Compaq Fortran Compaq logo

Compaq Fortran

Installation Guide for
Tru64 UNIX Systems

Order Number: AA-PW82F-TE

December 1999

This guide describes how to install Compaq® Fortran on an Alpha processor running the Compaq Tru64tm UNIX® (formerly DIGITAL® UNIX) operating system. It also describes how to read the online release notes.

Revision/Update Information: This manual supersedes all versions of the DIGITAL Fortran and DIGITAL Fortran 90 installation guides for DIGITAL UNIX systems.

Operating System: Compaq Tru64 UNIX Version 4.0 (or higher; see Section 1.1)

Software Version: Compaq Fortran Version 5.3

Compaq Computer Corporation
Houston, Texas

First Printing, February, 1993 Revised, December 1999

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This guide explains how to install Compaq Fortran on an Alpha processor running the Compaq Tru64 UNIX operating system. It also discusses how to install CXML, Compaq's Extended Math Library. In addition it describes how to read the online release notes.

This guide does not describe how to install the Compaq Parallel Software Environment, which is described in the DIGITAL High Performance Fortran 90 HPF and PSE Manual. You must install Compaq Fortran before you install any compilation components of Compaq Parallel Software Environment.

The Compaq Fortran installation procedure creates directories subordinate to the /usr/lib/cmplrs and /usr/man directories and loads Compaq Fortran software.

Keep this guide with your distribution kit. You will need it to install maintenance updates or to reinstall Compaq Fortran for any other reason.

Intended Audience

This guide is intended for system administrators who install Compaq Fortran.

The online release notes are intended for all users of Compaq Fortran (see Section 1.1).

Structure of This Document

This guide contains the following chapters and appendixes:

Associated Documentation

In addition to this guide, the Compaq Fortran documentation set includes the following:

The Compaq Fortran online release notes provide more information on this version of Compaq Fortran. You can view or print the release notes files located on the media CD-ROM (see Section 1.1) at any time.

After installation, the release notes are installed in:

/usr/lib/cmplrs/fort90/relnotes90  (Compaq Fortran 90 compiler) 
/usr/lib/cmplrs/fort/relnotes    (Compaq Fortran 77 compiler) 

The Compaq Fortran online reference pages describe the Compaq Fortran software components. These reference pages include f90(1), f77(1), fpr(1), fsplit(1), intro(3f), intro(3hpf), and numerous section 3f and 3hpf reference pages.

The Compaq Tru64 UNIX documentation set includes online reference pages and hardcopy documentation on installing software and on aspects of the programming environment. You may want to refer to the Tru64 UNIX Documentation Overview, Glossary, and Master Index, which includes a list of books in the programmer's subkit.

The following manuals in the Compaq Tru64 UNIX documentation set contain information relevant to installing software:

Refer to the Compaq Extended Math Library Reference Guide for information on CXML.

Sending Compaq Your Comments on This Manual

We welcome your comments on this or any other Compaq Fortran manual. You can send comments in the following ways:

If you have suggestions for improving a particular section or find any errors, please indicate the title, order number, and section (if available). Compaq also welcomes general comments.

Getting Help from Compaq

If you have a customer support contract and have comments or questions about Compaq Fortran software, you can contact Compaq's Customer Support Center (CSC). For more information, see Section 1.8.

Compaq Fortran World Wide Web Pages

If you have Internet access and a World Wide Web (WWW) browser, you are invited to view the Compaq Fortran home page, located at the following URL: 

This Web site contains information about software patch kits, example programs, and additional product information.


Table 1 lists the conventions used in this document.

