Microsoft RPC Print Provider (RPCPP) The Microsoft Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Print Provider enhances network printing and remote administration by providing the set of Win32 APIs required for a Windows 95 or Windows 98 client computer to remotely Pause and Cancel print jobs on Windows NT servers. . Using this print provider, a Windows 95 or Windows 98 client can obtain complete accounting and job status information from the Windows NT server. To install this software on your computer, use the Network option in Control Panel, click the Add button, select Service as the type of network component to install, click the Add button, click the Have Disk button, and install from the TOOLS\RESKIT\NETADMIN\RPCPP directory. For more information about RPCPP, see the topic in the Windows 98 Resource Kit or in the Windows 98 Resource Kit tools online help (WIN98RK.HLP). You can access this help by installing the Windows 98 Resource Kit tools sampler from the TOOLS\RESKIT directory of the Windows 98 compact disc.