Mystery Science Theater En Masse

Neo Esaka, Episode 6: Sailor Moon:Fantasy! (Part Three)


Warning: Yes, there's another badly written sex scene here. Also, this part contains an incredibly unfunny and possibly offensive "gag" where Serenity is somehow mistaken for a male.


Sailor Moon:Fantasy! [Hentai]
"Serenity's Fantasy, Fantasy Sailor Moon Appears!"
By the "Anime Fantasy Knight."
Recommended for those 18 and over.
Note: This Fan Fiction contains descriptions of nudity
and sex. Read at your own risk! Now on to the story!

~EPISODE:03 "Serenity's Fantasy, Fantasy Sailor Moon Appears!"~

Darien took his wife Serenity out of the hotel and decided to let her have a
good time with him.

Benimaru: I refuse to discuss the unfortunate implications of that sentence, mainly because it creeps me out so much. Also, that made me want to take a really long shower.
Keiko: Don't forget your Brillo Pad.

He always wanted her to be happy as much as possible. She
felt safe around him. They walked for a long time.

Emi: Thrill as they... walk for very long periods of time. *sighs* Wow. Akiko would be bored stiff.
Kyo: Wrong word.
Emi: Oops.

Darien spoke up.
Darien: "Serenity, where would you like to eat at?"
Serenity: "Why don't you choose, Surprise me!"

Miyuki: *as Serenity* Because thinking is hard, you see!

Darien: "Okay." Darien thinks for a bit and then he thinks of a
Darien: "How about that Sizzler Steak house?"

Keiko: ...
*in a low voice* Are you fucking kidding me?
Emi: *tries not to laugh* Oh, that's a first from you, Miyuki.
Kyo: Japanmerica.

Serenity: "That's sounds good to me."
Darien: "Okay, Let's go inside."
Darien and Serenity enter the resturant and ordered steak and the food that
all they could eat.

Kyo: What'd they do, unhinge their jaws like they were snakes?
Emi: Well, they're certainly not human, so there's that.

Soon Darien had taken his newly wedded wife to a dress
shop. Darien took Serenity in.
Woman: "Hello, anything I can do for you?"
Darien: "I want to buy my wife a dress or two."

Miyuki: As a matter of fact, have her wear three dresses all at once!

Woman: "We havy many types of dresses, what are you looking for?"
Darien: "Serenity, what kinds of dresses do you want?"

Benimaru: The equivalent of pasties, perhaps?
Kyo: *elbows Benimaru*
Benimaru: Heh. Anyway, I'm sure that she heard the clerk, you hand-holding nitwit.
Kyo: Nah, she needs to have everything spelled out for her like she's a child. *sarcastically* Doesn't hurt to knock equality back fifty thousand years.

Serenity: "Long dresses, made of satin. I would like them to be in the colors
pink, yellow, blue or white."

Miyuki: All see-through so he can see the pee stains.
Kyo: I don't care if you're a friend of the Tsukinos. I'm going to throw you in the street if you keep that up.
Miyuki: That's a bit of a blessing, Kyo.
Kyo: *scowls*

Woman: "Ok, come this way." The woman showed Serenity many dresses. Serenity
saw a yellow dress with Crescent moons on it.

All: No comment!

Serenity: "Can I try it on?"
Woman: "Sure, here is the dressing room." Serenity goes in and puts on the
dress and then comes back out. Serenity then comes back out with the dress

Emi: Wow, what a giant waste of text.

Serenity: "What do you think, do you like it, muffin?"

Keiko: He doesn't, because you're not naked. I wish that that was a bad joke, but that horny noodlebrain did say that you look better with no clothes on.

Darien: "Yes, it looks good on you! Do you want it?"
Serenity: "Yes. Thanks." Darien then hands some money to the woman.

Benimaru: I'm pretty sure that dresses cost more than three dollars.
Kyo: No, he handed her some Monopoly money. It somehow balanced out.

Woman: "Thanks. Enjoy." Darien then took Serenity to a local

Emi: Does it have a water fountain?
Miyuki: *elbows Emi*

Darien held his princess' hand. He thought to himself that he was lucky
to have a such fine young woman like her.
Serenity: "Moon Crystal Power!" Serenity tries to transform
into Sailor Moon, but nothing happened.

