BASEstartm Open DAS
for Modicon®
on Tru64tm UNIX®
Installation and User's Guide

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3.2.4 Receiving Indications

An indication is data that is sent to the DAS from the programmable controller without the DAS specifically requesting the data. The DAS supports write and abort indications.

Table 3-5 lists the indication functions available through the OMNI (API) interface.

Table 3-5 Indication Interface Access
Interface Function Name
API omni_get_indications
  omni_get_indications_a Write Indications

The write indication is used when the device is sending data to the host. Write indications are only supported for Modbus TCP/IP connections which support peer-to-peer communications. With Modbus TCP/IP, the host can receive slave commands as well as issue master commands.

In order to use the write indication function, a variable must be created on the host that matches the address and size of the data being sent by the programmable controller.

If a programmable controller has been programmed to send data to the host and a variable is found that matches the address of the data being sent, a write indication is generated specifying the variable that was found. If more than one variable is configured that matches the address of the data being sent, then an indication is generated only for the first variable found.

When programming the programmable controller to send data to the host, use the special master function (MSTR) block with the write data function code (1).

The DAS supports writing from the programmable controller to the host only. Reads from the programmable controller to the host are not currently supported.

Example 3-7 shows an example of how to configure VMDs to receive write indications from a Modicon 984 with a Modbus TCP/IP connection. The Modicon 984 has been configured to send messages to the host. A Modicon 984 is configured in BASEstar Open to receive the write indications.


The path on the local VMD is not used since the VMD is only used to receive the write indications and is not used in establishing communications to the PLC.

Example 3-7 Modbus TCP/IP Write Indication Configuration

                    -APPLPROFID 109 \
                    -MAXPDUSIZE 1024 \
                    -SMA_MODE ENABLED \
CREATE VMD mod_984_remote \
                    -MODEL "Modicon 984" \
                    -VENDOR "Modicon" \
                    -DVM_ACCESS_POINT "/PATH=MODTCP984_PATH":modtcp_984 \
                    -DESCRIPTION "Modicon 984 programmable controller" \
CREATE VMD mod_984_local \
                    -MODEL "Modicon 984" \
                    -VENDOR "Modicon" \
                    -DVM_ACCESS_POINT "/PATH=MODTCP984_PATH":modtcp_984 \
                    -DESCRIPTION "Modicon 984 programmable controller" \

Example 3-8 shows an example of how to configure actors and activities to receive write indications from a Modicon 984 that has been configured above.

Example 3-8 Modbus Write Indication Configuration

!  Create actors/activities for the VMDs 
CREATE NODE mod_node -PHYSICAL "your_node" -LOG 
CREATE DOMAIN /mod_data 
                    -PARAM /usr/param/MOD.PAR \\
CREATE ACTIVITY mod_data_act -PROGRAM mod_data_srv \
                    -NODES (mod_node) \
                    -DOMAINS (/mod_data) \
                    -VMDS (mod_984_remote) \
CREATE ACTIVITY mod_event_act -PROGRAM mod_event_srv \
                    -NODES (mod_node) \
                    -DOMAINS (/mod_data) \

The CREATE PROGRAM command shown in Example 3-8 has an additional attribute, the -PARAM attribute, that specifies a parameter file to be read by the mod_data_srv program. The parameter file contains the name of the local VMD to receive the write indications as shown in Example 3-9. See BASEstar Open for Tru64 UNIX Management Guide for more information on possible contents of the parameter file.

Example 3-9 MOD.PAR Contents

/MOD_IND/mod_data_srv.env: BSTR_LOCAL_VMD_NAME=mod_984_local 

Only one parameter file can be specified per program so BASEstar Open limits the number of local VMDs that can be specified to one per program. This limitation means that all write indications for a particular program must be directed to one local VMD, so all programmable controllers connected to that line must use unique addresses to ensure that the data from the programmable controller is uniquely identified.

Example 3-10 shows an example that creates variables, device data points, events, triggers and enboxes to receive write indications from the Modicon 984 configured in Example 3-8.

Example 3-10 Write Indication Example

      -ADDRESS "40001" \
                    -DATATYPE UNSIGNED_16 \
                    -UPDATE_POLICY UNSOLICITED \
                    -ACCESS_POLICY ON_REQUEST \
                    -DEVICE_ACCESS READ \
                    -VMD_NAME mod_984_local \
                    -VAR_NAME p1 \
                    -VAR_CLASS UNNAMED
BSTR> CREATE ENBOX /mod_data/enbox1 \
                    -QUEUE_KIND SEQUENTIAL \
                    -ENBOX_KIND SYSTEM_BUFFERING \
                    -MAX_NOTIFICATIONS 10
BSTR> CREATE EVENT /mod_data/e1 \
                    -PARAMETER_TYPES (INTEGER_16)
BSTR> CREATE TRIGGER /mod_data/t1 \
                    -STATE ENABLED \
                    -TRIGGER_EVALUATION ON_WRITE \
                    -DATA_POINT /mod_data/p1 \
                    -EVENT /ab_data/e1 \
                    -EVE_PARAMETERS (/mod_data/p1:VALUE)
BSTR> ADD SUBSCRIPTION EVENT /mod_data/e1 /mod_data/enbox1 \
                    -STATE ENABLED
BSTR> CONNECT ENBOX /mod_data/enbox1
Event              : /mod_data/e1 
Origin             : /mod_data/t1 
Priority           : 0 
Confirmation       : NOT_CONFIRMED 
Notification_id    : 1 
User_parameter     : 0 
Notification_format: PARAMETERS_LIST 
Time               : Thu Mar 23 08:26:50 2000 
Parameter 1 value: 
BSTR> DISCONNECT ENBOX /mod_data/enbox1
BSTR> REMOVE SUBSCRIPTION EVENT /mod_data/e1 /mod_data/enbox1

The use of the value INIT_UNSOLICITED for the -UPDATE_POLICY qualifier is not supported for write indications since the address of the variable in the remote VMD is not available. If an application requires the value of an unsolicited variable when starting, before the value has been updated by the device, create a device data point and unnamed variable on the remote VMD and use that to read the initial value.

If a programmable controller has been programmed to send data to the host and a variable is found that matches the address of the data being sent, a write indication is generated specifying the variable that was found. If more than one variable is configured that matches the address of the data being sent, then an indication is generated for only the first variable found. Abort Indications

An abort indication is generated by the DAS when it loses a connection to the device. The DAS detects that a connection is broken in different ways depending on the type of connection to the device.

For an RS-232 connection, the DAS aborts the connection when an error other than a time timeout is returned from a read/write call or if retries are exhausted. In these cases all connections using this port are aborted. The DAS aborts the connection to an individual device if there is a timeout.

For a Modbus TCP/IP connection, the DAS aborts the connection when any I/O error occurs when reading from the device.

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