Monitoring Channel Events

Use the Channel Monitor Events tool in NetShow Administrator to display channel events. The monitoring tool displays events as text messages. Events are categorized by type: channel, stream, and client. Channel events are displayed when a channel has been created, deleted, or changed. Stream events indicate the status of streams. Client events show when another computer has connected to or disconnected from the channel.

When you are monitoring channel events, you can:

The following table describes the messages that are displayed when you are monitoring channel events. The date and time of each event is displayed with the message.
Event Type Message
Channel New channel added. Channel name is channel name.
Channel Channel has been deleted. The channel name was channel name and the description was channel description.
Channel Channel property changed. Channel name is channel name.
Stream Stream from source stream alias or stream URL on channel channel name activated.
Stream Stream from source stream alias or stream URL on channel channel name deactivated.
Stream New stream opened. Stream source is stream alias or stream URL.
Stream Stream closed. The stream source was stream alias or stream URL and the description was stream description.
Stream Stream has started. Stream source is stream alias or stream URL.
Stream Stream has stopped. Stream source is stream alias or stream URL.
Stream Stream property changed. Stream source is stream alias or stream URL.
Stream Stream archive closed.
Client Client connected. Client address/port is IP Address/Port.
Client Client disconnected. The client address is IP Address/Port.

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