Okay... Some images of Joe's Pool Chat re: Multipool...
Joe's Pool Chat, Novemer 29, 2013
Only in a logical person's mind in a perfect world, unfortunately.
Joe's Pool Chat, Novemer 29, 2013
So true...
Joe's Pool Chat, December 7, 2013
Joe's Pool Chat, December 7, 2013
The rest of the previous chat message. Mentions the stuck transactions. Also has CoinCrazy's interesting (yet accurate) statement re: multipool.
Joe's Pool Chat, December 7, 2013 (two-part image)
Technically, it was a network hashrate of around 45 TH/s (on a normally 1 to 2 TH/s network), but okay. Most of it was from Multipool, anyway.
Finally, here is the hashrate of Multipool (and even coinotron). Can't leave coinotron out, either...
[Note: multipool.in is the old domain of multipool.us.]
Multipool Hashrate - The Beginning, November 29, 2013
Multipool Hashrate - Later On, November 29, 2013
Multipool Hashrate - The Final Straw, December 1, 2013
Man, even Coinotron wasn't this bad...
End Result - Highest Difficulty Ever (as of this page), December 4, 2013
Yep. This was the end result of massive hash-and-dash chainhopping. The difficulty actually hit 3.16M. Thanks to the dedicated miners, however, it's getting better now...