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Support Informational Keys in the Registry

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Requirement   (Designed for Microsoft® Windows® Logo)

Your application must write all the information in the table below to the registry so that Add/Remove Programs in the Control Panel can obtain information about the application as needed.

The registry values should be written under the following key:

Name of Value Type Contains
DisplayName REG_SZ Display name of application.
UninstallPath REG_SZ* Full path to the application uninstall program.
ModifyPath REG_SZ* Full path to the application Setup/modify program.
InstallLocation REG_SZ* Full path to the application (folder or *.exe).
InstallSource REG_SZ* Location the application was installed from. See Implementation that follows.
DisplayVersion REG_SZ Displayed version number of application.
VersionMajor DWORD Major version number of application. See Implementation that follows.
VersionMinor DWORD Minor version of application. See Implementation that follows.
Publisher REG_SZ Publisher/developer of application.
ProductID REG_SZ Product ID of installed application.
RegOwner REG_SZ Registered owner of application.
RegCompany REG_SZ Registered company of application.
HelpTelephone REG_SZ Telephone number for support/help.
HelpLink REG_SZ* Full path of Help file or Help URL for application.
URLUpdateInfo REG_SZ URL of update information for application. See Implementation that follows.
URLInfoAbout REG_SZ URL that provides a link to the publisher's home page or the application home page. See Implementation that follows.


This is the path from which the application was installed. It can also be an HTTP site or a network UNC path, such as \\applications\sample. If the application is installed from a floppy, this value would be a:\ for the floppy drive letter. This value also supports multiple paths. To add additional paths, just separate each path with a semicolon. For example:
InstallSource = \\applications\sample; \\\\corpnet\\sample
Future versions of Add/Remove Programs will use these two values to compute whether an upgrade is necessary. These values will not be displayed to the user. The numbering and ordering scheme of these numbers is up to the application. Newer versions of the application must have a larger VersionMinor and/or a larger VersionMajor field to indicate an update.
Sample Registry Data for a Windows NT 5.0 Application
Below is an example of registration information for a Windows NT 5.0 application.
Name of Value Type Contains
DisplayName REG_SZ Sample application
UninstallPath REG_EXPAND_SZ %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files\Sample\uninstall.exe
ModifyPath REG_EXPAND_SZ %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files\Sample\modify.exe
InstallLocation REG_EXPAND_SZ %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files\Sample
InstallSource REG_EXPAND_SZ A:\
DisplayVersion REG_SZ 1.0a
VersionMajor DWORD 1
VersionMinor DWORD 1
Publisher REG_SZ Sample Corporation
ProductID REG_SZ 111-111-111
RegOwner REG_SZ Test user
RegCompany REG_SZ Test company
HelpTelephone REG_SZ 1-800-555-5555
HelpLink REG_EXPAND_SZ %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files\Sample\sample.hlp
URLUpdateInfo REG_SZ update.html
URLInfoAbout REG_SZ default.html