
Last updated: June 19, 1997

System Administration Guide
Overview of NetShow and guide to using a NetShow server.

NetShow Administration SDK

Channel Manager SDK
Programming information to create NetShow Channel Manager administrative applications using the Channel Manager ActiveX control.

Unicast Manager Control SDK
Programming information to create NetShow Unicast administrative applications using the Unicast ActiveX control.

NetShow Client SDK
Programming information for the NetShow File Transfer, ASF Player, and RTP Audio ActiveX client controls.

NetShow Tools Guide
Guides to creating content for NetShow and to using and programming the automation server.

Terms related to Microsoft NetShow.

Note: The icon External Link indicates that the link takes you to a URL that is outside the Microsoft NetShow site; you can return to the NetShow site by using the Back button. Note that most of these external links point to servers that are not under Microsoft's control. Please read Microsoft's official statement regarding other servers.

© 1997 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use.