How to Create an ASX File

An .asx file is a text file that consists of a list of URLs and a reference number to identify which URL to process first.

To create an .asx file

  1. Open a text editor or a word processor in which you can save a file as text only.
  2. On the first line, in brackets, type the word Reference.
  3. On the next line, type Ref1 = and then type the URL to the .asf file you want to reference. Be sure to specify the correct protocol and then the path to the file.
  4. If you want to create a rollover .asx file, on the following line, type Ref2 = and the secondary path to the the .asf file.
  5. Save the file as text and give the file the .asx extension.
  6. Place the .asx file in an accessible directory on an HTTP server.

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