Unicast Server Logging

You can log unicast server activity. The logging data you obtain can be used to determine how NetShow has been accessed: who the users are, the number of times it has been accessed, and so on.

You can configure logging options to specify the following:

To set logging options

  1. Under Unicasts, click Configure Logging.

  2. Specify the logging options you want to use.

    The options are described in the table below.

  3. Click Apply.
Option Description
Enable Logging This option starts or stops logging. By default, Enable Logging is disabled.
Period This option generates new logs using the specified frequency. The default option for this field is Weekly. (Note that a new log file is generated each time the service starts, regardless of this setting.) For the Daily, Weekly, or Monthly options, the log file is closed the first time a log record is generated after midnight on the last day of the current log file. The service will close the log file and create a new one with a different name in the same folder when the appropriate interval or file size is reached. The log file name is:
Nsosrv.yymmddnnn.log, where yymmdd is the year, month, and day when the log file is created and nnn is a sequentially increasing number that represents the number of logs generated so far on the current date (so you can start and stop the NetShow server without overwriting or appending to the old log file).
Log File Directory This option specifies the server directory containing the log file. By default, the directory used is C:\windows_directory\System32\Logfiles.

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