

Returns or sets a Long value specifying the cursor type.



You can specify the cursor's icon when the cursor is over the Player control by setting CursorType to any of the stock cursor values from the Win32 SDK:
Name Value Description
IDC_APPSTARTING 32650 Standard arrow and small hourglass
IDC_ARROW 32512 Standard arrow
IDC_CROSS 32515 Crosshair
IDC_IBEAM 32513 Text I-beam
IDC_NO 32648 Slashed circle
IDC_SIZEALL 32646 Four-pointed arrow
IDC_SIZENESW 32643 Double-pointed arrow pointing northeast and southwest
IDC_SIZENS 32645 Double-pointed arrow pointing north and south
IDC_SIZENWSE 32642 Double-pointed arrow pointing northwest and southeast
IDC_SIZEWE 32644 Double-pointed arrow pointing west and east
IDC_UPARROW 32516 Vertical arrow
IDC_WAIT 32514 Hourglass
IDC_HAND 1 Hand with pointing index finger

Note IDC_HAND is not a stock cursor, but is included with the Player control. Also note that this property takes effect only at run time.

The default value of this property is zero. The default behavior is to show the standard arrow cursor. If ClickToPlay is True, the arrow changes to a hand when it is over the image display window to signify a click option to the user.

See Also


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