ftp.microsoft.com /bussys/winnt/sna-unsup-ed/fixes/sna211a/winnt40/readme.txt: ============================================================ SNA Server operation on Windows NT 4.0 Beta Last updated: 2/14/96 There are currently no SNA Server updates available for operation on the Windows NT 4.0 Beta release. This directory will be updated as problems are found and hotfixes are generated. Known issues: 1) When running on a MIPS computer, SNA Server Admin list boxes do not appear correctly with Windows NT 4.0 beta. This is a problem in the CTL3D32.DLL interface. SNA Admin can be started with a /NO3D switch to prevent it from using CTL3D32.DLL. For example: SNAADMIN /NO3D 2) SNA Server Admin program will encounter an application exception when using the Select Domain dialog to change focus to another domain when running on the Windows NT 4.0 beta. To workaround this problem, rename the following SNA Admin file: rename \system\snasfd.dll snasft.211