Compaq Fortran
Release Notes for Compaq Tru64 UNIX Systems

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2.2 New Features in Version 4.0

The following f90 command options were added for DIGITAL Fortran 90 Version 4.0:

For more information on f90 command options, see the Compaq Fortran User Manual for Tru64 UNIX and Linux Alpha Systems, Chapter 3, or f90(1).

In addition to the f90 command-line options, the following new or changed features were added for Version 4.0:

For more information on compatibility with DIGITAL Fortran 77, see the revised Compaq Fortran User Manual for Tru64 UNIX and Linux Alpha Systems, Appendix A.

2.3 New Features in Version 2.0

New features for Version 2.0 include the LOC intrinsic function. LOC returns the internal address of its argument (same as the built-in function %LOC).

In addition, the Compaq Ladebug debugger has added support for Compaq Fortran language features (see Section

2.4 New Features in Version 1.3

New features for Version 1.3 include the f90 command options that support the Compaq Parallel Software Environment.

To request parallel execution, specify the -wsf or -wsf nn option . This compiles the program to run in parallel using the Compaq Parallel Software Environment product. The optional nn parameter specifies the number of processors on which the program is intended to execute. If not specified, the program will be compiled to execute on any number of processors. More efficient code is generated when nn is specified.

If you specify the -wsf or -wsf nn option to request parallel execution, you can also use the following related options:

Other Version 1.3 new features include the following:

For more complete product information, see the Compaq Fortran documentation and the f90(1) reference (man) page.

2.5 New Features in Version 1.2

DIGITAL Fortran 90 Version 1.2 contains the following changes since Version 1.1:

For more complete product information, see the Compaq Fortran documentation and the f90(1) reference (man) page.

2.6 New Features in Version 1.1

DIGITAL Fortran 90 Version 1.1 contains the following changes since Version 1.0:

For more complete product information, see the Compaq Fortran documentation and the f90(1) reference (man) page.

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