Fanfiction Histories and Mysteries #6: The Esaka Destiny "Saga" (Part Two)
Like I said, there's a lot of information. This part contains deleted scenes from the Final Struggle. I'll go into a quick explanation now.
See, S.L. had a notebook that she used to
scribble her scene ideas into it during her senior year of high school. Of
course, some of them didn't make it into the final cut. Maybe you'll be intrigued
with them, or maybe you'll vomit in disgust. Now, I'll do my best to summarize
them all for you. I'll also add any comments or notes before and after the
scenes if there are any. Let's jump in, shall we?
Scene 1: If you work for Kusanagi, please don't try to twist his
Well, Kusanagi may be obsessed with killing Kyo and Emi, but he's certainly not stupid. Tsuki apparently found this out the hard way; she made a fruitless attempt to mangle his speech so that Emi could be spared from his own brand of certain doom as a little promise to the young heiress. Apparently, he had a feeling that she'd turn on him, and she's given her first and only warning... if she tries to pull another stunt like that, he promises that he will kill her. He then tells her to leave, because he doesn't want to deal with the possible traitor.
Remember, Emi was going to be spared... but she refused
to become the shadow clone's lover, and she ended up on his hitlist.
Deleted Scene 2: Backstabbing our resident clone/wizard only ends in failure.
This scene ties in to the one above. It once had a place in the story between the portions of Tsuki's mind manipulation and Kusanagi's failed rape attempt... only this time, he didn't bother to follow his original intentions. And why is that?
You see, the Emi clone had a change of heart, and tried to free her original counterpart before her nutty lover caught wind of the situation. The rescue attempt fell apart; Emi was freed, but Kusanagi caught Tsuki in the act. Yeah, as if his flames of massive rage coming from his clenched fist wasn't enough of a hint.
He even lets Emi go by telling her that if she doesn't want to join her clone in death, she should run as if her life depended on it. Yes, Tsuki shouted at Emi to do just that. And yes, he placed both hands around his former lover's neck and gave the traitorous bitch a first class trip to Hell (yes, he said that) with a horrid show consisting of heavy screams, deadly flames, and lots of blood spilling. So yeah, he certainly kept his promise... with a creepy smile on his face, no less.
After the dirty ordeal, he orders Kyo-1.5 to clean up the mess, and he heads out with Kyo-2 in an attempt to find and kill Emi.
This scene must've been a psychopath's dream here. Jeez.
Scene 3: How to magically seal flames.
Kyo's flames have been sealed by Kusanagi without any sort of explanation, and during a training session for the tournament, Kyo-1.5 and Kyo-2 arrive to mock him about his current predicament. Of course, the Kusanagi heir takes the insults with a grain of salt... and he sics Shingo and Emi on them after they claim that the two students could never handle their strength.
You know, in my honest opinion... a flame-less Kyo could have the potential to give his own clones a run for their money.
Scene 4: Emi becomes a Bella Swan Mary Sue.
*This occurs after the third deleted scene.*
Emi's battling Kyo-2 while Shingo's busy with Kyo-1.5. Of course, Kyo-2 decides to underestimate and taunt his opponent. The female flame fighter responds by performing one powerful Oni Yaki technique... in which the flames take the shape of flipping unnamed birds. And yes, Kyo's amazed by the sight and notes that she's gotten stronger.
I'm sorry, but what the crap? This makes no sort of sense. I'm just going to drop this and move on to the next scene here...
Scene 5: Kyo-2 makes his last mistake.
Kyo 1.5's been seriously injured after the battle with Keiko. Kyo-2 didn't want his friend to suffer, so he killed him out of pity. The clone clad in reddish-brown went a little bit bananas after that, and blamed Kusanagi for the whole thing. Never mind that killing Keiko was Kyo-1.5's personal mission. So, with a combined mix of insanity, logic failure, and underestimation, he now wants the blood of our resident shadow clone. Kyo-2's now branded a traitor by his "boss", and a huge battle begins.
