File Transfer Properties

The following properties are attached to the file transfer object. Properties can be read or written. There are no write-only properties. Properties that are read-only are marked "R" in the table below. Properties that are read or write are marked "R/W" in the table below.
Property Read/Write Description
Result R Returns the result of a file transfer operation.
TransferOperation R Returns the transfer operation for the file transfer object.
TransferStatus R Returns the status of the file transfer object.
Param R Returns a value used by the caller to identify different transfer notification requests.
NumDirectoriesTransferred R Returns the number of directory structures transferred.
NumFilesTransferred R Returns the number of files transferred.
PercentFileDataBytesTransferred R Returns the percentage of file data bytes transferred.
NumTotalBytesTransferred R Returns the total bytes for all files transferred.
NumTotalDataBytesTransferred R Returns the total data bytes for all files transferred.
NumFileDataBytesTransferred R Returns the number of file data bytes transferred for the current file.
CurrentFilePath R Returns the current file path.
CurrentFileAttributes R Returns the attributes of the current file.
CurrentFileSize R Returns the size of the current file.
NumPacketsTransferred R Returns the number of packets transferred.
NumPacketsDropped R Returns the number of packets dropped.
NumPacketsCorrected R Returns the number of packets received and corrected.
NumBogusPacketsReceived R Returns the number of bogus packets received.
NumDuplicatePacketsReceived R Returns the number of duplicate packets received.
AddressFamily R/W Returns or sets the address family of the file transfer object.
Type R/W Returns or sets the type of the file transfer object.
Protocol R/W Returns or sets the protocol of the file transfer object.
LocalAddress R/W Returns or sets the local address of the file transfer object.
ReceiveTimeout R/W Returns or sets the receive timeout of the file transfer object.
MaxReceiveBufferSize R/W Returns or sets the maximum receive buffer size of the file transfer object.
LocalPort R/W Returns or sets the local port of the file transfer object.
SourceFilePath R Returns the source file path of the file transfer.
DestinationFilePath R Returns the destination file path of the file transfer.
EndpointAddress R Returns the endpoint address of the file transfer.
EndpointPort R Returns the endpoint port of the file transfer.
SourceAddress R Returns the source address of the file transfer.
SourcePort R Returns the source port of the file transfer.
ValidateReceivedPackets R/W Returns or sets a value that indicates whether the user wants to validate incoming packets to ensure that they are for the current transfer.
LocalPortUsed R Returns the local port used for the last file transfer.
FullyReliableService R/W Returns or sets the status of the Fully Reliable service.
FullyReliableServiceUsed R Returns a value indicating whether or not a transfer is using the Fully Reliable service.

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