Mystery Science Theater En Masse

Egg Spiral Crew, Episode 15: Sailor Sun (Part Two)


Chapter 3

Ana transformed back and went home as if nothing happened. When she got home she went upstairs to her bedroom and did her homework.

Amy: Parents didn't ask her why she came back so late?
Manic: What parents?

At the Negaverse:
Veronica, the best warrior in the Negaverse was disappointed that he monster failed her. "That was my most loyal monster," Veronica screamed. I need energy to get me out of here!" "Who was that girl though? I never saw her before. Could there be another scout?" questioned Veronica. I'll defeat her somehow.

Sonia: Super Sailor Moon... and the Negaverse? The Negaverse shouldn't even exist at this point!
Sonic: We have chop-suey canon, too?! Oh, boy! *claps excitedly* Oh, boy, oh, boy, oh, boy!
Tails: *surprised* Wow, you really are excited, Sonic.

At Ana's House:
"Ana!" yelled her mom.
"What!" yelled Ana back.
"I called and you didn't answer, why?" said her mom.
I was hanging out with some new friends at school," said Ana.

Tails: Friends that she met for only two seconds so far.

Ana's mom was surprised yet happy for her and let that incident pass. When Ana finished her homework she was tired from the fight and went to sleep.

Manic: Now the sleepiness caught up to her? Was she guzzling some Red Bull while she was doing her homework?

Ana dreamed that she was surrounded by monsters and all the scouts were fainted and a man is a suit with a cape and a top hat wearing white glasses look a likes. She was scared.

Amy: Okay, what the heck are the point of these dreams? They're all going to come true, that's number one. And number two... she's not going to be scared. This is just stuff that she's going to whine and moan about for like... two seconds at most.
Sonic: Padding.
Amy: Is it really padding if it's only for one whole line?
Sonic: Well, uh...
Manic: Well, it's this fic's version of padding.
Sonic: Yeah, what he said.

"Ana!" yelled her mom as Ana woke up.
Ana saw the time and went down for dinner.
When she was done she got a phone call from a man. She had a good vibes from his voice and trusted him. He said to go to the Cherry Hill Temple.

Tails: Did she get into his unmarked van because he offered her candy, too?
Sonia: *looks at Sonic* You corrupted him, didn't you?
Sonic: Not my fault, sis. You should be blaming Manic.
Manic: Wait, what?!

"Mom, I'm going to meet my friends at Cherry Hill Temple," said Ana.

Amy: But... it was from some guy that you've never met... and suddenly, he's your friend? *turns to the audience* Don't do this stuff, kids.
Sonic: Are there any kids that are actually watching us here?
Amy: Maybe.

"Do you remember self defense from when we lived in California?" asked Ana's mom.
"Don't worry about it," said Ana.

Sonia: *facepalms* In any other universe, that mindset would get her killed.
Tails: That's logic, Sonia.

Ana got on her skateboard with her transformation stick is a hidden pocket in her jacket. While Ana was riding her skateboard to Cherry Hill Temple. Veronica was planning her next attack.

At the Negaverse:
"My next attack will be that I'll send five of my best monsters after the sailor scouts. Then I'll trap them all and kill them all so I can get energy to break myself free of this world!" said Veronica evilly.

Sonic: *snorts, starts laughing*
*sarcastically* Well, that was thrilling!

At Cherry Hill Temple:
Ana saw all of her friends that she met at school and then saw this girl with short blond hair that looked liked a boy. Then there was a girl with turquoise hair, a girl with dark purple like hair, a girl with pink hair in the style of Serena's, a tall older woman with dark green hair, and a man with black hair holding Serena's hand. Everyone was staring at her, which she didn't like.

Sonia: Even though Mary Sues love it when people stare at her.
Amy: But don't stare at her too hard, because then she'll--

"What are you staring at?" Ana asked.

Amy: ...respond rudely.
Tails: *sarcastically* What a friendly person!

