Installation Notes For Win NT4 Users ================================== Please skip the step 2~3 if you had install other networking device pirior. 1. Click the "Start->Settings->Control Panel->Network 2. System will appear message as "Windows NT Networking is not installl....", Click"Yes" do install Network 3. Select "Wired to the network" and click"Nect" 4. Select " Select from List" -> Have Disk ->then input the driver allocate to "CD-ROM:\LAN\REALTEK_Giga\WINNT4_8110S" and click "OK" 5. Click "Next" and select what do you to install protocols -> "Next" 6. select what do you to install Network Service-> "Next" 7. Insert Windows NT4 installer CD kit and input allcation as "CD-ROM\I386" -> Comtinue 8. Select (1) AUTO -> Cpntinue -> Click "OK" -> "OK" 9. Insert 1ST utility CD Kit if system appear ERROR message as" Unable to open the file \lan\realtek_giga...." then click "Retry"-> "Next" 10 Click "Finish" and restart your system.