NVIDIA System Utility 1.01.00 Bugs fixed: 1. Fixed issue in which the Memory Controller Timing drop-downs show corruption (dark gray line). 2. Fixed issue in which the buttons highlight green when HELP is enabled. 3. Fixed issue in which the CPU voltage is not updated properly on the graphview on a nForce3 platform. 4. Fixed memory part number being reported incorrectly on the Information page. 5. Fixed a 3D label redrawing issue. Enhancements: 1. GraphView and pages can be toggled through by using hot key . 2. Installer now blocks install on non-supported nForce systems 3. Gray-out "OK" and "Apply" buttons when not available for use. 4. The button for the "Overclocking-Advanced" page is no longer shown if BIOS support is not available. 5. Added hover help text for the operational buttons on the base toolbar. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NVIDIA System Utility 1.00.00 Bugs fixed: 1. Fixed issue in which the installer would not delete the install folder after uninstall. 2. Removed ellipses from "More" buttons to follow MSDN conventions. Additional changes: 1. General clean-up and string preparation for translations. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NVIDIA System Utility 0.09.03 Bugs fixed: 1. Fixed issue in which the default SAVE FILE location did not match where the application was installed. 2. Fixed issue in which pressing blanks the window 3. Win98/Me - Fixed error after installing and launching app. 4. Win98/Me - Fixed issue in which the Voltage settings are not shown on the NVSU window Additional changes: 1. The nvsysvals.ini filename has changed to nvsuoem.ini to follow the 8.3 format. 2. Changed shortcut path to Start Menu > Program Files > NVIDIA Corporation > NVIDIA System Utility ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NVIDIA System Utility 0.09.02 Bugs fixed: 1. Fixed issue if OEM does not enable Advanced page view options are selectable. 2. Win98/WinMe - Fixed issue in which Save profile is not working 3. Win98/WinMe - Fixed random "error in USER.EXE" upon launch 4. Win98/WinMe - Fixed issue in which Color palette not being properly loaded after a resolution change. 5. Fixed issue in which the FSB would intermittently not set to the requested value. Enhancement: 1. Added an installer program. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NVIDIA System Utility 0.09.01 Bugs fixed: 1. Fixed issue in which NVSU could not be launched from a derectory name "NVIDIA System Utility" as was created by the ZIP package. 2. Fixed issue on nForce 3 in which the CPU voltage could not be set. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NVIDIA System Utility 0.09.00 IMPORTANT: All previous versions of the nvoclock.sys driver should be uninstalled. The latest version from this pakage drop should be simply copied to the \winnt directory (Windows 2000) or the \windows directory (Windows XP). Note: This driver should not be installed by the user. The EXE will load and unload the driver as needed Bugs fixed: 1. Corrected Information text for CK8 Athlon64 to read "nForce3 150", and CK8 Opteron to read "nForce 3 Pro 150" Enhancements: 1. NVSU now uses the ring0 driver directly without having it installed by the user. SEE the IMPORTANT note above! 2. The hover help text for the operational buttons is disabled as it is in NVMixer. 3. A board check to not allow NVSU to run on NVIDIA chipset boards has been added. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NVIDIA System Utility 0.08.14 Bugs fixed: 1. Win98SE/Me - Fixed issue in which NVSU would hang on launch 2. Win98SE/Me - Fixed issue in which the Combobox drop down, some may have color overlapped. 3. Win98SE/Me - Fixed misc. drawing issues. 4. Win98SE/Me - Fixed issue related to GUI paint that generates a Kernal.dll error. 5. Win98SE/Me - Fixed issue in which an error in DIBENG.dll is generated. 6. Win98SE/Me - Fixed issue in which NVSU hangs after 5-10 minutes idle on the desktop. 7. Win98SE/Me - Fixed issue in which the Temperature graph will move very fast if another window is dragged and moved overlapping NVSU. 8 Win98SE/Me - Fixed issue in which NVSU hangs after being dragged around the desktop vigorously. 9. Win98SE - Fixed issue in which assertion leads to system hang in kernel32. 10. Win98SE - Fixed issue in which the third launch of application will reboot the system. 11. WinMe - Fixed audio driver version reporting . 12. Fixed issue in which the Processor vendor name is displayed incorrect. (It shows AMD in an Intel processor). 13. Fixed change in advanceview not called when apply 'ok'. 14. Fixed Aperture size not changing. 15. Fixed issue in which after applying changes in advanceview, the buttons were all activated. 16. Disabled ability to open multiple instance of NVSU. 17. Disabled and make invisible "cpu voltage" if write is not supported. 18. Fixed issue in which memory bus speed displays '0 mhz' after loading a profile. 19. Fixed issue in which buttons light up after operating load/save. Enhancements: 1. Minor help text changes to align with InfoDev. 2. Include Transmeta processor ID support 3. Renamed to NVSystemUtility.exe in the project setting and removed files that are not in use. 4. Added notes to both the "Apply" and "OK" dialogs to make sure the user understands that Basic changes only apply to the current session, and that Advanced changes require a reboot. 