NetShow Administrator
A set of adminstrative tools for managing NetShow channels, programs, and streams, and for configuring and monitoring NetShow services.
NetShow Channel (.nsc) file
A file that describes a channel to the NetShow Player. The player accesses the channel file indirectly by way of an announcement form of the ASX file.
NetShow Channel service
The NetShow server component that provides multicasting, distribution, and storage functions for ASF streams. It can manage multiple channels, with each channel having an ASF stream as input and can direct the stream to a multicast address, one or more distribution servers, to disk, or a combination of all three.
NetShow client
The program or ActiveX control that receives and renders streams from a NetShow server. NetShow includes these clients:
Client Purpose
Nsplayer.exe, Nsplay.ocx Render active streaming media (video, audio, URLs, and so on)
Nsrtpaud.ocx Render live or stored (.wav) audio
Nsfile.ocx Handles file transfers
NetShow Content Creation Station
The collection of NetShow tools that create ASF content by converting existing content in other formats, preparing new content, or by encoding content in real time.
NetShow File Receiver
A NetShow ActiveX control (Nsfile.ocx) for streaming files from a NetShow server to a client computer, optionally stuffing those files into the computer's local cache.
NetShow Player
A NetShow ActiveX control designed to support streaming from a NetShow server. This control can either run as a stand-alone client executable (Nsplay.exe) or be embedded in a Web page, C++ application, or a Visual Basic application that embeds the client ActiveX control (Nsplay.ocx).
NetShow Professional Video Server
A Microsoft product different from NetShow, but in the NetShow family, that is a distributed, fault-tolerant, real-time file server based on Windows NT Server. It is designed to deliver high-bandwidth video and audio over dedicated networks to a large number of PC clients.
NetShow program file (.nsp)
A file that contains information about a NetShow program, used primarily for backup and restore of NetShow program definitions.
NetShow RTP audio player
A NetShow ActiveX control (Nsrtpaud.ocx) that uses the Real-time Protocol (RTP) for streaming live audio from a NetShow server to a client computer.
NetShow Server
A set of services running on Windows NT Server 4.0 that multicast and unicast audio, video, and files to Windows 95 and Windows NT clients.
NetShow Server Log
A component of the NetShow Administrator that makes it possible to log NetShow events to a DAO object, such as a Microsoft Access database.
NetShow Server Trace
A NetShow Administrator troubleshooting utility that logs the events you specify directly to the Trace window. You can configure NetShow Server Trace to log certain types of events, and you can store the results.

Another name for an ActiveX control.

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