

For a description of language features added since Version 4.1, see Section 1.5, Section 1.9, and Section 1.10. These additions have been added to the online documentation CD-ROM HTML version of this document.

3.2 Compaq Fortran Documentation and Online Information

The Compaq Fortran documentation set includes the following:

The Compaq Fortran Software Product Description (SPD) is provided as a file on the Software Product Library CD-ROM (media CD-ROM).

The following Compaq Fortran online information is available (once installed on the system):

The Compaq Fortran Installation Guide for Tru64 UNIX Systems, these online release notes, the "read first" cover letter, and the SPD are available on the Compaq Tru64 UNIX Software Product Library CD-ROM (media CD-ROM) in ASCII and PostScript format.

All Compaq Fortran documents except the cover letter, SPD, and these release notes are available on the Compaq Tru64 UNIX Online Documentation Library CD-ROM in HTML format.

3.3 Compaq Parallel Software Environment Documentation

The Compaq Parallel Software Environment product supports the parallel execution of Fortran (95/90) programs using High Performance Fortran constructs.

For information on the Compaq Parallel Software Environment product, see the Compaq Parallel Software Environment document kit, QA-2ATAA-GZ. This kit includes the DIGITAL High Performance Fortran 90 HPF and PSE Manual.

The DIGITAL High Performance Fortran 90 HPF and PSE Manual explains both the Parallel Software Environment (PSE) and the High Performance Fortran (HPF) programming language. It describes the installation, set up, administration, and general use of the PSE software, as well as hardware configuration for a parallel Alpha Farm. In addition, it also contains a tutorial describing how to write programs using the HPF extensions to Compaq Fortran and describes how to run, debug, and profile HPF programs in the PSE.

3.4 Other Sources of Information About Fortran 95/90

This section lists sources of information about Fortran 95/90 other than the Compaq Fortran documentation.

The following publication is the copywritten standard for Fortran 90 and 95:

Tutorial information about the Fortran 95/90 language is available in commercially published documents at major book stores or from their publishers. Compaq Fortran documentation does not usually provide such tutorial information. The following commercially published documents (listed in alphabetical order by title) in English provide reference or tutorial information about Fortran 90:

For information on High Performance Fortran (HPF), see the following:

Compaq provides this list of Fortran 90/95 documents (books) for the sole purpose of assisting customers who want to learn more about the Fortran 90/95 language. This list of documents does not comment---either positively or negatively---on any of the documents listed or any not yet listed. Any omissions are not intentional. Publications that become available after the revision of a Compaq Fortran document will be added at the next revision.

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