Scene 6: Flames now take the shape of solid objects!
This scene ties into the previous one above. Also, according to the old planned timeline, this occurs after the first and second deleted scenes.
Kyo-2 and Kusanagi are now in the middle of a very bloody battle. One wants to kill his opponent to avenge his fallen friend, and the other wants to kill him just so he can fill his monthly quota of bloodlust. During the battle, Kusanagi taunts Kyo-2 after he creates a giant pillar of flame, which the latter wasn't harmed by. Naturally, he doesn't take the mockery kindly, and responds by battling in the pillar with a massive flurry of punches and kicks that were easily dodged or blocked.
Kyo-2 then curses under his breath, and then tries one last ditch attempt to hit his "boss" with a nasty right hook. Naturally, it fails when Kusanagi knocks his arm out of the path, and drives his fist straight into his opponent's stomach with a dagger created from his own flames. The dying Kyo clone is now asked if he has any last words before the fiery item is removed. He only manages to mumble two words before the flame dagger is yanked out, and he's told to enjoy his stay in Hell as he dies in a pool of his own blood. If you're curious, the two words were "curse you".
Obviously, Kusanagi's incredibly disappointed in the crappy performance of his underlings, seeing as how all three of them are dead. He calls them all "weak", and he doesn't even bother to wipe Kyo-2's blood off of his hand, as he has his sights set on killing one more obstacle: the original Kyo.
Scene 7: Miyuki's such a playful person.
This is just a silly filler scene that got hacked.
Miyuki and Emi are in one of the hotel's elevators. Miyuki's mock-complaining about the cheesy elevator music, and that causes her friend to giggle. The tomboy then comes up with a little idea for amusement, which happens to be dancing around with it. Emi agrees to play along and takes Miyuki's hand. The elevator door opens once Miyuki dips Emi... and lo and behold, Kyo's standing in front of them. He teases the two girls a little before leaving them alone, and warns them not to go too crazy in their little adventure.
Scene 8: Kyo loses it.
This scene's a modification of the final battle's conclusion, in which Kyo was the only one fighting his clone.
Considering what the scene's title said, it was no surprise to see the Kusanagi heir completely blow his stack after his victory. He lifts his clone with one hand, shouts at him for putting him through hell and back, he swears at his clone when he doesn't get an answer to one of his questions, and he was this close to sending him off the roof of a tall building with his Koto Moon Positive technique.
The morals override the rage. Kyo calms himself down, puts Kusanagi back on solid ground, and says that death is too good for someone like him after he admits his failure and he's asked to be killed. He adds that if his clone wants to kill himself, he can go ahead and do it, because he says that he will end up like his shadow doppelganger if he does the dirty deed. After the speech, Kyo simply walks away from his clone.
Now, there were four different outcomes to this. In the first, Kyo does follow through with his technique and sends Kusanagi falling to his death. In the second, Kusanagi does nothing in response. And in the third, Kusanagi loses it and tries to rush Kyo down with a desperate technique, but he's slain by the Kusanagi heir in self defense.
And the fourth outcome was picked above the others before it was replaced: Kusanagi agrees with Kyo's words, and he kills himself with the same method that he used to kill Kyo-2 (see the end of scene six).
Scenes 9 and 10: Kyo-1.5 dies, and Kyo-2 seeks revenge.
*This ties in a little with the fifth and sixth deleted scenes.*
Long story short, Kyo-1.5 suffered some horrible injuries after he failed to kill Keiko, and he dies in Kyo-2's arms after a short conversation between the two. Or, if you're feeling sadistic, Kyo-2 kills his friend out of pity to end his suffering. That choice is entirely up to you, since the end result was never written. After that ordeal, Kyo-2 finds and confronts Keiko. She claims that she only did the deed to protect her sister, and if he really wants to kill her, then he will die trying. Kyo-2, in pure cocky fashion, replies that she will eat her words.