Keiko: An apt metaphor for this entire fic.

Darien: "What happened? Should you be Sailor Moon now? Right?"
Serenity: "I should, but maybe I can't be Sailor Moon anymore, because I am
the Moon Princess."
Darien: "Maybe, I think the Silver Crystal has lost most of it's power after
you saved Crystal Tokyo."

Emi: Well, she can no longer transform once she becomes Neo Queen Serenity, but as Princess Serenity? That didn't really happen.

A tear came from Serenity's eye and fell on the
Silver Crystal, changing it's form
and giving it a new shape and full of energy.

Kyo: Nobody littered, Glasses.
Miyu: *waves from the stands* Thank you, Mr. Kusanagi!
Miyuki: What's she suddenly doing here?
Kyo: She gets like that whenever someone cries one measly tear. Something about a littering commercial.

Darien: "It's beautiful, sweetheart! What is it?"
Serenity: "The Fantasy Crystal. My fantasy was to be Sailor Moon again, but
not just a cute Sailor Moon. But a Sexier Sailor Moon."

Benimaru: We really are reading the author's fantasies here, aren't we?
Keiko: Yes. Yes, we are.

Darien: "Oh?"
Serenity: "Yes. Moon Fantasy Power!" Serenityis suddenly nude. Ribbons cover
Serenity's pussy.

Miyuki: Well, that was blunt!

A white pair of satin bikini panties forms. Then Ribbons
form around Serenity's breasts and a strapless white stain bra forms. Then
Ribbons form a white, blue and red blouse. Then Ribbons form a light blue
skirt that's see though. Then red boots form and then the Moon tiara and the
red jewels form in the meatballs.

Emi: They're called "odango". Thanks to your wording, I'm literally imagining jewels in meatballs now. *blinks* Now I'm hungry.
Kyo: When aren't you hungry?

Darien looks at his wife that just
transformed into Sailor Moon.

Miyuki: You mean "the author's version of Sailor Moon".
Benimaru: Indeed.

Darien: "I think you are beautiful as always. What are you going to call

Kyo: It's called the "Fantasy Crystal". She said "Moon Fantasy Power". The title of this chapter literally said "Fantasy Sailor Moon Appears". Do you think that your butthole's a second mouth or something?
Keiko: Don't give the author ideas, Kusanagi...

The new Sailor Moon thought about it and then answered.
Fantasy Sailor Moon: "Because being a more sexy Sailor Moon was my fantasy, I
will call myself....Fantasy Sailor Moon.
Then Fantasy Sailor Moon detransformed back into Serenity.

Emi: Stop lying to yourself. It's really not your fantasy.

A few days later, Darien and Serenity returned to Tokyo. Thier friends was
very happy to see them again. They noticed that Serenity had changed in many
ways since they last saw her. Serenity would tell them how she had changed.

Keiko: Like her IQ dropping into the negatives.

They were living peacefully and happy. Their peace is not to last, because a
new villain is coming....

NEXT EPISODE: "Serenity's new enemy!"

Miyuki: It's not going to have an actual fight, is it?
Kyo: Nope. Just a badly written fight scene... if you want to call it that.


Sailor Moon Fantasy! [Hentai]
"Serenity's New Enemy!"
By: The Anime Fantasy Knight
Note: This fan fiction contains words and descriptions of nudity and sex. Read
at your own risk! Now on to the story!

