Setting the Sound Source and Volume for RTP Audio

Before multicasting RTP live audio, use the Windows NT Volume Control to set the source for sound and to set the sound volume. When you adjust the volume, you should listen to the multicast on a client to judge the effect on sound quality.

Volume is a system-wide setting. For example, setting the volume for Line-In sets the volume for all multicasts using Line-In as their audio source. Note that volume must be set using Volume Control running on the computer that is distributing the multicast. Volume cannot be set remotely.

To set the sound source and volume

  1. From the Start menu, point to Programs, then Accessories, then Multimedia, and then click Volume Control.
    The Windows NT Volume Control starts.
  2. In Volume Control, click Properties on the Options menu.
  3. In the Properties dialog box, click Recording in the Adjust Volume For area.
  4. In the Show the Following Volume Controls list, select the appropriate check box for the sound source.
  5. Click OK.
  6. In Recording Control, make sure that the Select check box for the appropriate sound source is selected.
  7. Start the audio source you are using for your RTP live audio stream.
  8. In the Manage Programs view, select the program that contains the stream, click Program, and then click Start to start the multicast.
  9. On a client computer, display the client Web page to receive the multicast audio so that you can check the sound.
  10. In Recording Control, drag the Volume slider for the appropriate source to adjust the sound. Drag up to raise the volume and down to lower the volume.

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