"You skateboard?" the girl with blond hair asked, "Don't you have a car?"
"Yeah, I do but it is in the shop for a engine change." said Ana.

Manic: Dude, you're in junior high! How can you drive a car?!
Sonic: Because Mary Sues need shiny things.

Serena pointed to the girl that I was talking to and said her name was Alex.

All: Huh?!
Tails: Why are we suddenly in the first person?!
Sonic: And who the heck is Alex?
Manic: You mean that guy from New York with the McDonald's fries for hair?
Sonic: *laughs*
Amy: I think that's supposed to be Amara. Guess the Suethor didn't know Haruka's English dub name at the time. Tails? Can you find any information about this?
Tails: *as he attempts to locate a file* Hmm... looks like the search is coming up empty. Sorry.
Amy: Ah, don't worry about it.

The girl with the turquoise hair was Michelle, the girl with dark purple hair was Hotaru, the girl with pink hair was Serena's future daughter Rini, the girl with dark green hair was Setsuna and the guy with the black hair was Darien.

Sonia: I can sort of excuse the hand holding here. If you never saw the dub of Sailor Moon S at the time, you would be a bit confused.

"Nice to meet you all." I said.
Luna asked if I had my transformation stick. I took it out of my pocket and showed it to her. Artemis asked if I knew of any thing of my past.

Manic: And watch her remember everything!

"I think I do, I remember that I always wore a gold dress that brought out my curves.

Tails: *makes a face*
Are... you... serious?
Well, at least she remembered something!
Sonia: And too bad that it was about her own Sue curves.
Sonic: Curves in all of the right places! *laughs loudly* Oh, yeah, this is definitely an old school Mary Sue!

Everyone didn't pay attention to me.

Sonic: Even though you had Sue curves, so you're just gonna wangst about it like the Sue who always Sued it up! *continues laughing*

I made up excuses not to come to the moon. On a day,

Amy: Was it a Tuesday?

Beryl turned our planet into a star that destroyed everyone but I made my self reborn in the future of Earth. She destroyed my world because we were the most powerful." I said.

Sonic: *falls out of his seat laughing* This is too much! Help! Help! *continues laughing*
Tails: Easy, Sonic! Breathe!
Sonia: You know... if the people of the Sun were the most powerful... they wouldn't be dead first!
Amy: Or maybe they destroyed those people because they wanted to get them out of the way? *scratches her head* No, no, the Sun people would've been prepared for any surprise attacks.
Manic: So the people of the Sun just sat around and drank while Beryl invaded and let all the minions in.
Sonia: Sounds about right, I guess.
Sonic: *coughs as he returns to his seat* Whoo, I needed that laugh!
Sonia: I guess I don't need to ask if you're okay, then.
Sonic: No, no, I'm good, thanks. Let's keep going.


Chapter 4

I broke out into tears and everyone started to rub my back saying that its okay.

Sonia: *as Serena* Oh, quit crying! I had my home destroyed by Queen Beryl, too, and you don't see me wangsting about it!

I stopped and looked up at everyone. I started to get mad at them

Tails: Wait, why are you getting mad at them?
Amy: Mary Sues are always ungrateful, Tails.

but they said that it was the past and now we're different people. I calmed down and asked them why they called me here.

Manic: Well, it sure wasn't because they needed another Sailor Sue to be better than them!

"You need training," said Luna and Artemis.

Sonic: Pfft! You two really must be somethin' else if you think that a Mary Sue needs training!

"Who's going to face me for training, where too?" I asked.
"I will." said Michelle.

Manic: Someone get to writing Michelle's obituary.

"We'll meet you tomorrow here, from there we'll be transported to the moon where the training room is." said Luna.
I said okay and walked home with my skateboard and my stick to go to bed.

All: *confused*
Amy: What the heck was that sentence?
Sonia: I don't know. And I'm not in the mood to figure it out.

The next day Serena and the scouts that go to my school were sitting around me in the classroom.