5. Adjusted "More..." button sizes on the Information page, and changed the "More Info..." button to read "More". 6. Added the high/low of CPU VID values 7. Added checks to see if cmos offset returns 0xff for unsupported function 8. Removed the voltage board checks previously placed in basicview ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NVIDIA System Utility 0.08.13 Bugs fixed: 1. Hover help text for operational buttons is fixed for Windows XP. 2. MCP version text is updated for "nForce 3 Pro150". 3. Fixed aux fan reported while not physically present. 4. Fixed issue in which the application would not start in the foreground. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NVIDIA System Utility 0.08.12 Bugs fixed: 1. Limited help text for operational buttons. Still non-op if a WPT BIOS is present. 2. Changed "NA" text to read "Not reported" 3. Changed group window order on Advanced pages to make better use of space if Voltage group is disabled. 4. Moved the "Fan speed" text on the monitoring drop-down to the "Voltages and speeds" group. 5. Fixed issue in which the rightmost horizontal line (1 pixel) does not get drawn. 6. Fixed issue in which minor corruption could be noted on the bottom right curved corner of the toolbar (extra pixels), when dragged below the start bar. 7. Entered Company name and version info to the properties portion of the version information. Set version to 0.08.12. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NVIDIA System Utility 0.08.11 Bugs fixed: 1. NF2: Mask 4th DIMM if not present, since this is not a NVIDIA suuported config. 2. NF3: Removed IGP/SPP text from Information page 3. NF3: Change FSB to HT on the monitoring section BMP. 4. Fixed Alignment issues with reported bus speeds on Information page 5. NF3: Do not report CPU voltage in no BIOS support 6. Fixed issue in which pressing would clear the Basic and Advance pages. Now this action will terminate the program. 7. Fixed text overflow issue in which MCP-T would report as "1" on NF2 Utra 400 systems 8. NF3: Fixed memory speed reporting problem when underclocking. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NVIDIA System Utility 0.08.10 Bugs fixed: 1. Corrected the OK button functionality. 2. Corrected the Apply button functionality. 3. Corrected the Revert button functionality. 4. Corrected NF3 memory speed reporting. 5. Corrected window size, so OS service pack information can be reported. Enhancements 1. Change arrangement of DIMM information for support of 4DIMMs. 2. Added support for a 4th DIMM. 3. Driver versions now reported as NVIDIA versions. 4. DirectX now reported as typical version. 5. Changed size of the icon for the application. 3. Changed "Save" and "Load" profile button icons to avoid confusion. 4. Updated help text. 5. On NF3, any instance of "Front Side Bus" will now read "Hypertransport Link". 6. On NF3, on the monitoring drop-down, "FSB" is now "HT". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NVIDIA System Utility 0.08.09 Notes: 1. The driver and application must both be updated 2. Clearing the registry of previous NVSysUtil entries is recommended Bugs fixed 1. Added code to check if K8 is support FID control before read cpu clock multiplier. 2. Ungrayed the bus speeds on basvicView 3. Fixed 'FF' hang when changing the chipset performance settings 4. Commented out the pop up msg when starts up. 5. Added functions to check if there is a AGP card existing in IGP 6. Disable Disclaimer "I Agree" button and set default to "I don't agree" 7. Set Disclaimer richedit control to read only 8. Fixed issue that changes to Memory timings on basic page are not applied on NF3 platform 9. Aligned SPD translated information 10. Report any DDR type speed as DDR only 11. Removed cancel from the list of button bars 12. Fixed the max voltage value not displayed 13. Hover help text disabled for disabled group boxes 14. Enable 'I Agree' when user scrolls to the last part of the legal disclaimer 15. Removed boot profiles, help files code 16. Disabled voltage group box in advanceview when not supported 17. Gray out Agp components when no external graphic card 18. Changed the '!' to '?' icon when prompting a msg 19. Calculated fields in info page is now updated when the page is accessed 20. On Information page, "NF" should read "nForce" 21. On Information page, "Chipset information" should read "nForce information" 22. On Information page, "MCP" and "IGP/SPP" should swap order. 23. When information is "Not available" it should read as "Not reported". 24. On Information page, CPU speed should be reported in MHz. 25. Follow grammatical case requirements throughout. 26. "Spd Dialog" should read "SPD information" 27. Change "NVSystemUtility" text refernces to "NVIDIA System Utility". 28. Set NVSU main frame to foreground; 29. Changed Device name from GpdDev to NVR0Dev, which may have caused a hang with applications that used the same driver 30. Changed the executable to NVIDIA System Utility instead. Enhancements 1. Added new function interface 2Ah for GetDimmAddrInfo. 2. Changed Memory Address info map for C17/C18D platform. 3. Added code to support memory address info interface. 4. Added OEM logo support for the upper-left corner of the screen. The system looks for a file in the EXE folder called "OemLogo.bmp". If it finds this file it uses it instead of the NVIDIA one in the resource table.