Benimaru: Yes, yes, back to the story that's filled with nothing but poorly written sex scenes and pubic hair. We know.

~~~Episode: 04 "Serenity's New Enemy!"
Raye stripped off her clothes and stepped into the shower at her grandpa's

Kyo: Well, that's a way to begin a chapter, huh? Feels like I got knocked on the head with that skillet that Glasses used to fry her egg.

Chad was just right outside. He watched Raye with great interest. He
had never seen Raye nude before and he waited for her to come out. Then Raye

Emi: At least she didn't literally explode...

Raye: "!!!!Chad!!!!"
Raye yelled at chad. Raye got a towel and covered herself up. Chad removed the
towel from Raye.
Chad: "Oh Raye, no need to cover up your beautiful body. I like you that way.
I love you!"

Miyuki: Are you serious?!
Benimaru: You know, in a normal universe, he'd be thrown down the stairs of the temple.
Kyo: Head first?
Benimaru: That would break his neck.
Kyo: Oh, well.

Raye: "You love me?"
Chad "Yes. I always have."
Raye: "You know what I always wanted to do?"
Chad: "What?"
Raye: "I always wanted to have sex with you."
Chad: "You do? Me too. That's what I always wanted too."

All: *disgusted*
Keiko: This really is a bad author fantasy fic, isn't it?
Kyo: *sighs* Yes, Tsukino...

Raye: "Shall I choose what you want me to wear, so you can
take them off?"
Chad: "Sure."

Keiko: *annoyed* Then what's the point of putting the clothes on in the first place?!
Emi: To waste time... and our sanity. Also, why are the women always dressing for their men and not for themselves?
Benimaru: I hate being right about fics like these.

Chad and Raye went to Raye's bedroom and raye chose a dark red blouse that was
revealing showing her brests just a bit. She also chose a selected a purple
satin bra and matching panties to go with it. She also selected a dark red
skirt to go with it. She got a pair of purple panty hose knee highs and purple
high heel shoes.

Miyuki: I thought that he was supposed to select the clothes...
Benimaru: Consistency doesn't exist in this dumb fic.

Chad watched Raye gently slip everything on. Chad was in awe
when he saw Raye in all her glory. Raye spoke.
Raye: "How do I look?"

Kyo: Should I even bother with a comment here?
Benimaru, Emi, Keiko, Miyuki: No.

Chad: "You look beautiful."
Raye: "Do want to take them off and play with me?"
Chad: "Sure."
Chad slowly took off Raye's clothes that she had on. Soon Raye was nude again.

Emi: *bored* What a surprise.

He gently put Raye on her own bed. Chad then took his own clothes off. He
rubbed his penis on Raye's breasts.

Emi: *sighs* Yet another action that would've been erotic if it wasn't marred by bland writing...

Raye could not control her emotions. Chad
then placed his Penis inside Raye's pussy. He moved his penis in and out of
the pussy muscles. Soon the pussy muscles started to contract. And Chad moved
his penis from out of Raye's pussy.

Miyuki: Is this a sex scene or a bad biology class?
Keiko: Neither. At least a biology class would be more interesting.
Emi: Especially if Miss Prower is hosting one.

Raye remained on the bed for a while. Raye
was still trying to regain control of her emtions. Then finally Raye came out
of it.
Raye: "Wasn't that Great?"

All: No.

Chad: "Yes, we should do it more often."

All: No, you shouldn't.

Chad helps Raye up and they take a show together and clean up.

Benimaru: Really? What show was it?
Kyo: Hopefully one that got axed after two crappy episodes.

Meanwhile Lita and Serenity were walking. They were talking about Serenity's
marriage to Darien.

Keiko: That's basically this entire boring fic. How about a different topic?
Benimaru: You're implying that the characters have depth, Keiko.

Lita: "How is your husband Darien treating you?"

Emi: Like a child.

Serenity: "Like a Princess."

Kyo: *laughs, stops, stares at the screen* Why are you lying? You know that you're lying.

Lita: "That's good. What do you want to do?"
Serenity: "Let's go to the mall."
Lita: "Okay."
Then suddenly a monster and his henchmen came out of nowhere.

Miyuki: *woodenly* Wow, that was incredibly suspenseful.

Dark Baron: "Capture those girls. We must kill all humans."

Keiko: *sarcastically* Oh, that's not incredibly generic at all.
Am I reading a Sailor Moon fic or a bad alien movie from the '50s?
Emi: It's now the latter.

Serenity: "Let's transform! Moon Fantasy Power!"
Lita: "Jupiter Star Power!"
Serenity and Lita Transformed!
Fantasy Sailor Moon: "Let's do it"