Considering how this tied into another deleted scene, he most likely lived. You can feel free to imagine how the battle played out, though.
Scene 11: Kusanagi, the abusive bastard.
*This was a deleted opening to the twentieth chapter, originally
titled "Better And Stronger". It was probably used to lampshade Emi's newfound
Bella Swanness
Mary Sueness. This also comes before the third and fourth deleted scenes.*
While Kusanagi and Tsuki are somewhere on an unknown building's rooftop, the Emi clone wonders why her lover constantly lusts after her original counterpart, when he knows that he can't have her. Of course, she says that loud and clear. Yes, he heard the whole blasted thing, but he only pretended to hear half of it. So, Tsuki calls him a bastard and proceeds to walk away... but he catches her hand, pulls her into a deep kiss, and says that she's cute whenever she's angry.
That was all well and good, sort of... before it goes a bit deeper in the scrapped chapter opening that was typed. See, Kusanagi then becomes an abusive bastard by shoving his "significant other" to the ground, but not before he coldly tells her that if she ever values her life, she should stop questioning him. To further add salt into the wound, he orders her to battle her original counterpart during their next training session, as a means of proving herself to him.
Did you think that this scene was bad? Oh, it's going to get much worse later.
Scene 12: Pre-battle trash talk.
I would consider this to be a partially deleted scene here. See, this occurs before the last battle, but all of Kusanagi's underlings are dead. Of course, Kyo and his clone would probably engage in some banter before their last fight anyway.
Kusanagi congratulates Kyo for satisfying his expectations of the tournament, and claims that he will end the young heir's lucky streak. Kyo slams the cocky outburst and accuses his clone of playing dirty while hiding behind his lackeys the entire time. He only gets the response that all three of those useless backstabbers -- well, technically two, because Kyo-1.5 didn't rebel in any sort of way -- all had some sort of reason to oppose the bloodthirsty guy. The Kusanagi heir comments that he has his obvious reasons to oppose his clone, and adds that it's now time to settle it. Of course, Kusanagi, in true teasing fashion, says that Kyo is only delaying his death sentence with all of his talking.
Deleted Scene 13: There is no such thing as hotel security. Or people in a hotel,
for that matter.
*This rather long scene was cut and replaced with Emi's mind manipulation scene.*
If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. And if you want to be a jackass, bring a friend along. This friend must be just as crazy as you are.
Kusanagi starts things off by sounding like a creepy horror movie villain, and says that it's time to give Emi another living nightmare. Kyo-1.5 is his companion in the mission to kidnap the young girl, and he asks if they should watch out for anyone. His "boss" responds that the only threats are Keiko and Miyuki, and they should be taken care of if they wake up. Now that the Kyo clone in navy blue has his answer, he begins his mission.
And it probably would've ended pretty quickly if she was actually in the hotel room with her sleeping teammates. After that discovery, Kyo-1.5 is then instructed to hide in a safe spot and wait it out. Luckily for him, the wait isn't too long, because Emi was actually coming down the hallway, all set to turn in for the night. Of course, she's halted by the slightly sadistic clone and refuses to go with him quietly. At this point, Kyo-1.5's screws go a little loose. He pins the girl to the nearest wall, lets one of his fingers slide between her breasts, and says that he was ordered to bring her to Kusanagi by any means necessary. The young heiress calls him a pervert, kicks him to the floor, and runs off. He doesn't bother to chase after her, knowing that his "master" will not fall so easily.
A temporarily free Emi is now running through the hotel, trying to find the nearest exit. Unfortunately, Kusanagi has found her, and even if she did break free, she would have to deal with Kyo-2, who's blocking the way out. The girl's still not going quietly, and the clone can see that. Obviously, a battle takes place in response, and it slowly goes from an evenly matched fight to a giant disavantage for Emi. It turns out that Kyo-1.5 has also found her, and he's more than willing to finish the job. He performs a dirty sneak attack to make sure she stumbles into -- and doesn't escape from -- Kusanagi's inhuman grip.
