Player Control Methods

The NetShow Player control supports the following methods. Methods marked with an asterisk (*) are new to NetShow 2.0.
Method Description
AboutBox* Displays a version information dialog box.
Cancel* Cancels the open operation.
GetCodecInstalled* Returns whether or not a codec is installed.
GetCodecDescription* Returns the descriptive name of a codec.
GetCodecURL* Returns the URL for a codec.
GetMarkerName Returns a marker's name (or description).
GetMarkerTime Returns a marker's time in seconds.
Open* Opens the given file name asynchronously.
Pause Pauses file playback.
Play Begins file playback.
Stop Stops file playback.

*New to NetShow 2.0

All methods, except AboutBox and Open, work only during run time and only after the FileName property has been set.

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