Unicast Manager Control Properties:

The Unicast Manager control supports the following properties.
Property Description
MaxBandwidth Returns or sets the maximum aggregate bandwidth for the server.
AdminEvents Enables or disables receipt of administration events.
ClientEvents Enables or disables receipt of client events.
ServerEvents Enables or disables receipt of server events.
AlertEvents Enables or disables receipt of alert events.
MaxFileBitRate Returns or sets the maximum bit rate per file.
MaxClients Returns or sets the maximum number of client connections.
Clients Obtains a collection of all active clients.
VirtualRoots Obtains a collection of all virtual roots.
Server Returns the name of the server currently connected.
EventsProxy Returns or sets the the name of a proxy monitor.
LogFileDirectory Returns or sets the target log file directory.
Security Enables or disables security.
LogFilePeriod Returns or sets the log file period.
EnableLogging Enables or disables logging.
LogFileSize Returns or sets the size of the log file.

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