Mystery Science Theater En Masse
Egg Spiral Obscure References
For Episodes 15-17
Episode 15 - Sailor Sun
(Part Two)
Sonic: And who the heck is Alex?
Manic: You mean that guy from New York with the McDonald's fries for
Another jab at "Street Fighter V" and their awkward character models.
Manic: So the people of the Sun just sat around and drank while Beryl invaded and let all the minions in.
Reference to "Attack on Titan", where some members of the Garrison were drinking on the job before the Colossal Titan attacked Wall Maria.
(Part Three)
Sonic: Wait, she lives next door to an alleyway?
Sonia: She probably should've saved all the women that were trapped in
Sonic: No, Kyo and Jin are already on it.
Tails: Don't forget Batman.
Sonic: And those warped versions of Silver and myself.
They are references to the following fics: "A Story of Destined Love" (regarding Kyo), "Because of You" (regarding Jin), "Catwoman: Rebirth" (regarding Terry/Batman), and the KRZR24 version of "The New Girl" (regarding "warped" Sonic and Silver). And yes, every single one of those fics involved a woman being in trouble in an alleyway. Not very creative, huh?
(Part Five)
Sonia: Too bad her ability wasn't Flash Fire.
Yes, it's a reference to another Pokemon ability.
(Part Seven)
Pearl was knocked down and couldn't get up.
Sonic: She better get a Life Alert thing.
"I've fallen and I can't get up!" Yes, it's the infamous line for that product.
Sonia: In a not too distant future, somewhere in time and space...
Been a long while since we've had an "MST3K" reference. This references the first line from Seasons 8-10.
Tails: What is it with bad fics and their weird cliffhangers?
Amy: I have no idea. Hey, speaking of bad cliffhangers, feel free to ask
Mr. Kusanagi about them. After all, he ended up stuck in one.
Reference to the end of "The Final Struggle".
Episode 16 - Thanksgiving!
(Part One)
Sonic: Just fast forward a whole year and have random talks about kids
after some useless infertility "drama".
Tails: Wait, what?
Sonic: *scratches the back of his head* Akiko told me about it. Heh.
Yes, it's an instant callback to "The Power of Love".
Manic: Is that supposed to go with your random anorexia?
Sonic, Amy, Tails: *groans*
Yes, in the prequel, Sasha Sue did say that she allegedly had anorexia. (Obviously, the sympathy brownie points didn't work for Sonic, Amy, or Tails.)
(Part Two)
Sonic: Crap. We really are getting a spit-roasted Sue!
It was the main dish that Sonic joked about in the prequel to this fic. (It most likely didn't happen... yet.)
Episode 17 - The Ultimate Pokemon Master
(Part Two)
In his last bestselling album he played three hundred and twenty six separate
instruments in all and did multiple vocal harmonies with himself.
Manic: Oh, frig. Dude, you're not Beck. Quit that.
Amy: Destiny? Is that you?
Sonic: You didn't read that fic.
Amy: I, um... Akiko stole one of my pies. I found out that she was
riffing that fic with Miyu when I went to get it.
A bunch of references here. Manic's referencing Beck, the musician who plays over ten instruments. Amy's referencing "Rainbow Eclipse", which was the fic where the main Sue played at least five instruments (along with an unrealistic list of "talents").
Sonia: ...I'm going to start beating you now. I don't know when I'll stop.
Reference to "DragonBall Z Abridged".
Amy: I... this is like if Tails got buffed up.
Sonic: Don't mention that in front of him. He doesn't want to talk about
Amy: Oops. I forgot.
...we do not talk about Titan Tails. Ever.
Amy: It's Ground/Rock. And everyone knows that it's a quadruple weakness to Water and Grass. But what do I know, it's probably that Rhyhorn that'll evolve into the swimming Rhydon or some other garbage.
Yes, the anime had a swimming Rhydon that was featured in "Right On, Rhydon!"
That night there was almost a riot as people tried to push in to attend the
concert. All fighting suddenly stopped however when our hero's dulcet tones
started to waver through the building. People
Sonic: ...went back to their senses and continued
their riot because they hated the Stu for doing that.
Manic: And thanks to the lame ass security, he went home.
Reference to the Riverport Riot that took place in 1991.
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Page (in the case of "Sailor Sun")
Go Back to Sequelitis Page (in the case of
"Thanksgiving!" and "The Ultimate Pokemon Master")