Error Codes

In previous versions of this product, error codes were returned by all methods of the RTP audio control. In this version, however, the methods have no return value and all errors are propagated to the Visual Basic Script Error object. The errors returned correspond to Microsoft COM HRESULT values.

The following errors are returned:
Decimal Value Description (HRESULT)
0 The action requested was successful. (S_OK)
1 The action requested is already taking place. (S_FALSE)
-2147024882 The action requested could not take place because the audio control object was out of memory. (E_OUTOFMEMORY)
-2147024825 The action requested could not take place because the codec autodetect feature was not enabled and a codec format has not been set. (ERROR_REQ_NOT_ACCEP)
-2147023674 The action requested could not take place because the network could not be initialized for receiving audio data. (ERROR_NO_NETWORK)
-2147023842 The action requested could not take place because the control could not create a thread needed to play the audio. (ERROR_SERVICE_NO_THREAD)
-2147022892 The action requested could not take place because the control could not identify the audio data format. (ERROR_TRANSFORM_NOT_SUPPORTED)
-2147024841 The action requested could not take place because the control could not locate the codec/wave player device needed to play the audio. (ERROR_DEV_NOT_EXIST)
-2147023446 The action requested could not take place because the control could not allocate system resources such as synchronization events. (ERROR_NO_SYSTEM_RESOURCES)
-2147023898 The action requested could not take place because the control could not lock the buffer used to play the audio data. (ERROR_NOACCESS)
-2147024809 The action requested could not take place because an invalid argument was supplied. (E_INVALIDARG)
The action failed because the audio is already playing. (ERROR_BUSY

For more information about the architecture of the audio control, see About the RTP Audio Control.

For a reference to the audio control methods, see the RTP Audio Control Reference.

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