Benimaru: This fic's sex scenes weren't any good. How the heck will these fight scenes go?
Kyo, Emi, Keiko, Miyuki: Badly.

Sailor Jupiter: "Good! I will call the others! Raye, Mina, and Amy come in."
Amy: "Amy here. What's up?"
Sailor Jupiter: "We have new villains, we need you at once."
Amy: "Right! Mercury Star Power!"
Raye: "Mars Star Power!"
Mina: "Venus Star Power!"
Sailor Scouts: "Scout Power!"
Dark Baron: "Drezzel and Lord Kuug, destroy those pretty girls. I think they
are girls."

All: *baffled* You think?!
Kyo: *facepalms* Help me, Jesus...
Keiko: He's not helping you.

Drezzel: "Yes sire."
Drezzel threw flames at the Sailor Scouts.
Lord Kuug: "Well, I can tell that all of you except the one with the pretty
blond meatballs and the pony tails. I think....your name is Fantasy Sailor
Moon,. right? I think you
are a male."

Miyuki: Is this real life? I don't think that this is real life.
Emi: Suddenly, this fic made me incredibly nauseous.
Benimaru: Ugh... Benji wrote this, didn't he?
Kyo: *shudders* No. He's awful, but he was never this awful.

Fantasy Sailor Moon: "I am not a male! I am a female. Don't make me prove it!"

Miyuki: Might as well take off your clothes for proof... that is the point, isn't it?
Keiko: Disgustingly.

Lord Kuug: "I still think you are a male!"

Kyo: She's wearing a strapless bra and a see through skirt. Okay... do you need to be bashed in the head by a science book, or am I going to have to burn you for being a dumbass?
Keiko: Burn him.
Miyuki: Man. This dude has Trump's IQ level, huh?
Emi: *elbows Miyuki*

Drezzel: "Have some more flames Sailor Scouts!"
More flames came towards the Sailor Scouts.

Benimaru: *flatly* Gripping.

Fantasy Sailor Moon: "I am not a male! I will prove it."
Fantasy Sailor Moon took off her skirt and removed her panties. Her panties
were made of satin and were white.
Soon Fantasy Sailor Moon's golden blond pussy was showing.

Miyuki: And there's the point.
Emi: You're doing this... while flames are coming toward you.
Keiko: Everyone in this fic is an idiot.
Benimaru: No kidding. I think my brain's about to shut down in a minute.

Lord Kuug still
wasn't convinced.
Lord Kuug: "I still don't believe you Fantasy Sailor Moon.

Kyo: If Tsukino chopped your head off, you wouldn't believe that her blade is sharp.
Keiko: You want me to test that theory on him?
Kyo: I will actually pay you to do it.

Sailor Mars: "Fantasy Sailor Moon, put your panties and your
skirt back on and finish those two!"
Mars yelled at Fantasy Sailor Moon.
Fantasy Sailor Moon: "Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Sailor Mars why are you so mean?!?"

Benimaru: You literally stripped in front of someone who... thinks that women don't exist... or something. *as he buries his face in his hands* Oh, I hate this fic.

Fantasy Sailor Moon pulled up her panties and her skirt and
called her Fantasy Moon Rod forth.
Fantasy Sailor Moon: "Fantasy Heart!"
Drezzel was defeated!

Miyuki: *woodenly* That was an impressive fight scene. Kept me in suspense.

Lord Krug: "The next time you and me meet Fantasy Sailor Moon, I will
personally finish you off!"
Lord Krug disappeared.

Benimaru: I thought that he was Lord Kuug. *facepalms* Never mind...
*as he turns to the audience* By the way... he doesn't come back. You're welcome.
Emi: That's too bad. I really wanted to see him burn because he was an obnoxious idiot. I know that I rarely say things like that, but it's the truth.

Later at Raye's temple.....
Serenity: "So they think I am a male huh?"
Raye: "Yeah, maybe we could go along with the gag.
Serenity: "I don't like it."

All: Neither do we.
Miyuki: Tell me what's supposed to be funny about this.
Kyo: Absolutely nothing.

Darien: "Don't like what Meatball head?"
Serenity: "Darien!"
Darien: Are you okay, my beautiful wife?"

Keiko: She is... now that she wet herself upon seeing your face.

Serenity: "Yes...we have new enemies."
Darien: "We if they hurt you, I will give them a wopping
that they won't forget. I love you sweetheart."
Darien and Serenity kiss. The curtain closes.

Benimaru: Did I just watch a bad elementary school play?
Emi: No, you didn't. Elementary school kids know better anatomy than the anatomy in this fic.
Kyo: Yeah, they just smash stick figures together.

Next Episode: "Serenity's Surprise For Darien"

Be there!

Miyuki: I don't wanna.
Keiko: Too bad.
Miyuki: *groans in annoyance*
Keiko: *pats Miyuki on her back* We know the pain.


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