Player Control Events

The NetShow Player control supports the following events. Events marked with an asterisk (*) are new to NetShow 2.0.
Event Description
AutoStartFailure Indicates that a file failed to start automatically.
Buffering Indicates that the control is beginning or ending buffering.
Click Indicates that a mouse click occurred in the image window.
DblClick Indicates that a mouse double-click occurred in the image window.
Disconnect Indicates that the connection to the NetShow server was broken.
EndOfStream Indicates that file playback has ended.
Error* Sent when the control has an error condition.
KeyDown Indicates that a key was pressed.
KeyPress Indicates that a key was pressed and released.
KeyUp Indicates that a key was released.
MarkerHit Indicates that a marker was reached.
MouseDown Indicates that a mouse button was pressed.
MouseMove Indicates that the mouse pointer was moved.
MouseUp Indicates that a mouse button was released.
NewStream* Sent when a new stream is started in a channel.
OpenStateChange* Sent when the control changes OpenState.
PlayStateChange* Sent when the control changes PlayState.
ScriptCommand Indicates that a command (or URL) was received from the current file.
StateChange Indicates that the state of file playback changed.
Warning* Sent when the control encounters a problem.

* New to NetShow 2.0

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