TransferStatus Property


Returns the status of the file transfer object.


Return Value

The TransferStatus property returns these values.
Value Description (HRESULT)
0 A transfer has been defined, but is not yet in operation.
1 A transfer is preparing to operate.
2 A receiver is listening (waiting for data).
3 A transfer is in progress.
5 A transfer is completed.


Changes in the value of the TransferStatus property indicate that the status of the transfer object has changed. Any change of the status of the transfer object triggers the FtsOnStatusChanged event. If any other events coincide with a change in the transfer status, they will be triggered also. For example, the completion of a file transfer would trigger FtsOnTransferCompleted.

Note that transfer progress notification callbacks operate independently of the status notifications, even when a status notification is requested by the callback. See FtsRegisterStatusCallback for more information about transfer progress notifications.

See Also

Return to File Transfer Reference.

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