The slightly unhinged clone in navy blue suffers a few more loose screws, takes advantage of the restrained Emi by playing with her clothed breasts again, and calls Kyo a weak person who couldn't save her if he tried. The girl still struggles, but the shadow clone in black will have none of that silliness. Kusanagi orders Kyo-1.5 to shut the girl up, and the minion replies by giving her a hard punch to the face. This time, Emi becomes a bit of a prick, mocking Kyo-1.5's supposed strength... while blood is seeping from her mouth. He loses all of his mental screws, and he punches her again. It's a lot harder, and it works, because she's out from the heavy hit. He's still a bit peeved about the insult, and she's carried off to who knows where.
Scene 14: Kusanagi, the really abusive bastard.
*Do you remember the warning that I gave you after I summarized the eleventh cut scene? Yeah, this is where it apparently gets one hell of a lot worse.*
Tsuki decides to visit Kyo-2 in his room after another day's work. After seeing the female clone's face, he assumes that he's been called for another mission. She gives a negative response, and he's happy to hear that, because he's one tired soul. After she reveals that she wants to tell him something, she's told to hurry up. The Emi clone sits on the edge of Kyo-2's bed, starts crying, removes her shirt, and reveals bruises that may or may not have been caused by her lover.
Kyo-2 is a bit skeptical about the whole thing. However, he says that if she is telling the truth, then he'd be here to make her feel better. It's proven when the Kyo clone moves over to make room for her so she can sleep next to him. He also adds that he would never forgive himself if he let her go back to his "master".
Tsuki asks her ally about what would happen if Kusanagi ever found out about this. Kyo-2 responds with a rather quick "Fuck him", and confesses his love for the Emi clone by pinning her down to his bed and gives her a rather deep kiss. It's implied that they actually sleep with each other.
Now, remember that the abuse of that level is not outright stated or shown in any deleted or final scenes. It doesn't excuse the fact that it's all seemingly implied, though.
Scenes 15 and 16: Kusanagi, the really sick bastard.
*This ties in with the eleventh and fourteenth deleted scenes.*
Tsuki runs into Kusanagi, who is in an oddly pleasant mood; he says that he managed to rid himself of a traitor. The Emi clone feels uneasy after her lover places a bloody hand on her cheek, and says that she acts like she has never seen a dead body before. Well, she hasn't! Anyway, she looks ahead...
And it's Kyo-2's body. Yep, our resident shadow clone found out about the affair and killed him. Of course, it's a requirement for Kusanagi to be a sick bastard; he asks Tsuki to give him a straight answer about the whole thing, but thanks to her sudden shock and inability to form proper sentences, she can't do it. It's implied that he rapes her to force the answers out.
After the dirty situation, he says that what he did wasn't good enough of a payback, so he gives her a ten second headstart to run away from him before he catches up to her. This next part's not written, but it's heavily implied that Kusanagi catches up to Tsuki and kills her.
That's not payback, man... that's overkill.
Deleted Scene 17: Go, magical plot device!
*If you want to be logical, you can connect this with the eighth deleted scene.*
Keiko is restraining Emi from going into the battle that's currently taking place between Kyo and Kusanagi. Emi, in true fashion, doesn't care that the battle's only for her master/lover, and breaks away from her sister's grasp. Too bad that the older girl won't get her chance to help, because her path's quickly blocked by a flame barrier. Now she can't do anything aside from hearing voices from the other side of the obstacle.
Kusanagi asks Emi if she'd risk her life to save Kyo. She says "yes", and calls the shadow clone a coward. He brushes off the insult and says that she would probably love to help him after she hears something. The "something" is implied to be Kyo's horrid screams of pain.
Well, Part Two's finished, and so is this Fanfiction History. I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed showing you the hidden secrets in it.
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