Using a Template .asd File to Configure the ASF Real-Time Encoder

If you don't know much about codecs or are unsure of which codecs to use to configure the ASF Real-Time Encoder for your network, use one of the twelve template configuration (.asd) files to set the codecs for you. All template .asd files are located in \Program Files\Microsoft NetShow\Stream Formats. Use the names of the template .asd files to help you choose the template that best suits your network bandwidth and the media that you want to stream. The names of the .asd files identify the network bandwidth (either Internet or intranet) and media (audio only or video with audio). In some cases, the audio codec is listed in order to show the difference between similar codecs. As you will notice, some template .asd files are set to maximize dual processor computers or computers with MMX processors.

When you open the template .asd file, the ASF Real-Time Encoder opens to the first configuration panel as if you are creating a new configuration, but the codec properties have been set for you. You can then step through the configuration panels and specify the audio and video inputs, the IP port or NetShow Server that will receive the ASF stream, whether or not you want the encoder to write the ASF stream to an .asf file, and a text description of the .asd file. When you're done creating the configuration, save all settings as an .asd file and then make it available for NetShow Server.

The following instructions explain the properties that you need to set and those that the template will set. This list explains how to use all inputs to create all types of output.

To use a template .asd to create a configuration

  1. Open the ASF Real-Time Encoder. On the File menu, click Open.

    The Open dialog box appears.

  2. Browse to the \Program Files\Microsoft NetShow\Stream Formats directory.

    This directory contains twelve template .asd files. Each file's title describes the type of network scenario it was created for; some titles list the codecs that are used. An .asd file whose title begin with Internet means that its output will fit in the 28.8 kbps bandwidth that most Internet users will be able to receive. .Asd files that begin with Intranet will create output that must stream across a 56 kbps network or greater. The .asd files whose titles include MMX have been optimized for use with that processor.

  3. Select an .asd file and click Open. The .asd file that you choose will determine many of the configuration settings that need to be set in order to encode ASF information.

    The Input Source panel appears.

  4. Use the Input Source panel to specify whether you want to use the audio and video card or an .avi or .wav file as the source. If you select Live Source, you must then specify the Audio Source and Video Source that you want the Real-Time Encoder to use. If you want to include script commands as part of the ASF stream, select the Include Script Commands check box. Then click Next to move to the Bandwidth Selection panel.


    Select AVI/WAV File to use an .avi or .wav file as the source. .Avi and .wav files can be used to create .asf files or audio-only ASF streams. The ASF Real-Time Encoder cannot encode the video portion of an .avi file. If you want to use the .avi or .wav file as the source for an ASF stream, select the Audio only check box (checking this box allows you to specify the NetShow server you want to send the stream to). Otherwise leave Audio only unselected to use the .avi or .wav file to create an .asf file. Click Next to move to the second Input panel where you specify the .avi or .wav file. In the second Input panel, you can either click Yes and specify the file now, or click No and specify the file when you start the encoder. Click Next to move to the Bandwidth Selection panel.

  5. Verify that the correct bit rate is selected and then click Next. If you would like information on the Advanced button in this panel, click Help to use the online Help file.

    The Compression & Formats panel appears.

  6. The information in this panel was set for you as part of the template .asd file. Using these codecs, the ASF Real-Time Encoder can compress the source information so that the resulting ASF stream or .asf file can fit in the target bit rate. Click Advanced only if you are having problems creating usable output (ASF streams or .asf files). The settings in the Advanced Settings dialog box are set for you when you select your video codec. Only adjust the Advanced settings if your video card does not work well with the codecs that were set. Click Help on the Compression & Formats panel if you think you need to adjust these settings. Otherwise, click Next. The Output panel appears if you are creating an ASF stream; the Local File panel appears if you are creating an .asf file.
  7. If you are using a Live Source or Audio only from an .avi or .wav file, the Output panel appears. Choose one of the following options:
    • To create an ASF stream, select To NetShow Server(s) over a network.
    • To create an .asf file, select To a local ASF file.
    • To create an ASF stream and an .asf file, select To both.

    After making your selection, click Next to open the Transmission panel.

    -- OR --

    If you are using an .avi or .wav file and did not select Audio only, the Local File panel appears. Specify a name for the output .asf file, or browse to an existing .asf file you want to overwrite. Optionally, you can set a limit on the size and/or duration of the .asf file. After setting the file name and any limits, click Next to open the Local File panel.

  8. To NetShow Server(s) over a network option . If you are creating an ASF stream, in the Transmission panel, select how you want the encoder to use to deliver the ASF stream to NetShow Server. The default method is to use IP port 7007 to output the ASF stream. Click Next to move to the Description panel.


    To a local ASF file option. If you are creating an .asf file, in the Local File section, specify a name for the output .asf file. You can also set a limit on the size or duration of the .asf file. Click Next to move to the Description panel.


    To create an ASF stream and an .asf file option. If you are creating an ASF stream and an .asf file, in the Transmission panel, select how you want the encoder to deliver the ASF stream to NetShow Server. The default method is to use IP 7007 to output the ASF stream. Click Next to move to the Local File panel. In the Local File panel, specify a name for the output .asf file. You can also set a limit on the size or duration of the .asf file. Click Next to move to the Description panel.

  9. In the Description panel, there is a description of the .asd file. You may accept this description or you can enter a description of your own.
  10. Click Finish to move to the ASF Real-Time Encoder Start panel.

    The Start panel appears and displays all the settings that you made for the configuration.

  11. Click Start to start the encoding process. The Time counter in the Summary Stats box displays the time that the encoder has been encoding information. The ASF Real-Time Encoder will encode any information that it receives from the input sources.

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