Status Notification

The status of a file transfer is communicated to the receiver through events. Events are triggered only if a notification request for that event is made by using the FtsRegisterStatusCallback method. The following events are triggered by a change in the file transfer status, but only if the proper notification has been made with FtsRegisterStatusCallback:
Event Description
FtsOnTransferStarted Triggered by the start of an entire transfer operation.
FtsOnTransferCompleted Triggered by the completion of an entire file transfer operation.
FtsOnFileTransferStarted Triggered by the start of an individual file transfer operation.
FtsOnFileTransferCompleted Triggered by the completion of an individual file or directory structure transfer operation.
FtsOnStatusChanged Triggered by a change in the status of a transfer.

When an event is triggered, you can read information about the status of an event through the appropriate properties. Read the properties in an event subroutine and take appropriate action.

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