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Compatibility with the High Contrast Option

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Requirement   (Designed for Microsoft® Windows® Logo)

Your application must be compatible with the High Contrast option, which indicates that the user wants a high degree of legibility. When this option is set, the application must use only system colors selected through Control Panel or other colors that the user can customize.

Because documents are typically shared, a user must not be required to alter a document to adjust the colors drawn on the screen; this may require the application to override formatting specified in the document. System colors must be used in their proper foreground/background combinations.

The application must omit background images or other complex backgrounds that overlap text. Any important information normally conveyed by color alone, or through complex backgrounds alone, must be available through another means.

Avoid using italic fonts, or allow the user the option of using non-italic fonts.


To determine how much space the tray takes up on the screen and how much is left over, use either the GetSystemMetrics function to query SM_CXFULLSCREEN and SM_CYFULLSCREEN or use the SystemParametersInfo function to query SPI_GETWORKAREA.


See Also