Table 1 Conventions Used in This Document
Convention Meaning
# A pound sign (#) is the default superuser prompt.
% A percent sign (%) is the default user prompt.
[Return] In examples, a boxed symbol indicates that you must press the named key on the keyboard.
Ctrl/C This symbol indicates that you must press the Ctrl key while you simultaneously press another key (in this case, C).
# df /usr
In interactive examples, typed user input appears in a bold typeface.
monospaced In text, this typeface indicates the exact name of a command, routine, partition, pathname, directory, or file. In interactive examples and other screen displays, this typeface indicates what appears on the screen.
The Compaq Tru64 UNIX operating system differentiates between lowercase and uppercase characters. Literal strings that appear in text, examples, syntax descriptions, and function definitions must be typed exactly as shown.
setld(8) Cross-references to online reference pages include the appropriate section number in parentheses. For example, setld(8) indicates that you can find the material on the setld command in Section 8 of the reference pages.
[y] In a prompt, square brackets indicate that the enclosed item is the default response. For example, [y] means the default response is Yes.

Unless otherwise noted, press the Return key after entering commands or responses to command prompts.

In this manual, some version numbers are given as "Vn.n" or (in subset identifiers) "nnn". When you install Compaq Fortran, the actual version numbers appear on your screen.

Chapter 1
Preparing for Compaq Fortran Installation

Compaq now provides two separate compilers (Compaq Fortran 77 and Compaq Fortran 95/90) under one license and one name (Compaq Fortran). You can choose to use either compiler or both compilers and whether to install the optional Compaq Extended Math Library (CXML).

Before starting the installation procedure in Chapter 2, you should complete the preparations explained in this chapter. This chapter provides the following information to make your installation run smoothly:

1.1 The Software Product Library CD-ROM and Installation--Related Documentation Files

The Compaq Tru64 UNIX Alpha Software Product Library CD-ROM (media CD-ROM) provides the following files:

To determine whether the appropriate media CD-ROM is already mounted on your system, contact the appropriate system administrator.

To obtain the location of the Compaq Fortran main product directory on the appropriate media CD-ROM, do one of the following:

For information about using the cdmenu utility and the CD files on the media CD-ROM set, see the Software Product Library CD--ROM User's Guide (CD user guide), which accompanies the media CD-ROM distribution kit. The CD user guide and CD master index file are provided as online files in the /readme directory on the first media CD-ROM.

Compaq strongly recommends that you read the online release notes and the "read before installing" cover letter before installing Compaq Fortran. They contain information about changes to the installation and use of Compaq Fortran, such as the minimum version of the Compaq Tru64 UNIX Alpha operating system required for this release of Compaq Fortran. The online release notes list the subset numbers for this Compaq Fortran version.

Once the appropriate media CD-ROM has been mounted (see Section 2.1.1) and the appropriate Compaq Fortran documentation subdirectory located, use an ls command to determine the file name of the Compaq Fortran cover letter and release notes.

You can view or print the release notes, the cover letter, and this installation guide at any time from the media CD-ROM.

To read the Compaq Fortran documentation files, do one of the following:

After installation, the release notes for Compaq Fortran are in the following files:


1.2 Registering Your Software License

Compaq Fortran includes support for the License Management Facility (LMF). You must register your License Product Authorization Key (License PAK) in the License Database (LDB) in order to use Compaq Fortran on a newly-licensed node. The License PAK may be shipped along with the kit if you ordered the license and media together; otherwise, it is shipped separately to a location based on your license order.

If you are installing Compaq Fortran as an update on a node already licensed for this software, you have already completed the License PAK registration requirements.

To register a license for Compaq Tru64 UNIX, follow these steps:

  1. Log in as superuser.
  2. At the superuser prompt, enter the following command to edit your License PAK:

    # lmf register

    An empty PAK template is displayed in a text editor ( vi by default). Enter all the information from your License PAK form.

  3. After you register your license, use the following command to copy the license details from the LDB to the kernel cache:

    # lmf reset

For complete information on using the License Management Facility, see the Compaq Tru64 UNIX Software License Management and the lmf(8) reference page.

Note that CXML no longer requires a separate license.

