Starting NetShow Administrator

Start NetShow Administrator to use the various NetShow administrative tools. After you start NetShow Administrator, connect to the NetShow server you want to work with, and then start the tool you want to use.

To start NetShow Administrator

Microsoft® Internet Explorer starts NetShow Administrator and displays the Getting Started with Microsoft NetShow page.

If NetShow Server is running on your local computer, it appears as LocalHost in the server list, and you are automatically connected.

To connect to a NetShow server

If the server you want isn't displayed, you can add and remove servers.

To add a server

  1. Click Add Server, and then type the server name in the Enter a NetShow Server Name box.

  2. Click OK.

To remove a server

  1. Click the server name in the list, and then click Remove Server.

    A dialog box asks you to confirm that you want to remove the selected server.

  2. Click Yes to remove the server. Click No to cancel the action

NetShow Administrator connects to the NetShow server you specified. You can select any tool you want by clicking its name in the panel on the left.

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