SDCC Binaries for DOS

SDCC is a freeware retargetable C compiler for microcontrollers written by Sandeep Dutta. This initial version targets the Intel 8051 family of microcontrollers. Please visit the Official SDCC Home Page hosted by the author.

This page contains the compiled binaries of SDCC v2.1.8i for DOS or any other OS that supports DOS programs (Windows 9x, Windows 3.1, OS/2, Linux (DOSEmu), etc.). These are compiled with GCC 2.8.1 using djgpp. I am providing these as a convenience to others who may have difficulty building SDCC from the source.

For a list of the changes made in each patch or release, visit the SDCC Home age.

Download the file and extract the files. I suggest extracting them to the root making sure to retain the subdirectory names (pkunzip -d for example). This will create the desired directory structure automatically. If you wish, extract to a temporary directory, then rearrange the subdirectories as you see fit.

The \sdcc\bin directory will include the C preprocessor (sdcpp.exe), compiler (sdcc.exe), assembler (asx8051.exe), linker (asxlink.exe), and the DPMI host (cwsdpmi.exe). CWSDPMI is needed only under plain DOS and if you don't have another DPMI host (like QEMM), while running under Windows, OS/2 or DOSEmu you don't need it.

Function header files will be located in \sdcc\sdcc51inc (or SDCC51IN in pure DOS), and the compiled libraries, including their source code and intermediate files will be found in \sdcc\sdcc51lib (or SDCC51LI).

Please refer to the Official SDCC Home Page hosted by the author for detailed installation and use instructions. These documents are up to date, and available on line.

If you wish to compile the source code yourself, download the full djgpp package, Sandeep Dutta's source code, and patch level 7 file. You will need to read the djgpp readme.1st and install the djgpp package, also read the file included in the sources. Be sure to follow all of the directions. When djgpp is in, follow Sandeep's detailed user guide and installation instructions. For patch-level 7 you'll also need to apply a couple of patches found here.

Once again, I urge visitors to use this page only as a convenience. For up to date information, bug reports, and support using SDCC, visit Sandeep Dutta's Official SDCC Home Page.


If this page looks very similar to the one for the Windows version is not a coincidence, is almost a copy ;-))

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