In multicasting, a value that defines the number of routers through which a multicast may pass before a router stops forwarding the multicast.
Transport Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
A networking protocol that allows computers to communicate across interconnected networks and the Internet. Every computer on the Internet supports TCP/IP.

The sending of a separate copy of data across the network from a source to each client requesting it.
uniform resource locator (URL)
A pointer to information on the Internet. A URL provides the address of a particular piece of data, and consists of the following:
  • A protocol identifier, such as http:, mms:, or msbd
  • A host name, such as msn.com
  • A directory and/or file name
For example, this URL is the address of Microsoft's corporate Web page:

video capture card
An add-on board for providing digitized images on a computer. With a video capture card, you can provide live camera or VCR input to the Real-Time Encoder. NetShow supports several video capture cards, such as the Winnov Videum AV.
VidToAsf converter
A command-line utility that quickly converts an edited .avi or .mov file to an .asf file, so that it can be stored on a NetShow server and streamed to NetShow clients.

WavToAsf converter
A command-line utility that quickly converts an edited .wav audio file to an .asf file so that it can be stored on a NetShow server and streamed to NetShow clients.

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