1.3 Checking the Software Distribution Kit

Use the Parts List to check the contents of your Tru64 UNIX Software Product Library CD-ROM software distribution kit. The software distribution kit is ordered separately from Compaq Fortran and includes the following:

If your software distribution kit is damaged or incomplete, contact your Compaq representative.

1.4 Checking Installation Procedure Requirements

Section 1.4.1 through Section 1.4.5 discuss various requirements for installing Compaq Fortran.

Installing Compaq Fortran, including running the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP), takes approximately 10 to 15 minutes, depending on your type of media and system configuration.

1.4.1 Login Privileges

You must have superuser privileges to install the Compaq Fortran software and to register the license PAK.

1.4.2 Hardware Requirements

To install Compaq Fortran, you need the following hardware:

For additional hardware requirements, see the Compaq Fortran Software Product Description (SPD).

1.4.3 Software Requirements

Compaq Fortran Version 5.n requires Compaq Tru64 UNIX Version 4.0 (or higher).

Future releases of Compaq Fortran may require higher Compaq Tru64 UNIX versions. For information about the minimum version of the operating system required, see the online release notes or the Read Before Installing or Using Compaq Fortran Version n.n for Tru64 UNIX Systems letter (see Section 1.1).

Compaq Fortran also requires that the following Compaq Tru64 UNIX subsets be loaded on the system where you install Compaq Fortran:


Beginning with Tru64 UNIX Version 4.0, the OSFCMPLRS subset now consists of the following multiple subsets:
  • OSFCMPLRS (required for program development)
  • OSFSDE (profiling tools)
  • OSFLIBA (archive libraries)
  • OSFINCLUDE (include files)
  • OSFATOM (atom tools)

Some of these subsets may require a separate license. For more information, see the Tru64 UNIX Installation Guide for your version of the Compaq Tru64 UNIX operating system.

To install the Compaq Fortran reference pages (manual pages), the following Compaq Tru64 UNIX software subsets must already be installed on your system:

To check whether these subsets are loaded, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the system where you will install Compaq Fortran.
  2. Enter the following command:


If you do not log in as superuser (login name root ), you must enter the full path of the command. For example:

% /usr/sbin/setld -i | grep OSFBASE

Check the displayed rows for the name of the relevant subset and any related patches. The word "installed" appears in a row after the subset identifier when a subset is loaded.

If the word "installed" does not appear (the second column in a row is blank), the subset or patch is not loaded. In this case, you must load the missing Compaq Tru64 UNIX software before installing Compaq Fortran. (For information on how to load Compaq Tru64 UNIX operating system software, see the Compaq Tru64 UNIX Installation Guide.)

1.4.4 Determining Which Compaq Fortran Subsets to Load

You must choose the Compaq Fortran subsets you want to load.

There are two compilers in the DFABASE subset. Table 1-1 indicates which subsets are required or recommended for each compiler.

The subsets starting with XMD are part of the CXML extended math library.

Table 1-1 Required and Recommended Subsets for Compaq Fortran Compilers
Subset Name Compaq Fortran 90 Compaq Fortran 77
DFABASE Required Required
DFACOM Required Required
DFADOC Recommended Recommended
DFARTL Required Required
OTABASE Required Not used
HPFLIBS Required Not used
XMDCOM Recommended Recommended
XMDLIB4 Recommended 1 Recommended 1
XMDLIB5 Recommended 1 Recommended 1
XMDLIB6 Recommended 1 Recommended 1
XMDSCI Recommended Recommended
XMDMAN Recommended Recommended
XMDHTM Recommended Recommended

1Typically, the user only installs one of the XMDLIBnnnn subsets (see the description of the XMDLIB subsets).

You can choose to install both compilers, which allows you to use either compiler at compile-time.

In the subset identifiers starting with "DFA", the nnn represents the version number of Compaq Fortran and DIGITAL 77. In the subset identifier DFARTLnnn and HPFLIBSnnn, the nnn represents the current version of those subsets. For a list of the current subset numbers, see the online release notes.

The subsets have the following identifiers and titles:

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