Mailstorm change log changes in version 1.75 - Compare messages now compares other attachment methods as well as completely comparing each attachment row. - The recipient table is now compared. - There is now an option to exclude a range of bytes from the attachment stream (PR_ATTACH_DATA_BIN) so that fax attachments may be compare but the date stamping may be excluded. - Logging levels are now saved in the configuration file. - There are now two separate logging levels, one for the UI and one for the file. - Log to text all properties of all messages in inbox or current group. - Exclude property now supports custom property tags, specified numerically. - Properties may be set on message before submit: message send delay, message expiration, importance, sensitivity, attachment type, copy to sent items or not, read receipt, and delivery receipt. - Start time displayed on main view. - Logging window no longer clears when full, it wraps. - Exclude property lists are expanded; separate list for main message, embedded message, attachment table and recipient table. UI fixed up to be less confusing. - Compare of attachment logging modified and cleaned up. - Logging of differing properties cleaned up. - UI code is now rewritten to remove need for bModifiedFlag. - Code from CStormVerify moved to CstormMAPI. - Verification thread code fixed, message intercept hack removed. - Compose Note creates message in inbox, not outbox anymore, to prevent problems with a message with no recipients being in the outbox.