Hosting NetShow Content on HTTP Servers

The Pros and Cons

One of the benefits of having content based on ASF is that ASF is by nature a streaming file format. That means that content can stream from a NetShow server, a file server, or even a standard HTTP server like Microsoft's Internet Information Server. In many cases, this means that a company currently using HTTP servers can test and start to deploy NetShow content even before they have started rolling out Windows NT Server® and the NetShow server company-wide.

The advantage of running NetShow content on an HTTP server is that it might be convenient if you've already got an HTTP server up and running and you want to be able to quickly host and test the content. There are a few disadvantages to this approach, though. First, for the client, they cannot take advantage of live or multicast feeds, since these require the NetShow server. So streaming NetShow content from an HTTP server is really most appropriate for stored unicast content. However, when doing this, the client is unable to use markers or fast forward or rewind the stream. In order to do that, communication is required between the client and the NetShow server. Also, you wouldn't be able to take advantage of the administration and stream management tools that come with the NetShow server. However, for standard ASF files that don't require markers or the other features mentioned above, it's easy to host content on HTTP servers.

How to Host NetShow Content on an HTTP Server

Setting MIME Types

The generic settings are:
MIME type: video/x-ms-asf
Extensions: asf,asx

Setting NetShow MIME Types

Microsoft Internet Information Server

If you are running Windows NT and IIS and wish to configure the MIME types, you can create a .REG file with the following text by copying it into Notepad and saving it with a .REG extension. To add the entries to your registry, double-click on the file.

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Services/InetInfo/Parameters/MimeMap] "video/x-ms-asf,asf,,5"="" "video/x-ms-asf,asx,,5"=""

You will need to stop all IIS services, and then restart them, after you have done this.



O'Reilly Website


Roxen Challenger/Spinner

Netscape Web Servers


Webstar/Webstar PS (Mac)

Glaci HTTPd (NetWare)

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