The Cutting Room

Esaka Destiny "Saga" Rewrite: Chapter 8


Slight warning: This unfinished rewrite has the remnants of the previous chapter. It also has some slight language use.


"So... this must be the place," Kyo said to himself as he got off of his motorcycle, "Not surprised that it's something so... cliché, I guess."

As he made his way to the large door in front of him, he noticed something that was rather obvious to him.

'It's already open, huh? Sounds like someone really was waiting for me.'

Once he entered the warehouse, he simply looked around for any signs of Emi for a little while.

"Tch... figured that there'd be no light in this place..." Kyo muttered as he ignited a flame of his own, "Someone's a little cheap on the upkeep."

After a few minutes of searching, he heard a certain sound that stopped him in his tracks. Was someone... sniffling?

He couldn't hesitate; he had to ask.

"Emi? Is that you?"

"Master Kyo?!"

"Yeah, it's me!" he said as he walked towards the sound of her voice, "Keep talking so I can find you! Are you okay?"

"No... I'm not, Master Kyo. I'm... well... I've been..."

"You've been what? What happened to you?"

Before Kyo could get the answer, the lights in the room turned on, blinding him for a brief moment.

"Shit..." he grumbled as extinguished his flame, let his eyes adjust to the light, and then he looked ahead.

There was Emi, lying right in front of him. Unfortunately... he instantly noticed her dressed in only her shoes and skirt... with the shirt being ripped open and the skirt being heavily burned. To make matters worse, he also noticed a bruise on her left cheek and a small puddle of semen between her legs...

"What the?! Emi... who did this to you?!"

"It... was... I..." she quietly responded before trailing off, instantly frustrating him a little.

'Crap, she froze up! What am I gonna do about this?'

Kyo didn't have any more time to think, because a voice interrupted his train of thought...

"Oops. Looks like I went a little too hard on her, didn't I?"

"Who..." the Kusanagi heir said as he turned around and spotted someone sitting on a wooden crate with his back touching the wall, "Who the hell are you?"

"Sounds like I should be asking that question to you instead. Isn't that right, faker?"

"Another clone? So we're going to play this stupid game, huh? Well, I'm not having it!" Kyo shouted as he ignited a flame, "You better tell me what you did to her, or I will wring it out of you!"

The only answer he had for a few moments was filled with nothing but mocking laughter that easily irritated him...

"Sorry about that; it's just that your little threat was a bit... weak. But trust me; you're going to love hearing every last bit of her little adventure."

"Considering the state that she's in," the Kusanagi heir said as he snuffed his flame, "I doubt it. Now stop screwing around and get to the point. I don't have the time to hear boring novels."

"Hmm. How should I sum this up for you? I don't know, let's just say that... she liked it rough," the clone said and grinned, "All that screaming and whimpering she did must've proved it to me. Wouldn't you agree? Have you ever gone inside that wet little hole of hers and made her scream for you... and, you know, made sure that you blew a load inside of her?"

"That's none of your business."

"Sounds like a 'no' to me, then. Too bad; looks like I beat you to screwin' your girl... or should I say my girl?"

Once he heard those words, Kyo's irritation quickly turned into rage.

"You sick bastard!" he shouted and attempted to charge at his clone with a fire laced punch which was easily caught.

"Now, now, fake me. Let's be rational here. Sure you don't want to discuss this civilly?"

"I'm not going to be rational or civil with you. Now tell me; just who are you?"

"To be blunt? I'm Kyo Kusanagi. The real Kyo Kusanagi."

"I don't have time for your crap, 'Kusanagi'," he bluntly said and tried to perform another punch with his free hand, but...

"You're right about my name, but..." the shadow clone said as he tightened his grip on the original's fists, "You're either persistent or stupid for trying to attack me like this. I'm guessing that you're incredibly stupid!"

And with that, Kyo was rewarded with a strong kick to the stomach that sent him to the floor.

"Aww, what's the matter, faker? Can't take a simple kick?" Kusanagi asked in a rather sarcastic tone, "I'm sure you can do better than that."

"I'd say the same to you, because that was a half-assed kick."

"Oh, you know that I was just holding back. Now that you want me to fight for real..."

There was nothing but silence for a few moments as the two stood up and faced each other. Almost instantly, that silence ended once the clone began with an intense barrage of punches that Kyo barely dodged.

'Holy... he's fast...!'

"Surprised?! You act like you've never seen anything like this before! Of course, since you claim to be the real Kyo--"

"Which I am! Eat this, you!" the Kusanagi heir shouted and countered with a flaming uppercut which was also caught. But before he could let his clone counter with an attack of his own, Kyo easily managed to toss him over his shoulder and follow up with an elbow drop.

After that, it quickly devolved from a fight into an all-out brawl as the two began to struggle, hoping that one of them would have the chance to pin the other down and express just how much he hated the other with his fists relentlessly pummeling the other's face...

That was what Kusanagi would've done, if Kyo hadn't managed to grab his fist in the process.

"You don't know how much I want to kill you!"

"The feeling's mutual, you son of a bitch!" the Kusanagi heir said through clenched teeth as he threw his clone off of him.

"Is that so?! Well, eat this, faker...!"


'So... is this it...?' Keiko thought to herself as she approached the warehouse, 'I highly doubt that Miyuki would send me off to somewhere this... rundown.'

At first, she didn't want to believe her friend... but of course, all of those worries went away as soon as she heard her frantic voice and the key words that would kick her instincts into overdrive.

"Emi... she was kidnapped..."

Naturally, she had to find the person responsible for it... and possibly maim said person, as it was in her usual nature to do so.

But before she should do that, she needed to find some sort of opening... and her sister.

Luckily, the second part didn't take long for the young samurai.

But what she did see obviously horrified her to no end.

Suppressing her rage, Keiko quietly kneeled down and slowly unsheathed her sword.

"Don't worry, sister... I'm getting you out of here."

"But what about--" Emi began to say, but was quickly cut off.

"I'll help him in a minute. I just hope that those two are still distracted with each other for a little while longer."

And with those words, the younger Tsukino sister easily cut through Emi's restraints.

"Thank you, little sister..." the flame fighter whispered as she hugged her.

"You'd do the same for me. Now take my jacket so you can cover up. Hurry up and get out of here," Keiko said as her sister followed her orders. After that, the samurai girl slowly inched her way towards the battle that was ahead of her...


It was obvious that Kyo and his clone were showing no signs of slowing down just yet.

And now, the two were in the midst of trading punches, hoping that the other would flinch.

However, someone, or rather, something had to come between them...

'What the hell...?' Kyo thought as he easily dodged Keiko's sheathed sword. After that, he quickly composed himself, "Tsukino?! What're you doing here?!"

"Miyuki told me everything. About the note, my sister's kidnapping... all of it."

"The note--" the Kusanagi heir began, but was sharply cut off by the shadow clone...

"Yes, the one that said that you were supposed to come here alone. Wanna explain that, faker?"

With those words, Keiko could only speak up instead.

"Forget the note. How about you explain the reason for my sister's condition?"

"Oh? You're a feisty one, aren't you? Sure that you don't want to introduce yourself?"

"Even if you knew my name, you wouldn't have enough time to remember it," the samurai quietly said as she slowly unsheathed her sword, "Consider this as payment for your actions."

"Hmph. So you're this cowardly that you wouldn't fight me with your bare hands?"

"You lost that request the minute you violated my sister. Are you ready to take him down... Kyo?" she asked as she turned to the Kusanagi heir, who only adjusted his gloves.

"I've been ready. You can cut him down, and I'll be more than happy to cremate him."


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