A transmission unit of fixed maximum size that consists of binary information representing both data and a header containing an ID number, source and destination address, and error-control data.
A combination of one or more streams that NetShow manages as a single entity.
publishing point
A virtual directory for storing content that is available to clients or for access to a live stream. Clients reach a publishing point by using its URL.

Real-time Control Protocol (RTCP)
A standard networking protocol for monitoring the delivery of real-time streams.
Real-time Protocol (RTP)
A networking protocol for transmitting real-time streams, such as audio and video. NetShow offers RTP audio streaming, both live and from .wav files.
Not local. For example, NetShow Administrator can be run on a computer other than the server (a remote computer), so that an administrator (a remote administrator) can administer the server. The Real-Time Encoder can also be run from a remote computer. Remote services require a suitable means of communication with the server, such as a network.
Ability of the NetShow Player to automatically try different protocols to access a stream from the NetShow server. The rules for rolling over from one protocol to another are defined by a combination of the channel definition, the announcement, and various preferences set by the user on the client computer.

For multicasting, the reach of a stream. NetShow Administrator lets you define the scope of a multicast.
Software Developer's Kit. NetShow includes these SDKs for developers:
SDK Installed With
ASF player control Nscont.exe
Channel manager control Nsserver.exe
File transfer control Nscont.exe
Real-Time Encoder automation Nscont.exe
RTP audio control Nscont.exe
Unicast manager control Nsserver.exe
Access to a NetShow server. NetShow uses Windows NT security to limit who can administer a server. NetShow administrators must belong to the Administrators group or to the NetShow Administrators group on the computer running NetShow Server.
  • Data transmitted across a network and any properties associated with the data.
  • To send data across a network from a NetShow server to a NetShow player. A player can render the stream as it is received without entirely storing it locally before playing.

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