Tails: Just so they could kiss her butt.

After school I went to the Temple where I was transported.

"Hello?" I said.

I herd an echo that said over here. I saw a sign that said lockers.

Sonic: Lockers in a temple?
Manic: I'm not gonna figure that one out, either.

When I went into the room I saw everyone transformed. I then transformed. When I transformed I could feel a powerful force running through my body.

Amy: Thrill as she blandly transforms!

When I was done we all went into an arena.

Tails: *sarcastically* These are the best scenery transitions that I've ever read.

Michelle started to attack me, I dogged her attack and I attacked her. Luckily she dogged and I did a little damage to the wall. Everyone looked at me with their eyes wide opened.

"What, like anybody hasn't done damage to the walls before? I see all kinds of damage." I said.
"These are damage proof walls. All the damage on the walls are from you when you were the Princess of the sun." Queen Serenity said.

Sonia: *flatly* What.
Sonic: Pfft!

I saw this beautiful woman floating on air talking to me. I couldn't believe my eyes! Then all of a sudden she disappeared.

Amy: This fic's trying so hard to cram in a bunch of plotlines, and it's... really bizarre.
Sonia: The lack of details only make the whole thing worse.

We were done practicing and transformed back. We were transported to our houses and I started to do my homework.

Manic: Anyone have a neck brace?
Sonia: *in a neck brace* Sorry, little brother. I'm already using mine. Ask Amy.
Amy: *also in a neck brace, points to Tails*
Tails: *also in a neck brace, sighs* Sonic?
Sonic: *tosses one to Manic* Have fun, bro.

My mom called and told me that she has to stay late. She said that maybe I could have dinner at one of my friend's house. When I hung up I called Lita and asked her if I could have dinner at her house. She said yes and told me what happened to her parents. When I came over we both fixed dinner and I showed her a few tips.

Tails: That's like telling Emi how to cook. You don't do that!
Sonic: Yes, you do! Anything you can do, Sue can do better!
Tails: Then the Sue needs to stay away from the Tornado.

We became friends easily. We both taught each other about stuff and I told her that carrots help your reflexes.

Amy: I don't... huh?!

Then when we were done and we cleaned up Serena came over and Luna gave me a gold scout communicator.

Manic: Wait, you cleaned Serena up? So Serena's a baby?
Sonia: Don't fics always make her act like one?
Manic: You should know that by now, sis. Benji--
Sonia: Benji can go burn in Hell.

I taught Serena a few tips on the game until we herd the Negaverse attacking near Mina's Setsuna, Alex, Michelle and Hotaru's house.

Tails: So... Mina lives with the Outer Senshi?
Amy: Apparently!

We transformed and contacted the other scouts and ran over there. There were five demons and Sailor Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto fainted.

Sonic: So they were Pokémon?

When Sailor Mars, Mercury and Venus showed up before we could attack a red rose hit the ground and started to attack with us.

Sonia: Why would Tuxedo Mask interrupt an ally attack...?

Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Sailor Moon combined their attacks and didn't even harm the monsters. Then the monsters attacked them and they fainted. I used an attack that I didn't even know I had.

"Sun Celestial, Gold, Silver, Planet Power!"

A circle of gold, and silver fire with each of the Scouts' attacks even the outers defeated all the monsters that surrounded me. They all came back and thanked me.

Sonic: And of course she can defeat the monsters while the canon Scouts can't! Oh, boy, this is truly a classic Mary Sue fic!
Tails: We're going to be here a while, aren't we?
Manic: Hey, if the chapters get any shorter, we'll breeze through this thing in no time.
Amy: I hope so. I'm so confused.
Sonia: You do know that the plot is basically "Mary Sue overshadows the Scouts", right?
Amy: Oh, I know that. I just can't understand the bad scene changes or bad fight scenes.
Tails: We all can't understand it, actually. We might as well take the laughing gas that Sonic inhaled.


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