Willem PCB3B and Later Variations - Jumper Settings 2019/12/28-31 by Ami Sapphire J1 - Specific Device Programming Mode1 Located directly next to the 32-pin ZIF socket and is above J2. This jumper set is in conjunction with J2. Pin order by row from top to bottom: 3, 1, 4, 2, 5 Note: Some PCB variations have a pin present next to pin 3 (top-left pin); that should be ignored. Diagram: 3 1 4 2 5 J2 - Specific Device Programming Mode2 Located directly next to the 32-pin ZIF socket and is below J1. This jumper set is in conjunction with J1. Pin order by row from top to bottom: 1, 5, 2, 6, 3, 4 Note: Some PCB variations have a pin present next to pins 3 and 4 (pins on the botton right); they should be ignored. Diagram: 1 5 2 6 3 4 Normal: Setting two jumpers Pins 2-5 on J1 Pins 1-5 on J2 2732 Mode: Setting two jumpers Pins 1-2 on J1 Pins 1-5 on J2 2716 Mode: Setting two jumpers Pins 1-2 on J1 Pins 1-2 on J2 2816 Mode: Setting three jumpers Pins 1-2 on J1 Pins 1-2, 3-4 on J2 I28F001 Mode: Setting three jumpers Pins 1-4, 2-5 on J1 Pins 1-5 on J2 AT29C256 Mode: Setting three jumpers Pins 2-5 on J1 Pins 1-5, 3-4 on J2 Erase ONLY W27Cxxx/SST27Xxxx Mode: Setting three jumpers Pins 2-5, 3-4 on J1 Pins 1-5 on J2 -- J3 - 4Mbit Enable Located directly to the left of the 12-set DIP switch. A CD4015 IC is to the left of it. This jumper set is in conjuction with J4/EXPAND. Pin order from top to bottom: 1, 2, 3 J4 - Address Expansion Header (8Mbit Enable) Located in between a CD4503 IC (left) and a CD4015 IC (right), next to the VPP LED light (red). This jumper set is in conjuction with J3. Pin order from top to bottom (or left to right): 1 - CK/CLK, 2 - A19, 3 - A22, 4 - A21, 5 - A20, 6 - P1, 7 - A19, 8 - A23 Diagram: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Normal: Pins 2-3 on J3 29x040 Mode: Pins 1-2 on J3 27C080/27C081 Mode: Pins 6-7 on J4 Note 1: Jumper section of pins 6 and 7 are considered J12 on PCB5.0C variants. Note 2: It is also called EXPAND on some PCB5x variants. -- J5 - 3V3/3V6 Setting Not present on PCB3B. Enable: Open position on jumper header Disable: Closed position on jumper header -- J6 - Programmer VPP (1) Located right next to a 34063 IC on the left. This jumper set is in conjuction with J7. Pin order from top to bottom: 3, 2, 1 J7 - Programmer VPP (2) Located in between a BC557 transistor (left) and a 220pf capacitor (right). This jumper set is in conjuction with J6. Pin order from top to bottom: 3, 2, 1 Normal (12V5) Mode: Pins 1-2 on J6, Pins 2-3 on J7 21V Mode: Pins 2-3 on J6, Pins 2-3 on J7 25V Mode: Pins 2-3 on J6, Pins 1-2 on J7 15V Mode: Pins 1-2 on J6, Pins 1-2 on J7 Note: 15V is marked as 16V on most PCB5x variations. -- J8 - Programmer VCC Located between two 1N4148 diodes on PCB3B and located directly below an 8550 or equivalent transistor on PCB5x variants. Pin order from top to bottom: 3, 2, 1 5V Mode: Pins 1-2 5V6 Mode: Pins 2-3 6V2 Mode: Open position -- J9 - FWH/LPC Enable Not present on PCB3B, but present on PCB4.5C on. Located under the J2 header. Normal: Closed (jumpered) position FWH/LPC Mode: Open position -- J10 - Power Only on PCB5.0C and some PCB5.0E variants. Not present on any other variation PCB and most definitely not present on PCB3B or any early PCB3B variant. Located near the DC barrel connector. Pin order from left to right: 1, 2, 3 VDC Mode: Pins 1-2 USB Mode: Pins 2-3 * WARNING * Do NOT set jumper to USB mode and plug in a DC adapter into the DC jack of these particular variant units! You WILL burn your programmer upon insertion of the adapter and powering it on in USB mode! Double check J10 jumpers before powering on your unit! -- Unnamed/J4 - PCB Mode Switch/Programmer Software Mode Not present on PCB3B, but present on PCB4.5, PCB5.0, and other PCB5.0 variations. Located above J4/EXPAND header. Pin order by row from top to bottom: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Diagram: 1 2 3 4 5 6 0.98x Mode: Both jumpers on pins 1-2 and 4-5 0.97x Mode: Both jumpers on pins 2-3 and 5-6 Note 1: Usually marked PCB5E -> PCB3B or a variation of such on the PCB. Note 2: Strangely marked J4 on some PCB5x variants. -- ICSP - Located directly to the right of the PIC header (long DIP16 header). Pin order from top to bottom: 1 - VPP, 2 - VCC, 3 - GND, 4 - DATA (RB7), 5 - CLK (RB6) SPI - Located directly to the left of the 25xxx socket area. Not present on PCB3B to PCB5.0 (PCB4.5 variant), PCB5.0C, and original PCB5.0E, but present on SPI variants from PCB5.0B and PCB5.0E-20xx to at least a PCB5.0T variation. Pin order from top to bottom: 1 - CS, 2 - SO, 3 - CLK, 4 - SI, 5 - GND Note 1: PCB5.0B pinout is differently laid out and is marked ISP. It should be the same pinout as an Arduino ISP pinout.