NetShow 2.0 ships with some great tools to get you started creating content right away. There are also some third party tools available that can help speed the process or provide enhanced functionality.

Microsoft Tools Shipped With the NetShow Tools Download

Tool Description Resources
NetShow Real-Time Encoder Allows you to take an audio or video source, compress it, and either store it to ASF or send it to the NetShow server to distribute the feed. NetShow Online Documentation
NetShow ASF Editor Allows you to take still images and audio, and combine to make an illustrated audio presentation. Can also add markers, URL flips, and Visual Basic® or Java Script™ events into the stream. Content Creation Authoring Guide
VIDTOASF DOS command-line utility that allows you to take a precompressed AVI or QuickTime (.MOV) clip and convert directly to ASF. Content Creation Authoring Guide
WAVTOASF DOS command-line utility that allows you to take a precompressed WAV audio file and convert directly to ASF. Content Creation Authoring Guide
ASFCHOP The NetShow Real-Time Encoder allows you to easily take a feed and convert it to ASF. It's often difficult, however, to get the start and stop times of the finished ASF just right. The ASFCHOP DOS command-line utility allows you to easily chop off the beginning or end of an ASF. NetShow Online Documentation
PowerPoint Publish to ASF The PowerPoint Publish to ASF add-on allows you to give a PowerPoint® presentation into a microphone connected to your PC, and then take the slides and the narration and easily and automatically create a NetShow illustrated audio presentation at the custom bandwidth you specify. NetShow PowerPoint Add-On Web Site
NetShow Presenter The NetShow Presenter allows you to take a live video feed of a presenter giving a PowerPoint presentation, put that in one window on an HTML, and automatically take the slides from the presentation, compress them, and send them in the stream into another window on the same HTML page. The result for the viewer is the ability to see the presenter in video in one window, and see their PowerPoint slides flipping in another window on their screen—all live. Requires intranet or ISDN network bandwidth. NetShow Presenter Mock Up (to simulate what it looks like live, even though it's really on this CD)
There are also many third party tools available for creating NetShow content.

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