Viewing Stream Information

You can view the following information for each stream:

Detail Description
Channel The name of the channel the selected stream is running on.
State The current state of the selected stream (Streaming, Closed, and so on).
Seekable Whether clients can control the stream (fast forward and rewind).
Content Type The content type is always ASF.
Archive Size The maximum size of the ASF file written for the stream.

Size is set when adding the stream to the program.

Source The source of the stream.
Description The stream's description, if any.
Title The name of the stream.
Alias The alias of the stream, if any.
Archive File The name of the ASF file written for the stream.

The name is specified when adding the stream to the program.

To view stream information

  1. Under Channels, click Manage Streams.
  2. Double-click to select the stream whose information you want to view.

    The Stream information dialog box appears displaying information for the selected stream.

  3. To close the dialog box, click OK.

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