Player Control Properties

The NetShow Player control supports the following properties. Properties marked with an asterisk (*) are new to NetShow 2.0.
Property Description
AllowChangeControlType Determines whether or not the user can change the way controls are displayed.
AllowChangeDisplaySize* Returns or sets whether or not the display size can be set at run time.
AllowScan Determines whether or not file scanning is enabled for files that support scanning (fast forwarding and rewinding).
AnimationAtStart Determines whether or not the title animation is displayed during initial file buffering.
Author Returns the author of the current file.
AutoRewind Determines whether or not the file position is automatically set to zero after a file has played to the end.
AutoStart Determines whether or not a file automatically begins playing when the control is loaded.
Bandwidth Returns the bandwidth of the current file in bits per second.
BaseURL* Returns or sets the base HTTP URL.
BufferingCount Returns the number of times buffering occurred during file playback.
BufferingTime* Returns the control's buffering time.
CanScan Returns the ability of the current file to fast forward or fast reverse.
CanSeek Returns the ability of the current file to seek to a specific time.
CanSeekToMarkers Returns the ability of the current file to seek to a marker.
ChannelDescription* Returns the description of the channel.
ChannelName* Returns the name of the channel.
ChannelURL* Returns the location of the channel metafile.
ClickToPlay Determines whether or not file playback is toggled by a mouse click.
CodecCount* Returns the number of installable codecs used by the file.
ContactAddress* Returns the contact address of the channel.
ContactEmail* Returns the contact e-mail address of the channel.
ContactPhone* Returns the contact phone number of the channel.
ControlType Returns or sets the way controls are displayed.
Copyright Returns the copyright information from the current file.
CreationDate Returns the creation date of the current file.
CurrentMarker Returns or sets the current position in a file by marker number.
CurrentPosition Returns or sets the current position in a file by time.
CurrentState Returns the current state of file playback (playing, paused, or stopped).
CursorType Returns or sets the cursor type.
Description Returns the description field from the current file.
DisplaySize Returns or sets the size of the image display window.
Duration Returns the play duration of the current file in seconds.
EnableAutoProxy* Returns whether or not HTTP proxy information is automatically set.
EnableContextMenu Determines whether or not a menu appears when the right mouse button is clicked.
EnableHTTP* Returns whether or not the control attempts to receive data using HTTP.
EnableMulticast* Returns whether or not the control attempts to receive multicast data.
EnableTCP* Returns whether or not the control attempts to receive data using TCP.
EnableUDP* Returns whether or not the control attempts to receive data using UDP.
ErrorCode* Returns the current error code.
ErrorCorrection Returns the error correction type of the current file.
ErrorDescription* Returns the description of the current error state.
FileName Returns the name of the current file or opens a new file.
FixedUDPPort* Returns the UDP port number.
HasError* Returns whether or not the control currently has an error.
HTTPProxyHost* Returns the control's HTTP proxy server.
HTTPProxyPort* Returns the control's HTTP proxy port number.
ImageSourceHeight Returns the original image height in pixels for the current file.
ImageSourceWidth Returns the original image width in pixels for the current file.
InvokeURLs Determines whether or not the NetShow Player automatically invokes URLs in an Internet or intranet browser.
IsBroadcast* Returns whether or not the source is a broadcast.
IsDurationValid* Returns whether or not the source is live.
LostPackets Returns the number of packets lost.
MainWindow Returns the window handle of the Player control's main window.
MarkerCount Returns the number of markers in the current file.
OpenState* Returns the open state of the control.
PlayCount Determines how many times a file plays.
PlayState* Returns the play state of the control.
Rate Determines the rate at which a file plays.
Rating Returns the rating of the current file.
ReceivedPackets Returns the number of packets received.
ReceptionQuality Returns the percentage of packets received in the last 30 seconds.
RecoveredPackets Returns the number of packets recovered.
SendErrorEvents* Returns or sets whether or not the control sends error events.
SendKeyboardEvents Determines whether keyboard events are sent by the control.
SendMouseClickEvents Determines whether mouse click events are sent by the control.
SendMouseMoveEvents Determines whether mouse move events are sent by the control.
SendOpenStateChangeEvents* Returns or sets whether or not the control sends OpenStateChange events.
SendPlayStateChangeEvents* Returns or sets whether or not the control sends PlayStateChange events.
SendStateChangeEvents Determines whether state change events are sent by the control.
SendWarningEvents* Returns or sets whether or not the control sends Warning events.
SourceLink Returns the path to the ASF file.
SourceProtocol* Returns the protocol used to receive data.
Title Returns the title of the current file.
TransparentAtStart Determines whether or not the image window is transparent when an ASF file begins playing.
UseFixedUDPPort* Returns whether or not the control uses a fixed UDP port number.
UseHTTPProxy* Returns whether or not the control uses a proxy server for HTTP streaming.

*- New to NetShow 2.0

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