Mystery Science Theater En Masse

Behind The Scenes: Season Two


M12/A06 - Starting Fresh (Short: Deep in my heart)

Once an author says that it's "ORIGINAL DON'T STEAL", and that her character isn't a Mary Sue... nine, or rather, nine and a half times out of ten... she will be a Sue.

On that note, aside from the angsty Sakura Hikari... Weatherstar? Really? This was an episode of stupid names, I'm sorry.


M13/B06 - miharu's story of star comand

This riffed fic was originally supposed to have this tag... M10/B05 (now the "Sky Blue" riffing).

The reason for the hold up was because I barely retained my knowledge of the "Buzz Lightyear of Star Command" canon. I haven't seen the show since I was in middle school, so I constantly blanked out during my first attempt. Thank God for YouTube having a good chunk of those episodes to jog my memory!

I'm not sure if the author's a troll or serious. I browsed around her DA page, and according to a comment posted back in 2010, the author said that she was 13. Troll or not, it's pretty sad. Oh, and about the fic... yeah, this thing needs to burn in a bonfire.


M14/A07 - Why Men Cheat in the Summer

Ah, Cosmopolitan articles. They make me laugh, and this is no exception. But, let's be honest; the part where there's a scenario on what happens if your significant other cheats has pretty good advice... for the most part.


M15/B07 - All Men Apparently Suck

I can't stand these articles anymore. I don't even know why I bother to riff them. As a woman, I seriously can't find any sort of humor in treating the opposite sex like total crap. I'm glad that the people in the comments called the authors out on their shoddy work, especially the second one by Julia Austin.


M16/A08 - Saranghamnida

Primavera Verde. Seriously. Despite the silly name, I thought that her personality was even worse.

Oh, and authors and fellow fic writers? Asking for critiques is one thing, but when you say that people should never make fun of your fics or your characters, here's a hint... don't post your stuff on the bloody internet for all to see. We will find it, and we will riff it.


M17/B08 - Sonic: Dead or Alive?

Yes, this is probably the closest thing to proper grammar for the Black Crow. So, I've decided to give them a little break... emphasis on "little".

I also thought that Tanya was a little similar to Kathryn... thankfully, she lacked the bitchiness, the Sue-ish mind control powers, and the overblown wangsty Sympathy Sue garbage.

Anyway, this fic made no sense. I thought that there was very little plot, and nobody worked to solve their problems, since everything was in a horribly convenient package. But what made me hate the fic was the "plot twist" at the end.


M18/S02 - Brewdening Love

For this season, Erin/Joan single-handedly trumps everybody to earn the title of the biggest "MST 'EM" Sue. I would've given it to Miharu, but the Black Hole-ness and God and Jesus coming to your aid as a plot device happened to seal the deal. That, and Miharu wasn't a Jerk Sue.

I'm not the most religious person in the world. I do believe in God sometimes, but come on. Nobody wants to read a story where people are cramming their beliefs down other's throats.

Aside from that, since I'm certain that this is a trollfic, I figured that it would be okay if the riffing bent the rules a bit and have the riffers make a few potshots at the author's hypocrisy... and the author herself.


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